The Irish Astronomical Society / Cumann Realteolaíocta na hÉireann welcomes you.
The Society, the National Society for Ireland, was set up in October 1937, by a
group of people who met at The Red Bank Restaurant, D'Olier St., Dublin.
The Society is democratic, accountable organisation governed by a Committee. In
2007 we celebrated our 70th Anniversary.
- How to Join: Membership is open to all interested in Astronomy.
- How to contact us:
E-Mail: ias1937@hotmail.com
Write to: P.O. Box 2547,
Dublin 14,
- More about the History of The Society.
- Honours.
- Articles some written especially for the web
and some from Orbit.
Evelyn Cusack (centre) after lecturing on FASTEX with
President, James O'Connor (right) and member Henry Maude (left)on 1st February
photo courtesy of Barry Pickup |
The Meetings Programme runs from September to May with
a meeting held each month, usually consisting of lectures and talks by professional persons and members.
Among the memorable
lectures of the past were
a lecture delivered by Colonel Kenneth E. Edgeworth on 9 April 1952 in
which he set out publicly for the first time details of his theory of the
origin of the solar system and the existence of what is now described as
the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt of comets; and
a lecture delivered by Professor Tao Kiang on 17 April 1978 in which he
described his new theory of the dynamics of the asteroid belt, accounting
for the bunching of asteroids in certain locations where existing theories
predicted gaps.
a lecture delivered by Professor Patrick A. Wayman on 1 November 1993. He
described his deep research into the Story of Thomas and Howard Grubb and their
great telescope-manufacturing establishment at Observatory Lane, Rathmines, Dublin.
Prof. Wayman was still working on his biography of the Grubbs when he died on
21st December 1998.
a lecture delivered by Mr John McConnell on 17th April 2000. He described the many
his many years of research into the great 19th century observatory established at
Daramona, Co. Westmeath by William E. Wilson.
a lecture delivered by Dr John Mason on 25th March 2002. He described the current
state of our understanding of the planet Mars.
Star Parties
Dunsink Observatory 12" South refractor
photo courtesy of Barry Pickup |
Viewing nights for members are held each month at both our
site in the Dublin Mountains and at Dunsink Observatory
(location) where we can use the 30cm(12") South refractor.
Dublin Sidewalk Astronomers over the years.
As well as member star parties there are public star parties. These are
conducted by the I.A.S.'s "Dublin
Sidewalk Astronomers" from time to time. They are free of charge.
I.A.S. visit to Armagh Observatory 6th Nov 1999.
photo courtesy of Paul Fitzgerald |
Outings to places of scientific interest are arranged
from time to time. Among places that have been visited a number of times
are Dunsink and Armagh Observatories, Armagh Planetarium, Schull Planetarium,
Birr Castle, Newgrange and Jodrell Bank radio telescope.
In 1986, a Society Group went to the Canary Islands to view Halley’s Comet and
visit the astronomical observatories on the Islands. Many members have travelled
to various locations throughout the world in order to view
total eclipses of the sun. Groups travelled to
Bulgaria to see Eclipse '99, to Zimbabwe to see the 2001 Eclipse, to Spain in 2005
and to Turkey/Libya to view the recent Eclipse in 2006.
In the spring of 2003 we visted Jack Newton's Astronomy B&B in Canada.
Later in 2003 we visited Iceland for the Aurora. In early 2005 a visit
was arranged to the British National Space Centre in Leicester.
I.A.S. visit to Dunsink Observatory 8th May 1999.
photo courtesy of Barry Pickup |
Members had a most enjoyable visit to Dunsink Observatory on 21st Sep. 2002.
I.A.S. group in front of the South Telescope Dome, 2002.
photo courtesy of John O'Neill |
Members enjoy Solar Observing with a filtered telescope, 2002
photo courtesy of John O'Neill |
The Society also has a Library of books, magazines and videos. These are available for free
loaning to members.
A list is available to Members on the Members Forum.
Social Events
From time to time we have social events. On 21st January 2000 we held a 'Year 2000'
Dinner, this was followed by a 'Millennium' Dinner on 19th January 2001
At both events everybody had a most enjoyable evening. Subsequently this became an annual
event each January.
In the photograph are William Burns (Vice President), Michael Cummins (President),
Eunan Murray, Liam Smyth, James O'Connor, John O'Neill (Hon.Secretary)
and Angela O'Connell (Hon.Treasurer).
Photo courtesy William Burns.