Road Runners
Winter League Week , Thursday November 24th, sponsored by :
night out there!
no such thing as bad weather, only weak men’, or so the saying goes.
Last week proved that, as the coldest night so far still saw a
tremendous 194 runners complete the runs.
Registration for both new and already entered runners went more smoothly
this week, thanks to the extra bodies on hand that helped out and
hopefully made it less time consuming for runners! Thanks to Con,
Martina, Joe and Tara.
Road Rage
The night started with Bobby announcing a couple of changes as
regards routes and running etiquette. 2 weeks ago we commenced the
turning in at Ballybeg junction to aid the crossing of the road there.
It worked even better last week, as some runners were unaware of it the
first time. Bobby also asked that all runners run as they drive, i.e. on
the left hand side, in an effort to help control the problems as runners
pass each other so frequently on the same side of the road.
by 2
While running on the left helps immensely, it would also be great if
runners could try not to run or walk in groups on the road. We
appreciate that people like to come out and run together and have a chat
as they go along (mustn’t be running hard enough if they can talk, eh
ed?), but if possible try not to run/walk more than 2 abreast. Thank you
all so much for your co-operation to date on all safety matters. Well
done and keep it up.
Lecture over!
Now for the fun stuff! Again the new entry numbers were phenomonal,
with 24 new people joining up and keeping Andy Capper busy trying to
decide what to put them off at. Again though, Andy was too soft as the
newbies ended up taking the top spots on the night. Not to worry though,
your own improving position is the main point of the exercise, so keep
up the hard work.
Again the ladies ruled the 2.5 mile route last week, with the top 4
home all chicks. Attractive, but not quite chicks, occupying the next 3
spots were Conan, Albert and Conor. Ciara Lee, who maintained she ‘was
just getting into running’ was first home and followed closely by Tina
Connolly. Aoife Rush’ed’ into 3rd place ensuring girl
power on the night. One of our favorite Winter League runners, Albert
Tebay, had a great run on the night to come in just behind Conan ‘the
Barbarian’ Gallagher. Those runs with the little missus, or after the
little missus, must be helping Albert to stay in shape. Mind you,
they’re not doing much for the little missus, get well soon Val!
Behind Albert were Conor McGovern and an improving Richard Daly.
Richard’s interest in the local running scene is paying off, keep it
Editing Runner extraordinaire
It’s great to know that at least one person is reading these notes
as last week saw the lovely Emma Walsh, from the Munster Express,
take to the roads for her second go at the distance. Emma knocked almost
a full 2 minutes off last week’s time and shared the glory with friend
Eilish McGrath, both crossing the line together again. Shouldn’t be
long before the rivalry starts though and they start running separately.
(Not that we condone such acts, but they do happen!). Another runner
hugely improved on the previous week was Jennifer Doran, who went from
28.34 to 26.21 last week, the cold must have suited her!
Vinnie steals first
Well done to Vincent Murphy, who on only his first night did an
impressive 29.18, a terrific prospect for any club team that might be
reading this! Likewise, Patrick Chapman who came 3rd in
27.30. Sandwiched between the two was Dessie Fitzgerald. All three will
pay tomorrow night with strict handicaps and won’t find it so easy to
get to the podium. Back after a week’s respite and reaping the
benefits of Calvary was Joanne Jackman, first lady home in just under
31mins. Naomi Flynn is teaching the others a thing or two about running
and decreasing her times every week. If she could remember her partners
runners, she’d be A1! Another terrific improver was Sarah Flynn, who
knocked almost 30s off last week’s time. If these girls keep it up
they’ll soon be knowcing on the 30min door.
Don’t leave home without them
And don’t lock them in your van. This tip feels a bit like déjà vu
actually. I have a vague recollection of something similar happening
last year to the self same butcher. Occupied with missing-in-action
bollards, a certain Ballytruckle butcher once more
managed to distance himself from his keys. Thanks to the help of
some innocent bystanders, access was gained to the van and The Butcher
has assured us that none of the turkeys in the van suffered during the
ordeal, this time.
2 weeks to Par-tay time
Despite observations to the contrary, us runners do know how to have
a good time and have been known to have a pint or two and let our hair
down (those of us that have hair that is). December 15th sees
our Christmas ‘Santa Hat’ fun run and party after and a venue to be
announced. The run that night will be completely for fun and as always
for a specific charity that we feel will benefit most from some extra
cash at Christmas. There will be no handicaps and no timekeeping, so
feel free to wear your own watch that night if you want to time yourself
as the timekeepers take a well deserved break! Later that nigh, after
the run we will host our annual Christmas party with spot prizes and
craic galore. Hope to see you at both the run and the party.
