- 1782 To set at Archers grove, a flour
mill, apply Mr James, Maddoxtown. [FLJ]
- 1788 Robert Sherkley, papermaker,
Maddox-town. [Lucas]
- 29.2.1792 To let, dwellinghouse of
Madexton, lately occupied by Captain Shanley, apply Mrs
Colles, Millmount. [FLJ]
- 26.2.1794 To let, dwelling house of
Maddoxtown, 2 miles of Kilkenny, apply Christopher
James, Trinity College, Dublin, or Mrs Colles, Millmount.
- 1794 Catherine Lanigan, Maddoxtown [I
- 28.2.1795 To let house of Maddoxtown, 2
mile of Kilkenny, apply to Mr Anderson who now resides at
Maddoxtown. [FLJ]
- 2.9.1807 Robert Shercliffe, Maddoxtown,
game licence. [LJ]
- 30.4.1808 Robert Shercliff, Maddoxtown.
- 5.10.1808 Robert Shercliffe, Maddoxtown,
game licence. [LJ]
- 6.9.1809 Robert Shercliffe, Maddoxtown,
game licence. [LJ]
- 26.9.1810 Robert Shercliffe, Maddoxtown,
game licence. [LJ]
- 16.10.1811 Robert Shercliffe, Maddoxtown,
game licence. [LJ]
- 1883 James Lanigan, Madoktown. [Will]
- MAIDENHALL, Danesfort parish, Shillelogher
- 1837 Rev Ambrose Smith, Maiden Hall. [Mod
- 1839 Rev Ambrose Smith, Maiden-hall.
- 4.10.1845 Edward Hunt, Maiden Hall. [Mod]
- 1863 John Butler, Maiden Hall. [Mod
- 1867 Mary Kingston, Maidenhall. [Will]
- 1870 John Butler Esq., JP, Maidenhall,
Bennettsbridge. [Slater]
- 1873 Mr Butler, Maidenhall. [Mod
- 1876 John Butler, Maidenhall,
Bennettsbridge, 606a. [Land]
- 1881 John Butler Esq., JP, Maiden Hall,
Bennettsbridge. [Slater]
- 1884 John Butler, JP, Maiden Hall,
Bennettsbridge. [Bassett]
- 1894 G Butler, Maiden hill. [Slater]
- 1969 Maidenhall was built in 1740 and is
the home of Hubert Butler. [O’Kelly]
- 1993 Maidenhall, 3 bay 3 storey house,
with 2 bay entrance, rendered, c1820. 1 mile S of
Bennettsbridge. 19.S.55.46. [KK Dev Plan]
- 1836 John G Mullhallen. [Mod 27.4.1836]
- 23.3.1774 Mr Edward Bluett, Mallardstown
near Callan. [FLJ]
- 3.4.1774 Edmond Bluet, Mallardstown. [FLJ]
- 1778 George Lowe, Mallardstowne, Siever.
[Oss Wills]
- 2.11.1795 Michael Lowe of Mallardstown, Co
Kilkenny, Esq. [Mar Lic]
- 4.11.1795 Married, Michael Low of
Mallardstown Esq. [FLJ]
- 2.3.1796 George Lowe of Mallardstown, Esq.
- 4.2.1801 Michael Lowe, Mallardstown. [FLJ]
- 31.8.1811 Michael Lowe, Mallardstown,
Catholic Committee. [LJ]
- 1828 Rev Henry Herbert, Mallardstown. [Jnl
- 1832 George P Helsham, Mallardstown, Army
Captain. [Voters]
- 1836 George Lowe, only son of Michael
Lowe, dec'd, Mallardstown & Alicia Lee. [Kings Inn]
- 1836 For sale at Mallardstown House, seat
of Captain Helsham, paintings. [Mod 9.1.1836]
- 1836 Death 21 January at Mallardstown,
Paul, infant son of Capt. Helsham. [Mod 23.1.1836]
- 1836 Sale at Mallardstown House, entire
household furniture. [Mod 16.2.1836]
- 1836 George Paul Helsham. [Mod 27.4.1836]
- 1836 Capt. Helsham, late of Mallardstown,
now of the city. [Mod 18.6.1836]
- MAMRY LODGE, Cappagh, parish of Inistioge,
barony of Gowran.
- 28.2.1827 To let, lodge of Mamre and 10a,
on Nore, 1 mile of Inistioge 2 of Thomastown, apply John
Nixon jnr, Brownsbarn. [Mod]
- 1969 Stream joins Nore at Mamry Lodge.
