Wood is a renewable resource. In the United States, 33 percent more trees are grown than are harvested. Every year 2 billion trees are planted, about six and a half million every day. The value of wood as a renewable resource is seen in the fact that some forests that produced wood hundreds of years ago are still providing wood today.

Wood is energy efficient. It takes nine times more energy to produce a steel stud than to produce a wood stud. Five times more energy is used for aluminum panelling than wood panelling. Steel, both new and recycled, uses 4,000 times more coal, oil, and gas in its refining, manufacturing, and fabricating process than does wood. Wood has eight times the thermal resistance or insulating capability of concrete, 413 times that of steel and 2,000 times that of aluminum.

Wood is an environmentally friendly resource. It is recyclable and biodegradable. The forests from which our wood is derived provide for wildlife habitat. They also act as natural air filters, absorbing unwanted carbon dioxide—and releasing breathable oxygen.

 Planting & Harvesting Trees