Charities; our biggest winners
Last week saw the Road Runners donate 500Euro to each of the
Waterford branch of the Alzheimer’s association, represented by Fintan
Walsh and the South East Cancer Foundation represented by Kathleen
O’Neill. This money had been collected every Wednesday night during
the weekly runs over the summer by the ever patient Kathleen Moran.
Kathleen drew the name of the 2 charities from a hat after runners made
their suggestions. Thanks to all who paid to run and to Kathleen for her
accounting skills.
The organisers of the Winter League, on behalf of everyone that
participates in the league, wish to extend our deepest condolences to
one of our own, Brendan Aspel, on the death of his father, Bill, last
week. As dheis sé go raibh a anam.
Volunteers Required as always
Thanks to Cathal and Co for doing such a great job on the roads last
night and thanks to all runners who helped by running on the left and
obeying marshalls directions.
Cathal Lowe has a gang organised for next week, December 1st, but if
you are available for any of the subsequent weeks please let anyone
involved know. Thanks in advance.
If you would like to volunteer your services,
in lieu of racing for one night, please notify one of the organisers at
any night's run. A list will be posted each night of who is due to
marshall the following week. For those concerned with running the 8
races required to be considered for a prize at the end of the League,
don't be. If you marshall any night or indeed help out with recording
the results, we will considered that as a race run and will be more than
Full results are below, check back for updated Winter
League news soon and keep an eye on the weekly Munster Express. Till then....keep on runnin'!
( and keep a hat on)!!
4.5 Mile
Position Name Bib Num Time
Mins Secs
1 Vincent Murphy 602 29 18
2 Dessie Fitzgerald 566 37 13
3 Patrick Chapman 196 27 30
4 Michael Lee 599 28 47
5 Donal Breslin 82 31 38
6 Alec Crosse 138 36 55
7 Gerry Fitzgerald 166 28 58
8 Glenn Connolly 81 36 49
9 Mark Quinlan 605 33 27
10 Alan Whelan 184 29 34
11 Joe Cawley 607 36 38
12 Tony Sullivan 64 39 41
13 Conor McGrath 88 29 50
14 Declan Power 37 30 21
15 Christy Hennessy 30 34 29
16 Wayne Allen 6 30 0
17 Seamus Cuddy 198 33 36
18 James Sullivan 15 24 9
19 Brian Deveraux 167 30 11
20 Mark Langford 121 24 15
21 David Drohan 132 27 17
22 Dean Grant 158 32 50
23 Larry Kennedy 199 26 21
24 Gavin Barden 33 30 23
25 Barry Murray 135 27 24
26 Gary Robinson 568 32 55
27 Pat Trihy 187 32 56
28 Colm Power 155 30 27
29 Joanne Jackman 122 30 58
30 Shane McDonagh 188 37 59
31 Des Colbert 565 26 30
32 Naomi Flynn 55 33 31
33 Mark Redmond 85 37 2
34 Ray Power 44 30 3
35 Jim Duhig 146 33 35
36 Noel Dillon 133 30 6
37 Ivan O'Doherty 16 36 7
38 Sarah Flynn 60 36 38
39 Michael Burke 111 34 9
40 Lory O'Hanlon 137 33 10
41 Grainne O'Callaghan 47 35 11
42 Michael McGrath 604 26 12
43 John Kinsella 22 27 43
44 Gemma Dewberry 8 36 14
45 Ray Murray 73 36 15
46 Susan Murphy 242 37 16
47 Kevin Malone 95 26 49
48 Frank Walsh 606 29 50
49 Anne Fitzgerald 90 33 21
50 Helena Dunphy 58 36 22
51 Kieran Whelan 11 31 24
52 Michael Halley 140 25 55
53 Denis O'Sullivan 162 25 26
54 Laura Byrne 197 36 57
55 Eamon O'Byrne 87 34 58
56 Eoin Palmer 126 29 58
57 Bernie Power 42 33 30
58 Alan Kavanagh 52 30 31
59 Tara Walsh 150 38 32
60 Sylvia Malone 97 32 3
61 Bridget Phelan 113 36 34
62 Fergus Nolan 71 41 5
63 Dermot O'Byrne 86 36 6
64 Kieran Wymberry 70 36 37