- MANSELCOURT, Kilbeacon parish, Knocktopher
- 1969 The site of the mansion is near the
Derrylacky river. [O’Kelly]
- MARINO RECTORY. [? Merino = Ennisnag]
- 1832 Rev George Walters or Watters, Marine
Rectory, Co Kilkenny, Decd. [Kings Inn]
- 1787 Garrett Nevill, Marymount, Co.
Kilkenny and Mary Hodson his wife. [Kings Inn]
- 3.9.1796 Garret Neville of Marymount, Esq.
- 1801 Marymount, a good house, and a place
well planted, and entirely formed by the proprietor Mr G
Neville. [Tighe]
- 2.9.1807 Robert Neville, Marymount, game
licence. [LJ]
- 5.10.1808 Robert Nevill, Marymount, game
licence. [LJ]
- 31.12.1808 Gar. Neville Esq., Marymount,
Freshford. [LJ]
- 26.9.1810 Robert Nevill, Marymount, game
licence. [LJ]
- 16.10.1811 Robert Nevill, Marymount, game
licence. [LJ]
- 30.10.1821 Garrett Neville, Marymount,
Johnstown. [Mod]
- 1828 Died age 84, Mary relict of Garret
Neville Esq. Of Marymount. [Jnl 6.9.1828]
- 13.3.1833 Robert Neville, Marymount. [Jnl]
- 1836 Robert Neville. [Mod 27.4.1836]
- 1837 Robert Neville, Marymount. [Mod
- 1840 Married, Hon Theobald Butler, brother
to Viscount Galmoy, to Eliza daughter of Robert Neville
of Marymount in this Co., returned to E.T.M. Ville near
Clonmel, seat of the bridegroom. [Jnl 19.12.1840]
- 10.3.1841 Robert Neville, Marymont. [Mod]
- 17.9.1842 Died, at his residence, Mary
Mount, Robert Neville Esq., High Sheriff of Co. Kilkenny.
- 5.10.1842 Late Mr Mevill of Marymount.
- 1846 Thomas Neville Esq., Marymount.
- 1856 Thomas Neville Esq., Marymount.
- 18.8.1769 George Hewetson of Marsdale, Co
Kilkenny, gent. [Mar Lic]
- 1782 House & demesne of Marsdale to
let, apply Henry Flood, Farmley. [FLJ 6.11.1782]
- 28.6.1786 House & demesne of Masdale
near Bennettsbridge, proposals to Henry Flood Esq.,
Farmley. [FLJ]
- 1873 William Hall, late of Massford,
Castlecomer. [Mod 3.5.1873]
- c1842 Marked on OS map off Maudlin St.
[Bradley Atlas]
- 26.2.1845 Mr Meara, Maypark. [Mod]
- MEALLAGHMORE CASTLE, Killamery parish,
Kells barony.
- 1969 There is a castle in ruins.
- MELVILLE, parish of Dunkitt, barony of
- 2.3.1746 Roger Deyos, Melville, Co
Kilkenny, Esq. [Will Abs Vol II]
- 1781 To let, house of Melville & 90a,
3 mile from Waterford. Paddocks walled for deer.
Proposals Rev Wm Downes. [FLJ 3.1.1781]
- 1747 To set, any term under 90 years,
demesne land of Melleville, Co. Kk. Mrs Ann Dejos at
Melville. In occ of a gentleman of fortune for last 40
- 1969 Melville is a residence title.
- 5.11.1783 Mary Ann Colles, Millmount.
- 28.6.1786 Mary Ann Colles, Millmount.
- 1788 Mary Ann Collis, Mill Mount. [Lucas
- 29.2.1792 Mrs Colles, Millmount. [FLJ]
- 26.2.1794 Mrs Colles, Millmount. [FLJ]
- 24.12.1794 Mrs Colles, Millmount. [FLJ]
- 1794 Mary Ann Colles, widow of William
Colles, Millmount. [Kings Inn]
- 28.2.1795 To let, Millmount & 10a with
or without bolting mills of Abbyvale, Mrs Colles,
Millmont. [FLJ]
- 27.5.1812 William Colles, Millmount. [LJ]
- 10.3.1818 Mrs Colles, Mill Mount. [Mod]
- 28.4.1821 William Colles, Millmount. [Mod]
- 1839 William Colles Esq., Millmount.
- 17.5.1843 William Colles, Millmount. [Jnl]
- 27.10.1849 Death of William Colles at
Millmount. [KJnl]
- 1859 Richard Colles, Millmount. [Will]
- 1870 Alexander Colles Esq., JP, Millmount.
