Policies & Procedures


  1. The Club shall be called “The Wee Binnian Walkers”.


  1. The aims of the club shall be the promotion of the sport of hillwalking and the development of its social potential.


  1. The objectives of the club shall be:


    • the provision of a local annual walking programme.
    • the organisation of away trips throughout the year to other walking destinations/other festivals.
    • the operation of an open policy for visiting clubs to promote intra-national networking.
    • the organisation of an annual walking festival.
    • the organisation of other social events as appropriate.
    • any other activity considered by the committee in keeping with the aims and objectives of the club.


  1. In line with Section 75 N.I. Equality Act (1999) the club shall be actively non-political, non-sectarian and non-discriminatory. Any breaches in relation to these specific issues will be considered as serious and will be dealt with as such by the committee according to the Policies and Procedures of the club.


  1. Membership is open to all adults over 16 years of age who have a level of fitness suitable to the demands of the sport and who accept the aims and objectives of the club.


  1. The club year will run from 1st April to 31st March. . Members will pay an annual membership fee as determined annually by the committee and ratified at the AGM. The closing date for the membership fee will be 30th April. This will be enforced and membership will be deemed to have lapsed if the fee is not paid by 1st May.  From May onwards non paid-up members will be charged the casual walker fee.


  1. Only paid-up members can vote at the AGM or take up office. Those holding a student membership do not have voting rights.


  1. The business of the club will be conducted by a committee of 12 paid-up members elected annually at the AGM. The committee will include a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasure and Assistant Treasurer.  The Vice-Chairperson automatically becomes Chairperson in the following year and will retain a seat on the committee for a further year. Members willing to serve on the committee will submit a nomination form signed by a proposer and seconder to the secretary prior to the AGM. Twenty five paid up members will constitute a quorum at the AGM.


  1. All notices of motion for the AGM must be notified in writing to the secretary by the 31st January.


  1. Rules may only be changed at the AGM by a 2/3 majority (by secret ballot) of those members entitled to vote.


11.    The Chairperson of the committee may at any time at his/her discretion, or within 21 days of receiving a written request signed by at least 20 paid-up members and giving reasons for the request, call an Extraordinary General Meeting to consider matters referred.


12.    The Secretary will keep minutes of all committee meetings and general meetings of the club.


13.    The club accounts will be subject to independent audit at the end of the financial year. The Treasurer will present the club financial report to the members at the AGM.  All cheques issued by the club must be signed by two of the signatories who have been delegated to do so by the committee.


14.    Members must be properly equipped for the hills and obey the leaders instructions at all times. Any leader can refuse to take walkers out if they don’t have the essential equipment as itemised on the walks programme.


15.    The club exercises a low-impact environmental policy. Members must show respect for the sensitive environment in which they enjoy their sport and follow the country code at all times.


16.    In the interests of safety, farming welfare and the enjoyment of members, no dogs are allowed on any club outing.   


17.    Any member in breach of the rules of the club, or involved in anti-social behaviour or who brings the club into disrepute may be censured, suspended, or have their membership rescinded by the committee.


18.    Appeals of committee decisions can be brought to the AGM where a 2/3 majority, (by secret ballot) of those members entitled to vote may reverse or alter the committee decision.


19.    Any member wishing to bring any issue to the attention of the committee should submit it in writing to the secretary who will have it tabled at the next scheduled meeting. The decision of the committee will be notified back to the member in writing.


20.    The club at the discretion of the committee may raise funds for charitable purposes.


21.    The members may use the newsletter to promote appropriate fund raising activities.  Fundraising will be limited to individual sponsorship.  General soliciting of funds is not deemed acceptable.