65 Conor Reidy 112 27 44
66 Mark Oates 164 34 45
67 John Kent 172 27 47
68 Pat Keating 109 30 48
69 Liam Walsh 148 28 50
70 Leonard Caparelli 147 33 51
71 Darryl Hale 168 27 53
72 Martina Carver 156 33 54
73 Shane Scadding 80 26 56
74 Kieran Cleary 136 33 27
75 Sean Flynn 56 32 58
76 John Carew 190 36 29
77 Ian Hayes 178 35 60
78 Ken Merriman 34 35 32
79 Mags Power 98 33 34
80 Martin Flynn 61 33 6
81 Jason O'Brien 4 32 8
82 Ruth Aherne 5 34 10
83 Paraic Fanning 143 36 42
84 Seamus Cleere 144 40 44
85 Dean Power 160 27 47
86 Denis Brophy 103 38 49
87 Brendan Aspel 72 29 51
88 Ronan O'Brian 53 31 52
89 Kathleen Flannelly 170 33 5
90 Liam Cuddihy 105 30 54
91 JJ Van Der Valk 567 34 55
92 Tom Kirby 157 33 26
93 John Browne 194 31 27
94 Garry McCarthy 77 37 28
95 Nicky Quinlan 185 32 59
96 Susan Walsh 96 34 30
97 David Foley 186 37 2
98 Clare Doherty 102 36 3
99 Maria Hennessy Begadon 31 39 5
100 Michael Flynn 153 36 6
101 Brenda Lowe 74 32 38
102 Louise Fowler 17 39 9
103 Deirdre Chapman 101 37 11
104 Niall McGrath 84 34 12
105 Paul Heffernan 92 32 43
106 Sharon Sutton 119 35 44
107 Jim Bourke 51 33 45
108 Sean McLoughlin 181 31 46
109 Tom Egan 142 30 18
110 Derek Laffan 152 35 51
111 Fergus Buckley 179 34 22
112 Con Burns 62 29 23
113 John Heffernan 163 32 24
114 John Kiely 120 35 25
115 Mary Doolan 12 33 57
116 Alan Everett 1 33 30
117 Tim Sherman 28 42 32
118 Rupert Maddock 176 31 3
119 Fiona Donovan 603 33 40
120 Brid Higgins 169 40 42
121 Ann Kavanagh 32 38 43
122 Brian Mooney 46 37 14
123 Des Hoctor 195 33 20
124 Ronan Delaney 161 35 55
125 John Stephenson 175 37 59
126 David Flynn 29 41 9
127 Aubrey Storey 123 27 40
128 Nicholas Halley 124 29 11
129 Aidan Hegarty 165 34 23
130 Mary Quinn 141 43 56
131 Maeve O'Brien 18 42 4
132 Jane Dunphy 118 44 20
133 Valeria Woolman 49 46 25
134 David O'Leary 26 46 51
135 Grace Leonard 39 46 56
136 Bridget Ryan 40 46 57
137 Sinead Rogers 50 47 12
2.5 Mile
Position Name Bib Num Time
Mins Secs
1 Ciara Lee 273 24 46
2 Tina Connolly 279 24 14
3 Aoife Rush 281 26 38
4 Grainne Lawton 131 28 13
5 Conan Gallagher 272 30 2
6 Albert Tebay 233 18 4
7 Conor McGovern 257 20 14
8 Richard Daly 251 21 7
9 Jennifer Doran 226 26 21
10 Emma Walsh 255 26 53
11 Eilish McGrath 254 26 54
12 Jason Caulfield 256 20 41
13 Bernadette Naughton 265 27 46
14 Emma Smith 217 30 47
15 Michelle Smith-Foley 213 21 4
16 Damien Walsh 253 14 8
17 Michael Cleere 248 22 18
18 Tony Walsh 244 21 26
19 Anne Matthews 246 25 32
20 Lorraine Delahunty 252 31 12
21 Ann Marie Ryan 203 29 48
22 Cyril Cawley 250 20 19
23 Stephen Caulfield 209 20 20
24 Mary Gallagher 271 32 2
25 Michael Ryan 204 22 5
26 Waneta Spain 206 21 36
27 Marie O'Neill 266 23 7
28 Caitriona O'Gorman 202 25 8
29 Caroline Kavanagh 225 27 39
30 Stephen Lacey 207 23 10
31 Angela Kirby 278 27 11
32 Niamh Sullivan 208 22 14
33 Mairead O'Shea 215 26 46
34 Elaine Kervick 219 27 17
35 Eileen Stafford 214 24 22
36 Michael Kavanagh 228 20 23
37 Serena Roche 201 25 25
38 Keith Power 235 20 28
39 Derek Grant 231 19 60
40 Niamh Lonergan 260 25 32
41 Francis Lonergan 236 25 33
42 David Grace 259 17 10
43 Susan Jacob 258 28 11
44 David Kelly 275 22 10
45 John Ryan 67 23 13
46 Ger Scully 220 25 1
47 Elaine Power 210 33 36
48 Mary Power 211 33 37
49 Petra Kalinicova 232 24 2
50 Liz Power 276 35 21
51 Karen Rowe 277 27 16
52 Julie Hallahan 224 30 23
53 Michael White 270 37 46
54 Eoin Maloney 280 28 37
55 Julie Kerin 274 39 3
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