- 1873 Mr Colles, Millmount. [Mod
- 1876 Alexander Colles, Millmount, 136a.
- 1876 Alexander Colles, Millmount. [Will]
- 1881 Died 12.1 at Millmount, Isabella,
widow of late Alexander Colles. [Jnl 15.1.1881]
- 1881 Elizabeth Colles, Millmount. [Will]
- 1881 Richard Colles Esq., Mill mount.
- 1894 Richard Colles JP, Millmount.
- 1917 Died, Selina wife of Richard Colles,
Mill Mount. [St Canices Cathedral grave]
- 1993 Mill Mount, cruciform in plan,
Maddockstown. 19.S.54.54. [KK Dev Plan]
- MILLVIEW HOUSE, Thomastown.
- 1794 Robert Shaw leases to Amias Davis,
Cannes's Hill. [KAS Deed]
- 1824 Robert Clifford Esq., Mill View,
Thomastown. [Pigot]
- 1836 William Clifford, Millview. [[Mod
- 23.5.1840 William Clifford, Mill View,
Thomastown. [Jnl]
- 6.1.1849 William Clifford Esq., Mill View,
Thomastown. [Jnl]
- C1890 Plan of estate of Rev RFM Clifford,
Millview House & Lands, Thomastown. [KAS Deed]
- 1939 Robert William Bull Pilsworth, Mill
View, Thomastown, Miller. [KAS deed Box 3 B4]
1746 To let in minority of John Cramer, lands of
Miltown in Gowran, 300a, 1 mile of Borris and 1 mile of
Graigunamana. Proposals to ... Mrs Hester Helsham at Mr
Bush’s, Kilmurry...
- 1772 Rev James Dowling, Moate. [I Wills]
- 29.12.1773 To set, part of lands of Moat
with dwellinghouse on riverside, ¼ mile from
Ballyragget, proposals to Robert Butler Esq.,
Ballyragget. [FLJ]
- 1793 Redmond Everard, Moate [I Wills]
- 29.12.1773 To set, part of lands of Moat
with dwellinghouse on riverside, ¼ mile from
Ballyragget, proposals to Robert Butler Esq.,
Ballyragget. [FLJ]
- 1795 Redmond Long Everard, Moate. [Oss
- 29.4.1797 To let, part of lands of Moat
lately held by Remond Long Everard Esq., part of the
estate of George Butler Esq, ¼ mile of Ballyragget on
bank of Nore. [FLJ]
- 1801 G Neville at Moonfin. [Tighe]
- 1833 Francis Butler, Morrismore. [Jnl
- 1810 Mount Argula bolting mill near
Thomastown. [LJ did not note]
- 21.2.1818 To let, house & lands of
Mount Argula and 12a near Ballyduffe. [Mod]
- 1884 William P Kelly, JP, Lieut. Reserve
of Officers, late RA, Mount Brandon, Graigue. [Bassett]
- 1768 To the house which was being built
for Mr Wheeler [Glimpses of Kilkenny in 18th
Century, J Doyle, p14]
- 1769 Mount Brilliant. Engraved marble
tablet in situ.
- 15.4.1776 Rev Oliver Wheeler of Mount
Brilliant. . [RoD 310.563.207888]
- 1782 Died at Mount Brilliant, Oliver
Wheeler. [FLJ 15.5.1782]
- 1782 To let during life of widow of late
Rev Oliver Wheeler, house & garden of Mount Brilliant
with 18a, a pigeon house, well-stocked fish pond and
warren. [FLJ 15.5.1782]
- 29.3.1786 Mr Hartford, Mount Brilliant.
- 31.10.1787 Bibby Hartford Esq., Mount
Brilliant. [FLJ]
- 29.3.1788 To set, lands of Mount Brilliant
near city, 17a and dwelling house on banks of Nore, apply
William Hartford Esq., at Mount Brilliant. [FLJ]
- 1788 Hartford Bibby, attorney at law,
Mount Brilliant. [Lucas Directory}
- 6.6.1795 To let house of Mount Brilliant,
apply Wm Bradish Esq., or Major Kingsmill. [FLJ]
- 1799 William Jacob esq. Of Mount
Brilliant. [KK Deed 5, OKR 1982 p384)
- 29.8.1801 To let, house & gardens of
Mount Brilliant and Glandine, 24 a, One of the most
delightful situations, within ¼ mile of the city. [FLJ]
- 30.3.1805 To let, house of Mount Brilliant
and 6a, on bank of Nore, apply James Switzer at said
place. [LJ]
- 29.4.1807 To let, Mount Brilliant, on
River Nore, 10 mins walk of city, thorough repair, 6a.
