Saint Charles - Letters to his Family

Saint Charles was born in Limburg (Holland) in 1821, he left home when he was twenty-four to become a Passionist. Although he never returned to his birthplace at Munstergeleen, he remained close to his family throughout nearly fifty years of separation. While Charles was a student in Belgium, his brother wrote to him: "Time destroys monuments, but your memory will never be erased from our hearts."

This selection from the letters written by Father Charles to members of his family gives us a glimpse at some of his inner thoughts, and even at times his sorrows and fears. It gives us an awareness of his love for his family, a love which only increased as his years in England and Ireland went on. His prayer for them is perhaps best expressed in these words he wrote to his brother:
"May the Lord keep you safe from every evil of soul and body, and, when this life is over, may he lead you to that blessed place where the years do not end and happiness and peace are eternal. These are my wishes for you." (L. 13, p.2G).

24 letters are presented here. Links on the top right lead to the letters.
