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Cashew Nut Rice

This is another simple recipe that is tasty and nutritious.   It's very quick and easy to prepare, so it's ideal if you're in a rush and looking for something that isn't too complicated. It's taken from a leaflet ' A Simple Guide to Vegetarian Eating' from the Vegetarian Society of Ireland.


8oz brown rice

2 onions, chopped

2 tbspns vegetable oil

4oz cashew nuts

6oz mushrooms, chopped

1 green pepper, chopped

3 dessertspns soy sauce

black pepper



1. Cook the rice in water for twenty minutes.

2.  Fry onions in oil for three minutes. Then add peppers and fry for a further three minutes.

3.  Add mushrooms to the onions and peppers and fry for a further two minutes.  Keep stirring and tossing ingredients while cooking.

4.  Add cooked rice, cashew nuts, soy sauce and black pepper.   Mix well.  Serve with a green salad or cabbage salad or green vegetables.

© VegIreland 2000