- 26.9.1807 To let, House & demesne of
Mount Brilliant, apply James Lalor. [LJ]
- 3.9.1808 Mr Hartford, Mount Brilliant.
- 30.6.1810 Mr James Lalor of Mount
Brilliant. [LJ]
- 31.8.1811 James Lalor, Mount Brilliant,
Catholic committee. [LJ]
- 29.4.1843 To let, Mount Brilliant, apply
Geo. W Kinchella, Greenvale. [Jnl]
- 1717 John Eaton jnr, Mount Eaton. [Oss
- MOUNT ELAND. (See Eland)
- 1895 George Edward de Montmorency of Mount
Eland Cottage. [KAS deed A4]
- 30.4.1808 Thomas Bookey. [LJ]
- 21.4.1747 Dau of John Geale of Mount Geale
in Co Kilkenny, gent. [Mar Lic]
- 1750 Benjamin Gale, son of Benjamin Gale of Mount Gale
marr to Miss Falkiner, fortune £3,000.
- 22.5.1774 Birth, the lady of Joseph Gale
of Mount Gale, of a son and heir. [FLJ]
- 29.8.1772 Died at Mount Geale near this
city, age 75, Mrs Elizabeth Geale, relict of late John
Geale Esq. [FLJ]
- 4.1.1775 Joseph Geale of Mount Geale.
- 1800 William Shearman, Mount Gale. [Oss
- 25.2.1801 Auction at Mount Geale, stock of
William Shearman dec’d. [FLJ]
- 4.3.1801 To let, dwelling house &
demesne of Mountgeale, lately in possession of
William Shearman Esq., 150 a. [FLJ]
- 31.3.1810 Richard Hutchinson, Mount Geale.
- 4.4.1827 Mr Hutchinson, Mount Gale,
Kilkenny. [Mod]
- 26.8.1830 Ghost at Mountgale. [Jnl]
- 27.11.1830 To let, house & demesne of
of Mountgale 152a. [Jnl]
- 31.12.1831 To let house of Mountgale and
143a, 4 mile Kilkenny, estate of late Benjamin Geale Esq.
- 1836 William Hurst late of Mount Gale,
insolvent. [Mod 30.11.1836]
- 1837 William Hurst late of Mount Gale,
insolvent. [Mod 25.2.1837]
- 1859 Benjamin Geale Brady, Mount Geale.
- 1863 Miss Letitia B G Grady, Mountgeale.
[Mod 10.1.1863]
- 31.1.1857 John L Conn, Mount Ida. [Mod]
- 1766 Earl of Carrick received notice Mt
Juliet would be attacked. Chained his bridge over Nore
and drives. Warns not to cross at night as guarded.
- 10.8.1768 Lord Carrick, Mount Juliet.
- c1780 Built for Earl of Carrick.
- 1780 Mountjuliet House, a mansion
overlooking the Nore was built. [O’Kelly]
- 17.10.1772 Earl of Carrick, Mount Juliet.
- 12.7.1780 John Roth of Mount Juliet,
Kilkenny. [Mar Lic]
- 1782 Richard Alcock, Mount Juliet. [FLJ
- 1783 Pierce Butler, Mount Juliet. [FLJ
- 1801 Lord Carrick of Mount Juliet is the
only constantly resident nobleman (in Co. Kilkenny)
- 2.9.1807 Viscount Ikerrin, Mount Juliet,
game licence. [LJ]
- 5.10.1808 Earl of Carrick, Mount Juliet,
game licence. [LJ]
- 5.10.1808 Lord Viscount Ikerrin, Mount
Juliet, game licence. [LJ]
- 31.12.1808 Earl of Carrick, Mount Juliet.
- 6.9.1809 Lord Viscount Ikerrin, Mount
Juliet, game licence. [LJ]
- 26.9.1810 Lord Viscount Ikerrin, Mount
Juliet, game licence. [LJ]
- 16.10.1811 Lord Viscount Ikerrin, Mount
Juliet, game licence. [LJ]
- 29.2.1812 Earl of Carrick, Mount Juliet.
- 4.2.1815 Earl of Carrick, Mount Juliet.
- 29.9.1821 Earl of Carrick, Mount Juliet,
game cert. [Mod]
- 1824 Earl of Carrick, Mount Juliet.
