Waterford Road Runners

Winter League Returns November 8th!
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 It’s hard to believe that a year has gone by since the start of last year’s Paddy Byrne Waterford Road Runners winter league presented by Waterford AC. No one could have predicted how successful last year would turn out. At least a third of the entrants had never run before joining the league, thinking even 2.5miles beyond them. As well as the short route, this year sees a return to the ‘old’ longer route through the industrial estate.

 Big numbers
Last year saw almost 700 participate in the league over the winter, well up on the previous year. Besides increasing interest in running in the city, the League’s other aim is to raise money for charity, both at home and abroad. Last year saw over 12,000euro donated, no mean feat! This year the numbers look set to rocket with the country’s interest in fitness and exercise on the increase and helped by series such as the Waterford AC 5k series in the spring and the West Waterford AC summer series.

This year’s league kicks off on Thursday November 8th. Considering the amount of inquiries that we’ve received over the past few months, it’s not before time. The League will run for a total of 13 Thursday nights, with a break for Santa and Hogmanny of course! Registration is at 6.30pm each night, (from 6pm for the first few nights to get everyone registered in time), with the run starting at 7pm from that most famous of venues.

The RSC on the Cork Road, where else? The RSC is an ideal location for introducing local wannabe runners to the hallowed and wonderfully new tartan track. We won’t be racing on the track however, just using it as a finishing point for the night’s runs.

Each night 2 groups are catered for. A shorter distance of just over 2 miles for beginners, or those just coming back to fitness and the longer 5 mile route for those wanting to test themselves a little more. The shorter distance is very attractive and accessible to beginners, who are, as always a priority in the Winter League.

Each night’s entry fee is just €3 apart from the first night when we ask for €5euro to cover basics like signage, marshalls jackets etc. You can enter any night. Don’t be put off if you miss the first few nights, we always have people coming along for the first time, even on the final night. In an exciting new development, this year, for the first time, we will be offering you the added opportunity to register for the entire series of runs on your first night.

What's new?
This year you can enter all runs at once, avoiding having to pay for each individual run. For €30 you get the chance to run for 13 nights without the hassle of bringing along your entry fee and having to dash back to the car with the change. You will still have to register your name each night however, for safety reasons, so that we can ensure everyone that starts on the night finishes the run! Print off the entry form from here, fill it in and bring it with you on your first night. With the prices of gyms and fitness classes increasing year after year, it’s a treat to see how much bang you get for your buck at the Winter League.
Also this year, we will have the use of Waterford AC's new clock and timing system, making your time available to you as you finish...just subtract your handicap from the time on the clock.

 Runner’s handicap

Sound like a paradox? It might be! After the first night, each runner is given a handicap to ensure that on subsequent nights all runners finish within a minute of two of each other. If it takes Alan or Con Soap 50 minutes to complete 5 miles, he will start at 0 the next night. Joanne or Tara Soap, who are faster and will cover 5 miles in 40 minutes, will start 10 minutes after Alan or Con. Get it? It guarantees that the fastest person is not the winner on the night, each runner is in with an equal chance.

 Safety matters most

With this in mind, we insist that all runners wear a high viz-vest. In other words, a glow in the dark yellow vest, to help keep you visible as you speed down the Cork Road. These vests will be available for sale any night for €10. Marshalls are a priority again this year. Like last year, we will be looking for a number of volunteers each night to help with marshalling and time keeping duties. So, if you know someone that has an hour to spare on a Thursday night why not ask if they’d like to help out with one of the city’s most fun events. They will be provided with safety jackets and instructions as to their duties on the night.  Likewise, if you’re injured or just want a break from running, come along anyway and offer your marshalling services for the night.

Uno Priority
Though times and handicaps are all mentioned, don’t be put off. This league is first and foremost for beginners, those who until now didn’t consider themselves runners or even fast walkers! One of our favourite stories is of a particular biker-lady who, on first hearing about the league, asked if she could bring her dog along for company. She went on to be the best improver over the short distance that year and picked up a pair of runners for her efforts. That could be you!

None of this would be possible of course without the generosity of our sponsors. This year, we are delighted to have on board again Alfie Hales Intersport and Brooks Running as our sponsors. Darryl Hales’ interest in running has had a very beneficial effect on some of those runners not accustomed to dressing in lycra. And being a sub 3hour marathoner, he ain’t half bad at this running lark himself.  Many thanks to all involved!

Rules & Regulations:

This year's League is no different to any other, the format remaining pretty much the same. It will kick off on November 9th, registration from 6.30pm at the RSC with a view to starting at 7pm.
Some points to note are:
1.   People of all capabilities are welcome. Whether it takes you 11 minutes to run/walk a mile or you zip through 5 miles in 30mins....THE place to be is at the RSC!

2.   Safety is paramount. 
           No one will be allowed to run without a visible vest of some description. These will be on sale        for 10euro each night if you do not own one. 
           Participants are requested to obey the rules of the road. Unless absolutely necessary, do not run on the roadside, there are ample footpaths available. The organisers will NOT be lenient with slackers!

3.   The League will run for 13 consecutive weeks, with a short break for Christmas of course.

4.   The longer route reverts to a slightly changed version of the original Winter League route. 5 miles from opposite the RSC, up onto Paddy Brown's Road, along Skibbereen Road, through the Industrial Estate and back down the Cork Road via Paddy Brown's Road again back to the RSC, finishing in on the track.
The shorter distance of just under 2.5 miles will start across from the RSC also, straight up the Cork Road and right onto Paddy Brown's Road just after the WIT, right again back onto the Cork Road  and finishing on the track. Finishing on the newly laid track will yield the usual excitement no odubt!

   The League will again be based on a handicap system, giving everyone from Tommy the Tortoise to Harry the Hare an equal chance of winning.
            Wearing of watches is not permitted...for the following reason:
           Your handicap will be based on the slowest finisher on the first night. i.e. If Joe Soap takes 40 minutes to complete the 5 mile route, and you take 30, the following week Joe will start at a time of 0, and you will start 10 minutes after him. The intention being that everyone finishes around the same time. Great fun for the runners but can prove tricky for the timekeepers!!!
           If you improve week after week, you will see your handicap time increase. 
           To be in with a chance of winning a prize at the end of the league you must have completed 8 out of the 11 runs (with some exceptions, see below). The Christmas run on Dec 15th will not be competitive....just silly...hats, bells and partying galore!

6.  Wearing of headphones is not allowed!!!

7.   The year, unlike before, we are requesting some help along the route, marshalling some of the more dangerous crossings and perhaps helping with registration and timing keeping at the end. At least 10 people will be required on the night. To this end, we will try to post a list each week with a list of those helping out the following week as well as a blank page requesting names for the week after. Please sign up if you wish to help out. Those that would normally have run, but end up marshalling for a night will have that night counted towards their total number of nights run. 
And last but by no means least, the most important rule:


If you have any questions or need more clarification on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you Thursday 8th at 6.30pm!Back to News

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