Aircraft carriers
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Here are the pics of the world's aircraft carriers!!


-Nimitz class multirole nuclear powered aircraft carrier (10)

-Enterprise Multirole nuclear powered aircraft carrier (1)

-Invincible class VSTOL carrier (3)

-Ocean class helicopter carrier (1)

-Charles de Gaulle nuclear powered light aircraft carrier (1)

-Giuseppe Garibaldi VSTOL aircraft carrier (1)

-Kuznetsov multirole heavy aircraft carrier (1)

-Princippe de Asturias VSTOL aircraft carrier (1)

-Viraat VSTOL aircraft carrier (1)

-Chakri Nareubet small VSTOL aircraft carrier (1)

-Minas Gerais light aircraft carrier (1)


They were all carriers classes in the world. (most of them)

If any more please contact me.