Blackwater Homes, AAI National Half Marathon, Dungarvan, August
31st What a great day's entertainment! Almost 450 people ran or walked, or ran and walked as the case may be, a very scenic and not so hilly 13.1 mile course. Being a National event of course, there were many teams and individuals present on the day from all of the well known clubs throughout the country. Not being used to the hospitality and organisation of the West Waterford Club, all were impressed at how the race panned out and indeed at the mountain of post race food provided. I've a feeling James Veale will be eating ham sandwiches for the nest week or so! And so to our own Road Runners. We had a cross section of experienced athletes and amateurs at the distance turn up at St.Augustine's College. The most experienced of the group at these longer distances, Larry Kennedy, was first home in a time of 78.15, giving him 59th place overall. A fantastic achievement by Larry. Next home, at his first attempt at a half marathon, was the ever improving Des Colbert. Des finished in a time of 85.35, a mere 10 seconds before our other favourite vet Davey Wade. No doubt Davey's taunts from behind were what kept Des going over the last couple of miles. PJ Guinan showed that his training gave him all he needed when he needed it (Spar...geddit?), to finish in 86.15. Darryl Hale and hearty finished just over a minute later (87.17) and was glad of the vaseline! Another minute or so later saw the arrival of Tom O'Brien in 88.31, finishing as steadily as he had started. Brendan Aspel, in a role reversal of the normal 5mile race results, led home fellow Dublin Marathon runners-in-training, Paul Mooney and Pat Giles in a fantastic time of 92.16. Paul and Pat finished in 94.26 and 95.24 respectively, proving that all three are on for great times in Dublin in October. Within 2 minutes, Alan Everett crossed the line, proving there's a heck of a lot of life in the old dog yet! 97.32 saw Alan lead home 6 fellow V3's. Husband and wife duo Siobhan and Eoghan Palmer finished side by side in 100.35 (all say....Awww), amidst shouts from Dec Harte to hold hands to the finish! A new addition, however temporary, to the Waterford AC team was Eugene Lambert who finished in 101.18 Maura O'Doherty (Unattached), improved by a full 10 minutes over her previous week's time in Longford to finish in 110.30. Chelly Brennan, who must be doing plenty of training on the sly, finished in 114.42, proving that she's well ready for this year's Winter League. Niamh Byrne, Eugene's other half, decided not to bother with her run/walk approach and ran the entire distance in 118.01. Last home for the Road Runners, but by no means least, was Deirdre Chapman in a time of 126. Well done to all!! Check out the full list of results by individual and team on the official AAI website. Back to News |
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