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A visit by a Grandad

Grandad & some third class girls


The pupils of a 3rd class invited one grandad to come and talk to the class about life when he was young. The children prepared the questions before he came and also thought of many more while he was talking to them. Below you will see pictures and accounts of what the children learned from the talk. Our thanks to Grandad for coming in for the questions and answers session!

Text written by a 3rd class pupil. Picture drawn by 3rd class pupil
Picture drawn by 3rd class pupil Picture drawn by 3rd class pupil
Text written by a 3rd class pupil. Text written by a 3rd class pupil.

We talked to our grandparents:

We learned that life was harder in many ways for our grandparents because there were fewer jobs and there was less money.

There was less variety of food and clothing. Often brothers and sisters had to share clothes.

Meals were very plain and simple.

People died at a younger age because of poor food, lack of medicine and less care.

Children received smaller presents for Christmas and birthdays. For some, fruit and sweets were a big treat.

Many of our grandparents were born at home while we were born in hospital.

Houses and schools were smaller and often children had to share bedrooms. There were lots of children in one class at school. There was no central heating and many children had to walk miles to school.

Our grandparents lived through World War 2 and were able to tell us about it.

We all agree that life is easier for children nowadays.

Here are some things we would miss:

Spaghetti Bolognese
Electric Blankets
Comfortable Beds
"Home & Away"
Tack for Ponies
Pop Music
Foreign Holidays

Mobile Phones
CD Players
Visiting Friends
Central Heating
Our Toys
Nice Teachers!

However our grandparents might have appreciated small pleasures more than us. They were fitter because of all the exercise.

In some ways they were healthier because they ate less sweets and less chemicals were used in food.

There was less pressure to be "cool" and to have lots of possessions.

We agree with our grandparents that "Love is More Important Than Money".

We all our enjoyed our History project for the SIP Project very much.


3rd class girls busy working on their History project 3rd class at work on History project


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