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Welcome to the website of the Sierra Leone - Ireland Partnership

The Sierra Leone Ireland Partnership honours Irish people's 140-year-old relationship with the people of Sierra Leone .

It is a focus point for people in Ireland who have personal, professional, spiritual or family ties to Sierra Leone .

It is a charity involved in awareness raising and advocacy for Sierra Leone in Ireland . It was founded in 1991 in response to the outbreak of the civil war in Sierra Leone .


In ómós do mhuintir Sierra Leone
As an méid a dfhulaing siad
As an dul chun cinn í dtreo athbheochana agus
Atógála atá déanta acu
Agus as an méid a bhronn Sierra Leone orainne


Out of respect for the people of Sierra Leone ,

For what they have endured,

For their steps towards recovery and rebuilding,

And for what Sierra Leone has contributed to us