- 1853 Hon Chas H B Wandesforde, DL, Mount
Juliet, Thomastown. [Thom]
- 1870 Earl of Carrick, DL, Mount Juliet.
- 1876 Earl of carrick, Mount Juliet,
Thomastown, 1368a. [Land]
- 1881 Earl of Carrick, DL, Mount Juliet.
- 1969 Mountjuliet House, the home of the
MacCalmont family. [O’Kelly]
- 1969 Rich Adam ornament in all the
ground-floor suite. [Georgian]
- Other Source; Arthur Young. [Georgian]
- 1993 Mount Juliet, large mid C18th five
bays and three storeys. 19.S.69.50. [KK Dev Plan]
- MOUNT LOFTUS, parish of Powerstown, barony
of Gowran.
- 29.7.1769 To let, Mount Loftus
–detailed advert- the house is newly built. [FLJ]
- 27.6.1793 Francis son of Sir Edward Loftus
of Mount Loftus, Bart. [KK Coll]
- 1801 Mount Loftus, the seat of Sir
Edward Loftus. [Tighe]
- 30.4.1808 Sir Edward Loftus, Bart,
Mount Loftus. [LJnl]
- 31.1.1810 Sir Edward Loftus, Bart., Mt
Loftus. [LJ]
- 29.9.1821 Francis H Loftus, Mount Loftus,
game cert. [Mod]
- 1863 Sir Francis H Loftus, Bart., Mount
Loftus. [Mod 10.1.1863]
- 1870 Mary Murphy, Mount Loftus. [Will]
- 1870 John Murphy Esq., JP, Mount Loftus,
Goresbridge. [Slater]
- 1873 Mr Murphy, Mount Loftus. [Mod
- 1876 John Murphy, Mount Loftus,
Goresbridge, 1,793a. [Land]
- 1881 John Murphy Esq., JP, Mount Loftus,
Goresbridge. [Slater]
- 1881 John Murphy, Mountloftus. [Will]1969
Mountloftus House home of Loftus family since 1754.
Present house built 1904. [O’Kelly]
- 1929 Died, May, wife of Major JEB Loftus
of Mount Loftus. [St Canices Cathedral grave]
- 1993 Mount Loftus, built c1910, replacing
a late C18th house, but partially burnt in the 1930s
leaving a U-shaped servants wing. 2 miles S of
Goresbridge. 19.S.69.50. [KK Dev Plan]
- 1769 John O’Neill, Mt Neill [I Wills]
- 1784 Bart Walsh, Mt Neill [I Wills]
- 1783 Coyne Nugent, Mount Nugent, Kilkenny.
[FLJ 27.8.1783]
- 1784 To let, 300a of Mount Nugent with
good house, 4 miles Kilkenny, 6 of Castlecomer, 6 of Old
Leighlin, 10 of Carlow. Apply Coyne Nugent at Mount
Nugent. [FLJ 11.2.1784]
- 28.5.1796 To let, Mount Nugent, house and
110a, about 5 miles from Kilkenny. [FLJ]
- 1783 Joseph Reade, Mountpleasant [I Wills]
- 26.12.1807 Dennis Murphy Esq., Mount
Pleasant near Johnstown. [LJ]
- 26.9.1810 Michael Murphy, Mount Pleasant,
game licence. [LJ]
- 16.10.1811 Michael Murphy, Mount Pleasant,
game licence. [LJ]
- 1.2.1812 Michael & Anthony Murphy,
Mount Pleasant. [LJ]
- 1836 Sam King, Mount Pleasant. [Mod
- 30.4.1808 John B Bowers, Mount Prospect.
- 18.11.1843 John Hackett, Mount Prospect.
- 17.5.1843 John Hackett, Mount Prospect.
- MOUNT ROSE, Tullabrin.
- 1833 To let House & demesne of Mount
Rose at Tullabrin, 20 acres, 4 mile of Kilkenny, apply
Michael Cosby on premises. [Jnl 31.8.1833]
- 1833 Mount Rose near Johns Well, residence
of Ml Crosby. [Jnl 26.10.1833]
- MOUNT ROTH, a sub-division of Kilmacahill,
parish of Kilmacahill, barony of Gowran.
