


After Dessert - The Circus Is About To Begin...

01 Keen perception and cleverly apt expression of connections between ideas which may arouse pleasure and especially amusement - speech or writing showing such perception and expression - a person endowed with or noted for such wit - understanding, intelligence, or sagacity: wit enough to come in out of the rain - mental abilities, or powers of intelligent observation, keen perception, ingenious contrivance, etc - ‘to have one’s wits about him/her’ - mental faculties, or senses: ‘to lose or regain one’s wits’ - mental capacity; reason; intellect - a clever or learned person - ‘at one’s wits end’ (at the end of one’s powers of knowing, thinking etc - utterly at loss or perplexed.   Five wits - the five senses, or the perception generally.   ‘Live by one’s wits’ (to gain a livelihood by resourcefulness and quick-wittedness rather than by hard work).   ‘Out of one’s wits’ (in or into a state of great fear) or incoherence: ‘to frighten someone out of his/her wits’ - drollery, facetiousness, repartee - wisdom

. “When the wine is in, the wit it out”.    


’Don’t Marry Be Happy’ - jigsaw puzzle. 
This 1,500 piece jigsaw puzzle captures an outrageously humorous and irreverent look at marriage by European cartoonist Hugo Prades.   Quality jigsaw puzzle, manufactured in Germany by Heye.   Completed size measures approximately 22.5” x 32.5”.  

02 Witticism: a witty remark - a joke (modeled on criticism). 

Conceived By Prince Rainier, It's The Super Bowl Of Circuses

03 Paronomasia: wordplay of the punning kind, using similar sounding or identical sounding words with different meanings in close proximity to each other, for an effect of comedy, balance, or cleverness.   Many of the myths of Dionysus reflect the trait of ‘losing the wits’ and of tearing or being torn apart. 

04 Dinadan: knight of the Round Table.   The only figure who has a genuine sense of humor and satirical talent.   He wrote a lampoon against KI Mark and played pranks on the other knights. 

05 Benjamin Franklin: “At 20 years of age, the will reigns; at 30, the wit; and at 40, the judgment”. 


06 Alexander Pope: “True Wit is Nature to advantage dress’d, what oft was thought, but ne’er so well express’d”. 

07 Hamlet: “Brevity is the soul of wit”. 

08 Henry IV Part-2: “I am not only witty in myself, but the cause of that wit is in other men”. 

09 Figaro: a type of daring, cunning and witty roguery and intrigue.  

10 Attic salt: elegant and delicate wit (sparkling thought, well expressed).  “Here lies a KI, that ruled as he thought fit – the universal monarchy of wit”.   


The quality of being funny: ‘the humor of the situation’ - the faculty of perceiving what is amusing or comical: sense of humor - the faculty of expressing the amusing or comical - speech or writing showing this faculty - mental disposition or tendency - frame of mind - capricious or freakish inclination - whim or caprice - odd traits - cardinal humors (regarded as determining, by their relative proportions in the system, a person’s physical and mental constitution).  Out of humor (displeased or dissatisfied, cross) - to comply with the humor of - indulge - to humor a child - to accommodate oneself to.   Humor, wit are contrasting terms which agree in referring to an ability to express a sense of the clever or amusing.   Humor consists in the bringing together of certain incongruities which arise naturally from situations or character, frequently so as to illustrate some fundamental absurdity in human nature or conduct; it is a more kindly trait than wit - ‘a genial and mellow type of humor’.   Wit is a purely intellectual, often spontaneous, manifestation of cleverness and quickness of apprehension in discovering analogies between things really unlike, and expressing them in brief, diverting, and sometimes sharp observations or remarks: humor produces a smile, but wit produces sudden laughter - temperament, mood.  Humor, Gratify, Indulge - imply attempting to satisfy the wishes or whims of oneself or others.   To humor is to comply with the mood, fancy, or, caprice of another, as in order to satisfy, soothe, or manage: to humor an invalid, a child.   To ‘gratify’ is to please by satisfying the likings or desires: to gratify someone by praising him/her.   ‘Indulge’ suggests a yielding to wishes by way of favor or complaisance, and may imply a habitual or excessive yielding to whims: to indulge an unreasonable demand, to indulge an irresponsible son.    Isaac: means ‘one laughs’ (Abraham laughed at the idea of Sarah bearing a child, but Sarah had the last laugh).  “Everything is funny as long as it is happening to someone else”.  


ALEKHINE: type of battery for digital chess clock

ALGEBRAIC NOTATION: A way of recording games for those who can’t describe them.

ATTACK: a short, sharp-pointed nail.

BAD BISHOP: another Catholic caught in a sex scandal

BAROQUE CHESS SET:  Unrepaired chess set.

