13th September |
Fungal foray on local farm. The Species Index has now shot up to 901 entries. Early showers with bright intervals later. |
The largest puffball I've ever seen. About 15 cm tall and 10 cm diameter. Handkea excipuliformis. |
And a Waxcap species that I've been hoping to find for quite some time. Hygrocybe calyptriformis.
And continuing with new species, Cortinarius hemitrichus. This was a choice of two, but this has no obvious odour of Pelargonium.
A very numerous species in this young woodland - Collybia butyracea - the Butter Cap. |
This specimen means I'll have to keep the precise location under wraps. This is Psilocybe semilanceata - the Liberty Cap or Magic Mushroom. It is now illegal to carry specimens of this mushroom (and some others). |
Coprinus micaceus is readily identified by the white crystaline structures on the cap. |
My first thought on this was Cystoderma amianthinum, which I've shown before, but this group was much brighter yellow than I've seen before. Turns out it's the early stages of Pholiota flammans, a rare and exotic species. |
This is a single specimen of Meripilus giganteus. About 40 cm. across. I suspect the Beech tree is doomed. |
Two Mycenas. One from the lawn and the other from moss in woodland. The white one appears to be Mycena galopus var. candida. No id for the other yet.
A couple of butterflies from the garden. The Red Admiral (left) is in pristine condition and will be from the local brood, which are the offspring of the immigrants from May and June. The Speckled Wood (right) is one of the numerous (but small) third brood which are chasing each other all over paths and hedgerow at the moment.
We watched the Speckled Wood landing and took our eyes off it for a second. It took us quite a while to find it again due to the excellent camouflage. |
An update from the hedgerow sawfly colony that I'm monitoring. This shot shows a small Ichneumonid laying eggs directly into the body of the 3-day old sawfly larva.
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