KCH 4M Road
Race (KCH 50th year celebration), Sunday May 18th: A small but effective quartet of Waterford Road Runners descended on Scanlan Park in Kilkenny. PJ Irish and Adele Walsh (both St.Senan's) were very closely followed home by Paul Mooney, all three in just under 26 minutes, not bad going considering the exploits of the latter two the night before...the Butlerstown 10k that is. Mind you it may have been down to the Air Skylons that they borrowed from the Nike van for the race. Didn't help them get close enough to Mark Langford however, who proved he can perform well outside the Munster boundaries and had another great run to follow up on his 4th place in Butlerstown the night before. We hope to get full results asap. Back to News
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