If a participant is on a reduced payment before joining VTOS (perhaps because of means assessed against him/her), s/he will be entitled to payment at a higher rate while on VTOS.
Payment is made by paypath by the VEC each week.
If a participant is receiving a One Parent Family Payment, a Disability Allowance, s/he will be paid at the maximum rate of her/his current social welfare payment in the normal way.
If a participant intends returning to the second year of a course in autumn, her/his VTOS allowance will continue to be paid over the summer and it is also paid during Christmas and Easter holidays.
The training allowance is not means tested so a participant may work without affecting her/his payment but income from work will be taxed in the normal way. VTOS participants should be aware that changes in income might affect their rent or mortgage supplement.
A VTOS participant retains entitlement to any secondary benefits s/he may already have e.g. Christmas Bonus, Fuel Allowance, Diet Supplement Rent or Mortgage Supplement. The Fuel Allowance Form must be stamped by the local social welfare office.
VTOS participant may also be in receipt of a rent allowance.
If registered as unemployed, a participant will not have to 'sign on' at the local social welfare office while on the course.
If a participant is signing for credits they will continue to be awarded while s/she is on the course. If you are signing for unemployment credits only, you may participate in the scheme but you will NOT receive an allowance.
If a participant is getting an unemployment payment with and allowance for spouse/partner will not qualify for a payment while on VTOS but may receive a meal and travel allowance where appropriate.
If a participant was in receipt of one of the social welfare payments or a combination of them for 12 months (312 days) or more immediately prior to starting the VTOS course, an extra weekly allowance of €31.80 is payable. Qualifying criteria apply.
All VTOS participants will be paid a small allowance for meals of €3.81 per week, €0.25 will be deducted automatic per day to provide you with a cup of tea. Travel allowance will be paid to participants, depending on their distance from the centre.
Meals and Travel will not be paid during the holiday periods. Meals and Travel will not be paid when the participant is absent from the course.
Travel allowance is paid one way only.
Distance in miles from the centre |
Rate of payment |
Under 3