Hike Routes: Ulster

Location: North High Mournes
Map: "Mourne Country" (1:25,000)
Distance: 11 Kilometres (it feels like more!!)
Climb: 850 metres
Difficulty: Medium I Hard
Time: 4 hrs 30 mins (with a half hour lunch)
Start: J312 314
End: J312 314

Start at the car park on the left off the B 1 80. Take time to observe the ostriches in the filed below the car park. Follow the Ulster Way south for one kilometre then head south east to Hare’s Gap. There is a path practically all the way. You are heading for a a prominent gate in the Mourne Wall. The waIl was built between 1912 and 1920 and stretches for a total of 32 kilometres. It was built without the assistance of any mechanical aids by previously unemployed men. It’s presence makes navigation very easy for the inexperienced hill walker.

When you reach Hares Gap, follow the Mourne wall to the right climb Sliabh Bearnagh which is easy identifiable by it’s large tors. The first tor you reach is the north tor you then climb to the summit tor. When descending from Bearnagh, keep clear of the cliffs on your right and be careful of the loose shale and stone, particularly towards the end of the descent.

When you reach the col between Bearnagh and Meelmor, find a sheltered spot and have lunch. This point is an escape, if you want to quit the hike or have a shorter hike for new members or Scouts, just head to your right (North east) down the to the path you started on. 

After lunch your task is directly ahead. This is Meelmor and as a consolation is not as bad as the ascent up Bearnagh. When you reach the top it is marked by a corner of the Mourne Wall with a small stone one roomed tower set in it inscribed with the date 1921. Here you can look back and see how well you have done. Now climb Meelbeg, each one gets easier. Descent from Meelbeg on its north west spur towards Fofanny Dam (Resevoir). Pick up the Ulster Way and head for home.

Lusk Genesis Group.

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Issue (6) January 1998,
In-Vent Copyright 1991-1998  SICSI Venturer Department

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