Dark Elf |
The elf is the interesting character. At the same time very aesthetic. Since with main weapon of the elf are distance weapons (bows, crossbows) is the form of the other row. He is able to fight also very well alone.
Development of this character is the complicated matter. Two ways of development are. Combat elf and Energy elf.
Combat the elf is the elf about low energy i.e. strength and mainly agility. The stumblebum won't be using the arch. And end of story. :)
Energy elf - to stand a little very searched when working in party. I know it by hearsay because I hunting alone.
Returning to the subject. E-Elf the character which is able to treat, oneself and other people, call the monsters (gobblin, assassin, elite yeti etc.) and to give the energy buff. I am recommending for 40 to pack level in energy if they want to be Energy elf.
The elf is acquiring development meanwhile skills finding or buying orbs.
Possibility of development:
- From 50 level can alone repair equipment - it does not have to go need to smith.
- 150 level we can made quest. Then go to Davias, talk to lady around sleigh. We change in
Muse Elf.
Scroll of Emperor - Tears of Elf
Go to Quest
- 220 level - we can create Magic Gladiator
- 220 go to Marlon in Davias and ask him about the quest. Cost =3 mln zen. You must find Ring of Honour or Ring of Glory and you are a Hero.
Basic statistic
points per level |
Strength |
Agility |
Physical strength |
Energy |
basic points |
5 |
22 |
25 |
20 |
15 |
82 |
Life |
Mana |
Level life |
Level mana |
point life |
point mana |
80 |
30 |
1 |
1,5 |
1 |
1,5 |
Calculation for Elf
Maximum Damage
Sword/Blunt Weapons/Spear/Axe Equipped: (Agility + Power) ÷ 4
Bow, Crossbow-Equipped: Agility ÷ 4
Minimum Damage
Sword/Blunt Weapons/Spear/Ax Equipped: (Agility + Power) ÷ 8
Bow, Crossbow-Equipped: Agility ÷ 8
Attack Success Rate = level*5 + agility*3÷2 + power ÷ 4
Defensive Power = Agility ÷ 10 + Shield's Total Defensive Power
Defence Success Rate= Agility ÷ 4 + Shield's Defence Rate
Multiple shooting - damage as normal
Magic formula [ buffs]
Healing : Energy ÷ 5 + 5
Advanced Defense [green]: Energy ÷ 8 + 2
Advanced Damage [orange]: Energy ÷ 7 + 3
Elf's weapons
Elven Axe, Kris, Short Sword, Rapier, Light Saber, Light Spear, all bows and crossbows
Elf's Armors
Vine Set, Silk Set, Wind Set, Spirit Set, Guardian Set, Divine Set, Red Spirit Set, Sylpid Set
Elf's Skills
Multiple shooting - Cost mana=5. Hitting area has a triangle shape. So is good to attacking from 2-4 fields. Remember - don't waste the arrows. :). so, when you fight wit one enemy use this skill as close as possible.
Healing - Cost energy=52, man=20. Skill for healing yourself and others. So, stop using potion and save the money. Very helpful in party. Energy elf can heal all party from distance. Good support.Drop: Hound, Bull Fighter, Giant, Beelte Monster, Stone Golem, Skeleton
Greater Defense Cost energy=72, mana=30. This skill improve your defence. As above - you can blessing others characters. Powerful, useful, great. Drop: Lich, Forest Monster, Stone
Golem, Hommerd, Lavra, Assassin, Worm, Ice Monster..
Greater Damage Cost energy=72, mana=40. With this skill you can improve your attack. Of course, your and others. Party power with Energy elf increase about 20-30% or more. Great.Drop: Stone Golem, Hunter, Lavra,
Yeti,Elite Yeti, Cyclops, Ghost, Thunder Lich, Skeleton Shadow
Penetration Cost mana=7, stamina=9. Required 130 lvl. Piercing. Long range= 8 fields. Strike power x4, Not to much expensive. Very nice, when is a lots of monsters around or to quicker finish with enemy. Drop: Tarkan and higher.
Ice Arrow Cost mana=10, stamina=12. Required 646 agility. Damage 106 and freezing possibility as bonus. Don't impress me to much this skill. I prefer penetration. But is great when you play soccer in arena.Drop: Tarkan and higher.
Starfall Cost mana=20, stamina=15. New one. Castle Siege skill. Powerful one hit. Looks like bazooka. Damage 300-438. Great but slow. Gulid War skill.
Gobblin summon
Cost energy=30, mana=40. Gobblin's life=60, attack 9-11, def=2. You can summon small gobblin, who fight for you. Drop: Spider, Budge Dragon, Bull Fighter, Chain Scorpion, Hunter, Stone Golem
Stone Golem summon
Cost energy=60, mana=70. Golem's life=550, attack 65-74, def=20. You can summon big stone golem, who fight for you. Drop: Hommerd, Assassin, Elite Yeti, Worm, Ice Monster, Larva, Cyclops
Assassin summon
Cost energy=90, mana=110. Assassin's life=800, attack 95-100, def=33. You can summon ugly assassin, who fight for you. Good but slow.Drop: Yeti, Elite Yeti, Ghost, Skeleton Archery
Elite Yeti summon
Cost energy=130, mana=160. Elite Yeti' life=1200, attack 120-125, def=50. You can summon big Elite Yeti, who fight for you. Drop: Elite Skeleton, Poison Bull Fighter, Dark Knight, Hell Spider, Thunder Lich, Shadow, Vepare, Valkyrie,
Dark Knight summon
Cost energy=170, mana=200. Dark Knight's life = 3000, attack 150-155, def=80. You can summon dark, Dark Knight, who fight for you. Good for Dungeon Drop: Ice Queen, Gorgon, Cursed Wizard, Death Cow, Poison Shadow
Bali summon
Cost energy=210, mana=250. Bali's life = 3500, attack 165-170, def=100. You can summon powerful Bali, who fight for you. Really good. Drop: Death Knight, Balrog, Death Gorgon, Great Bahamut, Sliver Valkyrie
Soldier summon
Cost energy=300, mana=350. Soldier's life = 4000, attack 170-175, def=110. You can summon lazy soldier, who fight for you. Powerful but lazy. Drop: Lizard King, Hydra, Orc Archer |