Prague - February 2003
(A sort of visual journal)
(This reminds me of the joke about 2 nuns cycling down a cobblestoned street.
"Have you ever come this way before?"
"Must be the cobblestones.")
Drably-dressed people - all black, brown, grey clothes, scruffy looking for the most part, very colourless. All wrapped up well against the snow and then next thing you'd walk past a beautiful girl with her coat open, a short miniskirt and bare legs! A city of contrasts. Beer to die for and their red wine is pretty good too!
The people - still emerging from a dark era of communism. Tourism must surely be their biggest industry. They are pleasant and polite but I also found them to be cold, not very warm-hearted. Probably because they live a harsh life. Prague has a big sex and underground youth/drug culture (I only discovered this on the last day I was there, drat!).
I missed out on an exhibition of 300 pictures of Josef Koudelka. I'd love to have seen his B&W pics of Soviet tanks on the streets of Prague in '68. I just couldn't physically find the time to go across town. I was sorry to leave. So, on to the pictures, in no particular order....