Road Runners
Winter League Week 6 , Thursday December 15th, sponsored by:
and  Santa
Hat Run a Jingling Success!
Bells Ring
Or at least Santa hats were ringing, all the way up the Cork Road
last Thursday night. What a fright some innocent drivers must have
gotten? Wondering what was before their eyes as they drove home. Almost
130 people with red or green Santa hats on, some in full Santa garb and
some more with dogs lit up like Christmas trees alongside them!
Weather Outside is Frightful
But if you run in it you’ll find it’s not so bad. To be fair the
God of weather, Evelyn Cusack, smiled on us for the night and no one
could use bad conditions as an excuse this time. This year’s number
were almost double those of last year, proving that running as a
priority in your lives is moving steadily up the ladder. That’s what
we like to see!
You’d Better Watch Out
This year, WRL’s famous leather clad biker, traffic and sports
correspondant, Matt Keane was on site at the RSC to witness first hand
what he’s been advertising so well for the last couple of months. Some
of our numbers are no doubt down to the interviews held during his
12-1pm slot Saturdays. Matt was down to check out how our fundraising
for the Lions Club Hamper Appeal went. Between entries on the night and
our draw in Alfie’s after a total of 850 Euro was raised and presented
to the hamper appeal the following day. Thanks to all for their
Dasher, Rudolph and Boxer?
No, he’s not a forgotten reindeer. Boxer is a 6 month old doberman
pup that PJ Dwyer decided to bring along last Thursday night to ensure
that no one tried to pass him as he sped back to the RSC. We’re glad
to report that Boxer adhered to all the rules, he ran on the left,
stayed on the footpath (most of the time) and even wore a viz vest! The
flashing red scarf was not a requirement but complimented ears something
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
With no times being recorded on the night, this is exactly what our
volunteer marshalls did. Thanks to all who avoided their wives and
partners shopping expeditions to ensure our safety last week.
Come All Ye Faithful
These, along with the not so faithful, followed up a terrific fun
run with an even better night’s chat and craic in Alfie’s of
Ballybricken. Looking back to 4 years ago where there were just a
handful of runners out for the night, a whole pub full shows how far the
Winter League and running in Waterford have come. It’s marvellous to
see groups of complete beginners sitting alongside former National and
International Championship runners. It’s also inspiring to see how far
people have come in just 2 years or even less. Some that thought 3 miles
last year out of reach, are now rushing to ensure their entry form for
the Ballycotton 10 is in on time. It’s something for all to think
about. Where do I go from here? The Winter League isn’t around all
year and there are plenty of very well organised road races around the
county for you to try out. Keep an eye on our own website or
for all the details of what’s available to you. West Waterford, like
ourselves, pride themselves on involvement at all levels. So even if
you’re only running 2.5 miles now, start to envision running a 5, 7.5
or even 10 miler in the new year. Any of the organisers would be happy
to give you pointers about how to go about increasing your mileage. Just
Dong Merrily on High
That’s nearly what some of our punters did, considering the proximity
of Waterford’s Pole Dancing club! How easy it is to mistake such a
place for Alfie’s. Mind you, listening to Gerry Ryan on the radio
lately, some women are installing dance poles in the front rooms to use
as a way of getting fit. I personally wouldn’t recommend it as you use
completely different muscles for running than you do for pole dancing
and it might actually have an adverse effect on your running. Then
again, there are other uses for these muscles that might be advantageous
to some I guess. Maybe even advantageous to their non-pole dancing
partners. In situations such climbing drainpipes for instance, I’m
sure their new talents would be most appreciated.
I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth
This time nest year, that’s what Gerry and Francis Fitgeralds’s
new baby boy Tom will be yelling! Congratulations to Tom and Gerry (and
Francis!!) for further ensuring the longevity of WAC’s juvenile club
in the future. Congratulations to all.
We Have Heard On High
Mount Sion is pretty high, right? Hmm, no angels though. Well done
to all who took part in Last Sunday’s Mount Sion 5 mile road race in
aid of Waterford’s Alzheimers association. First of the Road Runners
home were Mark Langford in 27.10 and Joanne Jackman in just under
35mins. A well organised race with lots of delicious refreshments after,
what more can you ask for. We look forward to even more participation by
the Road Runners next year. Well done to Attie and Helen Jackman and all
others involved in its organisation.
Old Aquaintance Be Forgot
Let ye, yer running be not forgot, or not be forgot, or forgot not.
You get the point! Just because the Winter League doesn’t return until
January 12th, there’s no reason for you to undo all the
fantastic progress you’ve made. Why not nip out for a couple of miles
every second day just to stay in touch with your new found fitness and
help stave off those turkey pounds. Don’t forget the Baldy Man run on
December 29th in Tramore. And no, it’s not where people
like Bobby, Albert, Joe and Alan amuck, it’s for all to enjoy! The run
starts at 12pm with registration beforehand. Proceeds in aid of Crumlin
Children’s Hospital. Also, on Stephen’s Day, Clonmel AC host their
annual 4mile road race. Again the race starts at 12 pm.
Claus is Coming to Town
Not long left now till Christmas Day and all the excitement and
stress it brings. I’ve often found that a well placed ‘I really have
to run today to keep my miles up’ is a great way to relieve family
tensions, for myself if no one else. So keep it in mind.
Also at this time, we’d like to remember those that have lost someone
during the year and hope that 2006 will bring better tidings for them.
Bobby and Adele wish to thank so many people for helping with this
year’s Winter League, helping make it the best yet, that I’d
probably forget all the names! Nonetheless, stalwarts like Kathleen
Moran, Tara Walsh, Joe Cawley, Con Kelleher, Cathal Lowe, Brian Swaby,
Des Colbert are worthy of a specific mention. Whether taking entries,
helping with timekeeping or organising marshalls, each have made the
League run smoother than ever. Our thanks also go to the Staff and
Management of the RSC for their continued support and help. We
couldn’t forget of course Emma Walsh and her crew at the Munster
Express for giving us so much space and putting up with late notes!
On behalf of the many organisers and volunteers of the Winter League, I
would like to wish all our runners a very merry Christmas and a peaceful
new year. We look forward to more of the same next year.
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