Favorite Rower Rowing Machine Review |
Rowing Machines
- Reviews, Ratings & Buyers Guide |
The Best piston Rowing Machine: sturdy, durable, and smooth
German design The Kettler Favorit Rowing Machine is an affordable
Rowing Machine appropriate for those new to rowing or with limited
space. The training computer comes with pulse measurement for
advanced cardiovascular training and although the Kettler Favorit
Rowing Machine is an upper-end piston resistance Rowing Machine,
serious rowers will prefer the more natural feel of water or
magnetic resistance.
Favorite Rower Rowing Machine
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The Kettler Favorit Rowing Machine's performance monitor includes
measurements of time, number of strokes rowed, stroke rating
(with audible setting), energy consumption, automatic display
alternation, and target settings. The constant feedback is
an excellent motivator, and it allows you to measure and record
your progress toward improved fitness.
The Kettler Favorit Rowing Machine features space-saving hydraulic
piston resistance to simulate the feel of rowing. Unique to
the Kettler Favorit Rowing Machine are the adjustable level
oars that allow you to adjust the resistance to vary your
workout. Piston resistance Rowing Machines typically represent
the entry-level segment of the Rowing Machine market. While
piston resistance is an effective source of resistance, providing
excellent aerobic exercise, it feels the least like real rowing.
If you are just looking for a great workout, piston resistance
will meet your needs. However, purists seeking to capture
the feeling of real rowing should look at water resistance
Rowing Machines.
Favorite Rower Rowing Machine
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Could be viewed as a little pricey.
Recommendation : ![](images/icon_small_rating4.gif)
Size (L x W x H)
49 In x 31 In x 24 In
Folded Size (L x W x H) 31 In x 49
In x 10 In
Weight 50 lbs
Resistance Piston
Monitor Features Energy consumption,
Time, Number of strokes, Stroke rating
Rowing Motion Standard
Max User Weight 285 lbs
Made in Germany