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Atlantic Stitches
Cross-stitch Charts
chart.gif (164139 bytes) The charts are printed out in colour with symbols in black or white over the top. After sending me a cheque (see Shopping Page) I can either print out the chart in colour on A3 paper and post it to you or if you send your e-mail address with the cheque I can e-mail you a file which you can print out on your own machine. If you choose this option you will have to download a trial version of Cross Stitch Professional (the software used to create the designs) which includes a FREE Printer.

The image on the left is too small to do justice to it but the printouts are very easy to follow. Furthermore, the charts are A3 in size so there is no sticking bits of paper together!

There are no backstitches indicated and  I would welcome any feedback from cross-stitchers as to whether this is necessary. For more information about how the kits are designed, press here.redbtn.gif (874 bytes)

Free CrossStitch Chart!
Celtic Knotwork Frame

I have designed a free chart which you can download and print out on your own machine. Although free as a download, if you want me to send you an A3 printout then you will need to pay as with other charts. To view the design and download it , click here.


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