The Wee Binnian Walkers Constitution Return
to “Membership Pack” Page. 1. Name The name of the Organisation shall be
Wee Binnian Walkers. 2. Aims The aims of the Organisation shall be
to promote hill walking as a healthy and leisurely pursuit and as a voluntary
sport that can be enjoyed by everyone without distinction of sex, race,
ability or of political, religious or other opinion. 3. Objectives The objective of the Organisation
shall be: i) to
provide regular walks within a 20 mile radius of Newry; ii) to
provide walks at all levels, including roads, tracks, hills and mountains; iii) to
provide opportunities for walkers to experience walks in other areas and to
meet up with other walking groups; iv) to
organise an annual Walking Festival which will help to further the aims of
the Organisation. 4. Membership The Organisation shall be
non-political and non-sectarian.
Membership is open to all adults (16+) who are interested in regular
walking and who accept the aims and objectives of the Organisation. Members will be required to pay an annual
membership fee as determined by the membership at the Annual General
meeting. The Committee have the right
to refuse/rescind membership to any individual who may bring the club into
disrepute. 5. Committee &
Officers The business of the Organisation
shall be conducted by no more than 12 persons elected annually at the Annual
General Meeting. The Committee shall
include a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer
and Assistant Treasurer. Officers
shall hold their positions for no longer than 5 consecutive years. The Committee will have power to set up
sub-committees to deal with specific interests. Such sub-committees will be made up of
members of the Organisation, but the Committee will have the power to enlist
the services of any person who will be of benefit to the Organisation for any
specific purpose. Such persons will
not thereby become members of the Organisation. Five members of the Committee shall
constitute a quorum. 6. Finance The funds of the Organisation shall
be obtained through members’ subscriptions and by means of any other
fund-raising activities as the Committee may deem acceptable or necessary. 7. General Meeting 7.1 The
Annual General Meeting will be held at such a time and date as the Committee
shall determine, provided that the interval between one AGM and the next
shall not exceed 15 calendar months.
Dates will be set in advance at the AGM and notification will be
included in the current year membership package. 7.2 The
Annual General Meeting will transact the following business: i) Minutes of the previous AGM; ii) Chairperson’s statement; iii) Secretary’s report; iv) Presentation of financial accounts; v) Election of Committee; vi) Any other business. 7.3 Special
General Meeting The Chairperson of the
Committee may at anytime at his/her discretion, and shall within 21 days of
receiving a written request signed by not less than 20 paid-up members and
giving reasons for the request, call a Special General meeting of the
Organisation for the purpose of considering any matter which may be referred
to him/her by the Committee or for any other purpose relevant to the
Organisation. 8. Amendments to the
Constitution Amendments to the Constitution may be
proposed at the Annual General Meeting.
Any such proposals to alter this Constitution must be delivered to the
Secretary of the Organisation not less than 14 days before the date of the
meeting at which they are first to be considered. An alteration will require the approval of
two-thirds majority of those present and voting. 9. Dissolution The Organisation may be dissolved at
anytime by a resolution passed by two-thirds majority of those present and
voting at a Special General Meeting of the Organisation of which at least 21
days clear notice shall have been sent to all members of the Organisation. Such resolution may give instructions
for the disposal of any assets held by or in the name of the Organisation,
provided that if any property remains after the satisfaction of all debts and
liabilities, such property shall be given or transferred to such other
institutions or institution (having objects similar to some or all of the
objects of the Organisation) as the Organisation may, with such approvals as
are necessary, determine. Monetary
funds are the property of the paid up members at the date of dissolution and
will be disposed of at their discretion. 10. CONSERVATION The Club encourages and
supports mountain conservation work by members and will assist in the
formation of a conservation group within the club to be known as the “Binnian
Meitheal” |
Updated 12/02/09 Return
to “Membership Pack” Page. |