Rational Thinking
Have you planned, prepared and rehearsed appropriately? If you have done all of these, are you setting yourself unattainably high standards for doing the job?

* Worries about performance: Do you have the training that a reasonable person would think is needed to do a good job? Have you planned appropriately? Do you have the information and resources you need? Have you cleared the time you need and cued up your support team appropriately?

If you have not, then you need to do these things quickly. If you have, then you are well positioned to give the best performance that you can.
* Problems with issues outside your control: Have you conducted appropriate contingency planning? Have you thought through and managed all likely risks and contingencies appropriately? If so, you will be well prepared to handle potential problems.
* Worry about other peoples reactions: If you have put in good preparation, and you do the best you can, then that is all that you need to know.