Cork Local Voluntary Youth Council, Grant Awards

Cork Local Voluntary Youth Council, Grant Awards

Cork Local Voluntary Youth Council (CLVYC) awarded once-off grants of £3,000 to voluntary youth organisations in Cork City and County, at the presentation are from left; Alice King, Cloyne Youth Federation; Denis O'Brien, Foróige; Anthony O'Donovan, Chairman CLVYC; Vincent Wrynn, Principal Officer Dept. of Education; Gemma Cadogan, Vice-Chairperson CLVYC; and Joan Kellher, Shandon Youth Club.

Back from left: Sr. Carmel Ryan Dunmanway Foróige; Tadgh Horgan, Churchtown South Youth Club; Anne Higgins, Churchtown South Community Council; Pat Leahy, Shandon Y.C.; John Beausang, P.R.O. CLVYC; Grace Kelly, I.S.P.C.C.; Sandra Brett Mahon, Travellers homework support; and Ruairí O'Laoighaire, Mahon Foróige.

Picture: John Sheehan Photography.





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