Friday August
15th, Ardmore 5M, Ger Wyley/Nike Summer Series, Race 10 (Last one!) We couldn't have asked for a better evening for the culmination of the Summer Series. Perfect running conditions provided many with the opportunity to improve on their previous bests and the usual ham sandwiches and soup dished up by Paddy Mac's bar after were well received as a post race recovery feast! Best Shower of the Series Award certainly must go to Ardmore GAA Club, who had plenty of hot water in the tank for us sweaty runners. On the night, Mark Langford proved his 26min plus time in Galway on Sat 9th was no once off, as he ran well clear of Martin Drake to claim 5th place on the night. The two were all square on points going into the race and no doubt the sound of Drake's quack behind Mark was enough to spur him on, thus achieving 4th place overall in the Series. Larry Kennedy, who has been put through his paces of late by son Gavin, home on vacation from Chicago, returned home less than a minute behind Mark. Des Colbert was next home of the road runners, delighted to have run the sub 30min race that had eluded him now, the several tough sessions in the weeks prior to Ardmore finally paying off. Rumours of a head to head with brother Aaron on return from Spain are yet to be confirmed and might be hindered by the younger Colbert's pending wedding. Might be a good way to settle the pre-wedding nerves on the morning of the big day though! Davey Wade, still putting what he learned on his NCEF course into practice, stayed under the 31min mark again. First home for the female Road Runners was again Joanne Jackman, in 4th place this time, in another brilliant personal best of 31.14. The drawback of Joanne's great run was that it ruined her chances of free running gear having just that bit more strength than Darryl Hale over the last hill (or mountain as it seemed second time round, or was that just me? ..ed) as she finished just 2s ahead. Both were running in newly prescribed orthotics that certainly didn't cause any upset to their race tactics! Darryl's run brought him home almost 2 minutes quicker than in Ballymac and shows there's gold in them there legs yet! Tom O'Brien also improved on the night to finish in 31.45. Adele Walsh couldn't hold off the challenge of Corina Walsh after being caught by the West Waterford Athlete in the 4th mile, the last hill proving her nemesis! Adele just about managed to overtake clubmate PJ Irish and fellow Road Runner Brendan Aspel (our new Con Kelliher thanks to the sun tan!) before the brow of the hill, but could do nothing against Paul Mooney's last super-sprint to the finish line. Those hill training sessions in Tramore are certainly paying off Paul, we might all tag along some night! An email from a certain Tom Aspel suggested that his brother had finally caught the running bug, but that he, Tom, had a better tan. I wouldn't put the house on that Tom! Our best wishes go to Con Kelliher by the way, for a speedy recovery, his wonderful demeanor at the start and finish line is well missed by those that know him. Pat Giles, another returnee from sunnier climes, proved he's no Turkey to finish just before our most accomplished veteran Mick Neville. Wayne Allen, with a very fast start, ran well to finish in just over 35mins. We only hope he can get to the hospital as fast when needed for the birth of his second baby! Cathal Lowe and Larry Douglas (nephew of our other Larry), in their maiden run in the 2003 Series, started off alongside the more experienced Maura O'Doherty who dragged them to a sub 38min finish. Maura, on seeing that she had a chance to break the 38m mark after turning the corner, sprinted to the line with fierce determination and was justly rewarded with a fantastic 37.57! A brilliant achievement for the 3 was much celebrated in the pub after! Rumour has it that a request for after hours drinking by Lowe later in the night, was denied by a local hostelry manager. Ray Murray and James Fitzgerald's marathon training helped them both to a great finish, James getting back down to 41.23. Prizes on the night were also given for the first male and female home for each Star Sign! Maura was delighted with her new Masai warrior, but can't decide whether it's male or female!? Overall in the Series, Mark claimed 4th, Joanne and Adele 2nd and 5th respectively. Other winners in the Series included Des Colbert, Alan Everett, Paul Mooney. Missed from the craic on the night were Joe Ryan, Bobby Coady, James Maguire and Alan Everett as all 4 participated in the Dungarvan to Waterford run with the local law enforcement the following morning. Covering as much as 14miles of the 28 mile tag team type run, all for charity. Well done guys! With the Summer Series over, the number of local Road Races diminishes until the start of the Winter Series, but don't forget the National Half Marathon on August 31st in Dungarvan. Best wishes to all those Road Runners taking part. Likewise best of luck to West Waterford Athletic Club, who will no doubt put on their usual display of organisational brillance. Ciao!! Check out the full list of WRR and top 3 male and female finishing times here. Back to News |
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