17th August |
Tramore dunes, near Dunfanaghy.
Corrected hoverfly identification on 13th August.
Sunny and hot. 5 Wall Brown, 1 Common Blue, 100+ Meadow Brown. |
En route from the car to the dunes, I spotted about 5 of these Wall Browns. They are very wary, hence the less than brilliant photograph. |
Something about this Trefoil shouted "look more closely". Turns out it's Black Medick, a new species for me. Flower heads about 8mm. across. The tiny point at the tip of the leaf is diagnostic. |
At first, I thought this was Bladder Campion, but given the location (estuary about 20 m away) and the rounded petals, I'm going for Sea Campion. |
The Pyramidal Orchids were clearly very numerous here. This one was just hanging on. A vibrant colour. |
Two yellows. On the left, Lady's Bedstraw, and on the right a Wild Pansy (flower about 15mm tall), perhaps the maritime subspecies, curtisii
This Field Gentian is the first I've seen. A strangely-shaped flower, presumably to encourage an insect with a long tongue, such as a butterfly or moth. |
At first I thought this was the Water Speedwell, but the colours are quite pinkish. The Pink Water Speedwell has pink flowers, but narrow leaves. This might well be the hybrid. |
This very small, creeping, yellow daisy was everywhere, along with Mouse-ear Hawkweed. I think it might be the Lesser Hawkbit. Flowers about 15 mm across, with tiny waved leaves. |