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Jin Shin Do
- Acupressure Way
of Health: Jin Shin Do (1997)
- A Complete Guide to
Acupressure: Jin Shin Do (2002)
- The Joy of Feeling: Bodymind
Acupressure (1989)
Acupressure Way of
Health: Jin Shin Do
by Iona M. Teeguarden
Paperback - 160 pages
(April 1978)
Japan Publications; ISBN: 0870404210
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Reader Comment
Good practical book, April 5, 2000
Reviewer: A reader from Jerusalem, Israel
I found this simply written book very usefull. The book
begins with conception and introduction of theoretical
basis of chinese medicine and accupressure, it continues
with tables of locations and way of working on the main
acu-points (including self-treatment). At the and of the
book author gives us a practical approach to the emotions
from the acu-points.
A Complete Guide
to Acupressure: Jin Shin Do
by Iona Marsaa Teegaurden (Iona M.
Paperback - Revised
edition (September 2002)
Publisher: Japan Publications; ISBN:
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The Joy of Feeling: Bodymind
by Iona Marsaa Teeguarden
Paperback - 364 pages (July 1989)
Japan Publications; ISBN: 0870406345
Amazon.com Price - Quick Click Buying
Out of Print - Limited
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Customer Comment
Access the BodyMind dynamics of emotions,
July 27, 2001
Reviewer: Jack Bresler from
Tel Aviv, Israel
This book expains how emotions -in the Western sense -
reflect energetic balance/imbalance -in terms of
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Five Element Theory and
meridians. Innovative graphics illustrate the complex
dynamics. Numerous clinical examples are provided,
couched in the beautiful and mystical poetry of Chinese
Medicine and Philosophy, against a background of clinical
western psychology. An absolutely essential volume for
anyone, not weaned on these metaphors, but interested in
holistic treatment, at any level. Beatifully written,
deserves to be read and re-read.
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