By Ballinacree Students Ballinacree
Ballinacree is the place to be,
Full of fun, sport, activity
Its geographical location is in Co. Meath
The friendship of its people is renowned indeed.
Mount Nugent is our parish, though it in Cavan lies
But, admitting this claim, some natives despise.
As for Westmeath, Louth or even Kildare,
There's nothing could tempt us to settle down there.
The Meath Chronicle carries our news,
Gripping gossip, fabulous features and varied views.
Ballinacree, although quite small,
Has a church, a school and a community hall.
When summer comes, the action begins,
With football, athletics and sensational things.
Earth team goes out to beat the rest,
But on occasions comes second best.
For groceries, stationary, petrol or hardware
In Katsie's you'll surely find all of them there.
Why pass through? Just stop instead!
You'll get anything from a pouffe to a cosy bed.
Mullaghmeen, with all its trees
Guard Ballinacree's rich green fields.
There's nowhere you'll feel as free
As in the parish of Ballinacree
So we've decided it's the best,
Winning, hands down, over all the rest

It is the end of the summer
It was cool
Now it's a bummer
We have to go to school.
We have to get up real early
We are awake just bearly
A splash of water on my face
We get ready at a slow pace.
I don't like going to do work
Sometimes we drive the teachers beserk
But we don't mind much,
with our friends we keep in touch.
At 3 o'clock we walk out the door
And most of the junior infants are aged four
On Friday evenings we shout 'hurray'
We just know that tomorrow will be a better day.
