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The European Computer Driving Licence builds around a special user-friendly skills card. This card records the skills you demonstrate in each of seven computer-related modules. As you pass each module successfully, the corresponding skill is noted in your card. The final achievement of a full card leads to the award of your licence.

The ECDL establishes standards for everyone who uses a computer in either a professional or a personal capacity. It is a certificate that verifies your competence, declares your computer skills, and makes you readily mobile within Irish business and across the Community. European employers and job seekers all agree on the need for this standard definition of practical competence in Information Technology.


The modules are:

All but the first module are tests of practical skills rather than of theory. Tests consist of tasks chosen at random from a store of typical day-to-day computer operations. The guiding principle is reality; the licence is a definition of your actual skills. The seven tests may be taken in any order and over a period of time. All tests are free of any bias towards any computer producer or software product.

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Equalskills is an informal introduction to computers and the Internet. It is designed to increase skills in basic computer literacy. It introduces technology to all people, regardless of status, education, age or ability. Equalskills is a flexible learning programme, with a proven track record in equipping people with the basic computer skills they need to become part of the information society.

The aim of the programme is to make people feel comfortable using a computer, and to teach them the basic skills necessary to communicate using the Internet and email. It is well structured with excellent training resources, and it has the added bonus of providing certification to candidates who complete the programme.

The programme was developed by ICS-SKILLS, the organisation responsible for ECDL in Ireland. It was piloted in Ireland and the UK during 2002. Following the successful pilot phase, Equalskills has been extended and improved and is now available nationwide. It will soon be available to all ECDL and ICDL countries.


Who is Equalskills for?

Equalskills is for anybody who wants to start from the beginning and learn some practical ways of using a computer. It is particularly aimed at people who might not normally come into contact with computers in their everyday lives. People who are accustomed to living in a non-digital world may feel intimidated by technology. By learning some simple computer skills, they can quickly understand how technology can improve their quality of life.

Equalskills is a very good starting point for inexperienced candidates who aspire to ECDL, and test centres which offer Equalskills will have a cohort of motivated candidates who may wish to advance to the full ECDL programme.

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