Cavies or Guinea Pigs

Last autumn (2000) we bought a female black/white and ginger male guinea pigs.

Blacky and Ginger

Sam and Ciaran named them "Ginger" and "Blackie".

Within a time period (8 weeks) that suggested they were busy on the car journey home, Blackie gave birth to two lovely hairy, bright eyed, dashing around babies, now called Galaxy and Martina (formerly Martin).

Blackie's second litter (of three) are now old enough to leave home. Blackie is short for "Black Magic Chocolate."

Rodent babies, (rats, mice, rabbit and such like) have tails and are blind, naked helpless creatures. Guinea pig or cavy babies are not rodents. They will never grow a tail and are born hairy, sighted and able to roam around. They may even eat grass within a few hours.

A few hours old:

Martina and Galaxy

They don't mind being handled gently, niether does the parent mind, if you are careful and gentle. These next pictures were taken when the babies were only a couple of days old.

By January Galaxy and Martina are fully grown. Pictures soon!

Why Guinea Pigs?

They are not from Guinea in Africa nor are they pigs. Once thought to be rodents, DNA analysis puts them in their own group the cavii. They come from Peru. In the 16th century when they came to Britain they may have cost 1 Guinea (= 21shillings, 1 Pound = 20shillings in old currency). Or the ships may have called on their last stop at Guinea in Africa. Sometimes when excited they may squeal somewhat like a pig. They have a large volcabulary:

Cavy Talk (they make more noises than these):


Possible meanings (In time we may understand the gradations of the language)

Teeth Clacks

Keep away, I'm dangerous. Go Away, I'm cross. Don't dare touch my food. Leave her alone

Loud Weeking noise

I want fed. I'm a bit cross. I'm excited. Put me down, I need to goooo!

Very loud weeking/pig noise

I'm very upset. I'm very annoyed. I'm very frightened. Move my hutch at ONCE to fresh grass.

Burble noises

Hello! I'm happy, how are you? Come play with me.

Nose Touching

I'm really friendly


I'm boss, go away. That's my food

Stretching out

Secure, relaxed, enjoying company

Tight ball

I'm worried

Popcorning (Jump vertical)

Wah Hey!!

Wiggling hips (Males only)



Fun./ Go away or Jealousy. They enjoy sending up feeding sparrows

They love running around, gnawing on hard wood, gobbling an infinite quanity of cucumber, radish and carrot. Dandelion, Yarrow and grass are a few of their favorite things!


Watch this space for further news.