Complete Truth


Title:Complete truth
Author :Sarah (xorcha)
Category:Sam/Dan  Sam/Jack (Ack sorry)
Disclaimer:All the characters and episodes etc are copyright of whoever actually owns them ahem, eh, don't sue me,I'm making no money and I obviously can't type or spell. :) Thank you.
Archive: If anyone actually wants it :)
Spoilers:It is set during the episode on sky today, which I can't remember the name of :) The one with Sam with long hair :) (I'm such a dedicated fan -tee hee)
Summary: Quick jot of Samantha's (alternate Sam) point of view.
Author's Notes: Just a quick trail of conciousness from Samantha's pov, written after I watched this evenings episode. Don't hate me cos its bad, just love me cos I tried. ;)

It was so strange, seing my life lived differently. Meeting my husband for the first time. Seeing Jack, it was as if he had never died, had never left me for an instant.
    It hurt, it hurt a lot; an ache, a longing, a need to be held by those hands again, a need to be caressed by those lips. Every atom of my being screamed for his touch, his soft words, but it wasn't the same.
His kiss lacked one thing, the love my Jack held; the knowledge that his heart was safe with mine, that we were one and the same being.
    This new strange Jack, not my Jack, I think he felt it, felt something for me, or her, but he knew his heart was not safe with his Samantha- Sam.
   I watched him look at her; surrepticious gazes, his hand on her back, stealing contact without her noticing. I could sense what he was feeling, I knew my Jack like I knew my own face, like I thought I knew my own face.
      This, alternative me, she was different. The military had made her harder, her face less open. But I could see some of what I felt in her eyes; the slight glow of her face, the light in her blue eyes, the frequent smiles. I thought it was for her Jack. I was wrong.
      This, Doctor Daniel. This bubbling mass of energy and enthusiasm, his knowing, yet young, blue eyes. His soft smile sent even gentler when talking to his Sam. And she was
his Sam. That much was obvious. The way they always seemed to drift together, in the midst of anything this world, these worlds, could throw at them. The way they sat together or stood, bodies leaning towards each other, communicating without words or even looks. Doctor Daniel wore the look my Jack had; the knowledge that his heart was completely safe in Sam's hands. As was Sam's in his.
       It was this -island of complete truth that protected the two. One solidarity of two hearts, safe against what the world could throw at them. It makes me wonder what choices I would have made, had Daniel been on my world.