Hike Routes: Sligo/Manorhamflton

MAP O.S 16

The route was hiked over 2 days as a Charity Survival Stunt
1. Take the main Sligo/Manorhamflton road as far as the groto which is a well known land mark.
2. Walk down towards the mountain and turn right at the church. Turn onto road at grid [G82 1.4231 and continue onto forrest track. 3. From end of the forrest track march on a bearing of 4 degrees north to spot height 259
4. From spot height 259 on a bearing 307 degrees walk to spot height 288 (distance Lkni)
5. From spot height 288 on a bearing 263 degrees to spot height 298 (distance 2km)
6. From spot height 298 on a bearing 231 degrees to the megalithic tombs (distance 1km)
7. From the second tomb on a bearing 311 degrees to sot height 458 (distance 3.5km)
8. From spot height 458 on a bearing 222 degrees to bog track at Glencar water fall use the forrest bellow the road as a high camp(distance 2.Skni) 9. From the top of the bog track hike on a bearing 289 degrees to the old abandoned mines (distance 3 km)
1 0. From mines on a bearing 261 degrees to spot height 459 (distance 3km) 11. From height 459 on bearing 328 degrees hike as far as Benbulben head (distance 2.5km)
12. From the head hike on the back bearing 328 degrees to Benbulben farm tourist track.
13. Pick up point at Benbulben farm

 Submitted by 2nd, 3rd & 10th Sligo Venturer Group

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Issue (7) March 1998,
In-Vent Copyright 1991-1998  SICSI Venturer Department

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