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Organismic Psychotherapy
- The Healing Touch:
An Introduction to Organismic Psychotherapy (1989)
The Healing Touch: An
Introduction to Organismic Psychotherapy
by Malcolm Brown
Paperback: 2317 pages
(December 1989)
Publisher: LifeRhythm; ISBN: 0940795019
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A moving and meticulous account of Malcolm Brown's
journey from Rogerian-style verbal psychotherapist to
gifted body psychotherapist. Dr. Brown developed his own
methods of dissolving chronic muscular tensions through
years of working as a pioneer with the theories of
Wilhelm Reich, Bioenergetics, Jung, Maslow, and others.
Using powerful case histories as examples, The Healing
Touch will give you a greater theoretical clarity and
pragmatic appreciation of the use of yin/yang bodywork
methods in a humanistic clinical framework.
Brown's theories of body psychotherapy postulate the
fundamental importance of the ontological Being Centers
of Agape-Eros, Hara, Logos and the Spiritual Warrior as
being the final goals of the de-armoring process. As
such, he contests Reich's theories about the formation of
character-muscular armoring.
His primary purpose in writing The Healing Touch is to
help students and practicing psychotherapists gain a
greater theoretical clarity and pragmatic appreciation of
the uses of yin/yang bodywork methods with an essentially
humanistic clinical framework. Because he includes
spiritual and subtle imaginative psychic dimensions of
the embodied soul in his work, his unique approach sets a
new guideline in the field of therapy.
About the Author
Malcolm Brown, Ph.D. began his work in London in 1964,
organizing and leading training programs as a colleague
of Alexander Lowen. In 1969 he founded the Berkeley
Institute of Body Psychotherapy in California, then moved
to Italy where he directed the European Institute of
Organismic Psychotherapy and co-founded the European
Association for Body Psychotherapy which has become
influential worldwide. He now resides in the USA,
teaching worldwide.
Brown was influenced by Reich, Jung, Maslow, Neumann,
Goldstein, Rogers and D. H. Lawrence, as he developed his
own methods of dissolving chronic muscular tensions and
reactivating the natural mental-spiritual polarities of
the embodied soul and transcendental psyche.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1--Humanistic Body Psychotherapy: A Science and
an Art
Chapter 2--An Ontological Theory of Character-Muscular
Chapter 3--Some of the Energy Changes of the De-Armoring
Chapter 4--Pitfalls of Direct Touch
Chapter 5--The Beginning of Christa's Intensive
Chapter 6--Evolution of the Therapeutic Relationship
Chapter 7--The Emergence of the Front Half
Chapter 8--Christa's Collapse
Chapter 9--Creative Regression and the Emergence of the
Blood Flow
Chapter 10--Christa' Decisive Nineteenth Session
Chapter 11--The Third and Fourth Stages of Creative
Chapter 12--The Five Unifying Polarities of the Core Self
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