- (See also Butlers Grove)
- 10.10.1767 Richard Rothe Esq., Mount Roth
near Gowran. [FLJ]
- 9.11.1768 Richard Roth, Mount Roth. [FLJ]
- 14.4.1770 Richard Roth Esq., of Mount
Roth. [FLJ]
- 15.8.1770 Richard Roth, Mount Roth. [FLJ]
- 1774 Katherine daughter of Richard Roth of
Mount Roth (or Butler's Grove) married Pierce Butler, 3rd
son of 1st Earl of Carrick. [Butler Jnl 1:133]
- 1782 William Barton, Mount Roth. [FLJ
- 1783 George only son of Richard Roth,
Mount Roth, Co Kilkenny. [Kings Inn]
- 29.3.1786 William Barton Esq., Mount Roth,
near Gowran. [FLJ]
- 3.11.1787 William Barton Esq., Mount Roth,
Gowran. [FLJ]
- 3.3.1792 William Barton Esq., Mount Rothe,
Gowran. [FLJ]
- 4.1.1794 William Barton Esq., Mount Rothe.
- 1.4.1801 William Barton Esq., Mount Roth.
- 2.9.1807 William Barton, Mount Rothe, game
licence. [LJ]
- 30.4.1808 William Barton, Mount Rothe.
- 5.10.1808 William Barton, Mount Rothe,
game licence. [LJ]
- 6.9.1809 William Barton, Mount Rothe, game
licence. [LJ]
- 26.9.1810 William Barton, Mount Rothe,
game licence. [LJ]
- 16.10.1811 William Barton, Mount Rothe,
game licence. [LJ]
- 30.5.1829 To let, house & demesne of
Mount Rothe & 92a, 7 mile Kilkenny, 2 mile of Gowran
& Goresbridge. [Mod]
- 29.9.1841 James Brennan Esq., Mount Rothe.
- 25.11.1857 Joseph Brennan Esq., Mount
Rothe. [Mod]
- 1868 Philip Brennan, Mount Rothe. [Will]
- 1969 Mountrothe House now owned by the
Walshe family. [O’Kelly]
- 1993 Mountrothe, mid C18th house of three
bays, two storeys, rendered. (Mountrath) I mile W of
Shankill. 19.S.65.58. [KK Dev Plan]
- 3.12.1808 John Marum, Mount Stopford. [LJ]
- 28.10.1809 John Marum of Mount Stopford
married to sister of Patrick Byrne of Glishare Esq. [LJ]
- 1832 Richard Marum, Mount Stopford, gent.
- 4.4.1810 Mr Anthony Gale, Mount Trafalgar
near Kilkenny. [J]
- 1880 Josiah Pope, Mountain View. [Will]
- 30.4.1808 John Waring, Muccallee. [LJnl]
- MULLINABRO HOUSE, parish of Dunkitt,
barony of Ida.
- 1743 Dublin Socy Premium of £20 for
greatest quantity of merchantable hops in 1742 to
Humphrey Jones of Mullenebro Co. Kk, 65 hundred & 6
lbs. Mostly sold in Dublin. Brewers attest their quality.
Premiums to raise a spirit of industry and improvement.
- 1743 Premium of £15 for best parcel of
hops in 1743 to Mr Jones of Mullinerbie, Co. Kk.
- 1747 Humphrey Jones of Co. Kk raised hops.
- 1784 John Jones, Mullinabro. [FLJ
- 2.9.1800 John Hawtrey son of Humphrey
Jones Esq., Mullinabro, Co Kilkenny. [KK Coll]
- 1801 Mullinabroe, seat of Mr Jones.
- 1802 Humphry Jones, Mullinabrin, Co
Kilkenny, his eldest son John Hawtrey Jones, his second
son, Ralph, may have taken name Hawtrey under will
of his grandfather, 3rd son Humphry. [Will Abs]
- 1836 John Hawtry Jones [Mod 27.4.1836]
- 1836 Samuel H Jones [Mod 27.4.1836]
- 1836 Marmaduke Jones. [Mod 27.4.1836]
- 110.3.1841 John H Jones, Mullinabro. [Mod]
- 18.11.1843 John H Jones, Mullinabro. [Jnl]
- 1853 John Hawtry Jones, DL, Mullinabro,
Waterford. [Thom]
- 1861 John H Jones Esq., Mullinabro. [Mod
- 1863 John H Jones, Mullinabro'. [Mod
- 1884 John Hawtry Jones, DL, Mullinbro,
Waterford. [Bassett]
- 1969 Mullinabro House and demesne is
marked on the OS sheet. [O’Kelly]
- 1993 Mullinabro, in ruins. 1 mile N of
Waterford. 19.S.59.15. [KK Dev Plan]
Page updated 22.10.2008