BIRD’S OPENING:  a small hole in the side of a coop.

BISHOP PAIR: strange bed fellows.

BISHOPS OF OPPOSITE COLORS: a very strange couple.

BOARD: What chess widows are at chess tournaments with their husbands

BUST: bad opening when playing a well-endowed female

CENTER COUNTER: small table in the middle of a room.

CHECK: what chess players hate to hear at a tournament or restaurant

COLLE: opening for dog lovers

CORRESPONDENCE CHESS: the check really is in the mail

DANISH GAMBIT: opening for pastry lovers.

DISCOVERED CHECK:  one that fell behind a desk long time ago.

FOOL’S MATE:  A chessplayer’s spouse.

FRENCH DEFENSE: a Maginot line.

FRIED LIVER ATTACK:  a form of indigestion.

GRECO GAMBIT: opening for wrestlers,

ILLEGAL:  a sick bird.


MAROCZY:  A chess master who always got in a bind.

MAROCZY BIND:  an unusual form of constipation.

MATE: spouse.

MINORITY ATTACK:  a civil rights revolt.

SAM LOYD:  An endgame composer always causing problems.

SELF-HELP MATE: a bigamist.

SIESTA VARIATION: taking a nap before noon.

STALEMATE:  a spouse who keeps repeating the same old jokes.

WOODPUSHER:  lobbyist for the timber industry.

FIANCHETTO:  Pinnochio’s last name.

RICE GAMBIT:  Gary Hart’s favorite opening.

ZUGZWANG:  German for “constipated”.  The term is used when it hurts to move. 

Chess Limericks by Bill Wall

[By the way - ‘Limerick’ is a town in Ireland]

There once was a player from Maine,

Who played chess on a train.

He took a move back

And was thrown off the track,

And he never played chess again.


There once was a chessplayer named Flo,

Who liked to mate, you know;

When you castled long,

She helped along,

and would say, “O - O – O”. 


There once was a player named Maloney,

Who always played the Benoni.

But his counterattack,

failed to a sac;

And his Benoni was just baloney.


There once was a girl in the nude,

Who played chess with some dude;

She announced to her date,

She was ready to mate,

But her meaning was quite misconstrued.


There’s something chess computers lack;

It's not that they know how to attack;

They can fork and pin;

They may lose, more often win.

But they just will never talk back.


Postal chess is here to stay,

And no reason why I shouldn’t play.

It is nice and slow,

And I can use my ECO,

It's the postage I can’t afford to pay.


This has happened to you, I bet.

You bring your chess set and didn’t forget.

Then you notice with shock

You have a broken chess clock,

And a piece is missing from your best set.


The USCF rating system is inflated,

But the lower rated players are elated.

They can lose every game,

But their rating stays the same,

Or even become higher elevated.


A chessboard of a new design

that prevents an early resign.

With a different king

On either wing

The board must be 9 by 9.


In chess, my wife has one ambition

To win under any condition.

But to this date

She has yet to mate

She just can’t find the right position.


A chessplayer known to be great,

Was anything but sedate;

When moving to win,

He broadly would grin,

And bellow: “That’s check - and mate!”


There once was a Grandmaster named Browne,

Who always wore a perpetual frown;

As he played blitz against Dzindzi,

The crowd got all cringy,

He said just one word, that was, “DOWN!”



   Every chessplayer makes up excuses for every situation.    Here are some excuses that players say - and what they really mean……. 


          EXCUSE                                                                     TRUTH


Mind if we use my set and board?   My only set is this green and red

It’s my favorite set and, besides,                         plastic Florentine set.  Christ-

Larry Christiansen liked it.                                  iansen was playing blindfold.


Interesting game.  Your 12th move  I was out of book on move three.

must be a theoretical novelty.  I                          I seem to be losing after that

have never seen it before.                                      12th move that I overlooked.


I played this game in a postal match                  This has been played against me

and I crushed my opponent in 15                        in a postal game and I was mated

moves.                                                                         in 15 moves.


I unconsciously thought I was playing               Not that again.  I keep forgetting

the guys at work; they don’t know   how the en passant rule works.  I

en passant so I don’t use it.                                    forgot the pawn could be captured.


Yes, I said “J’adoube” before I                            I’m not going to move my Queen now.

touched my Queen.  I wasn't going to                 It would have been trapped.  I’ll

move it.  I’m just adjusting it.                              move another piece.  Besides, he

Try to listen better next time.                               needs witnesses that I touched it.


Fischer played that against Evans in                  Little known all right.  Johnny Fischer

1963.  It’s a little known line.  I                           lost to Danny Evans the same way back

should have played the improvement.                in the elementary school championship.