Information Technology in Conventional & Complementary Veterinary Medicine
[Web version:]

World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress, Vancouver, Canada, 8-11 August 2001

Phil Rogers MVB, MRCVS <>
1 Esker Lawns, Lucan, Dublin, Ireland

Summary | Introduction | New Meta Engines | Holistic & General Vet Links | Other Online Databases | Web advances in holistic & conventional data | AP Events | Software for Cookbook AP | Email Discussion Lists | Discussion & Conclusions | References

Summary: Communications, information technology (IT) & areas of professional interest (review articles, clinical papers, research findings, etc) are changing fast. We need continuing professional development (CPD) to keep our expertise up-to-date. Ongoing CPD can be formal, informal, or both. Computer-aided learning is available. Intelligent use of modern IT gives the best prospects for rapid communication between professionals interested in all aspects of Vet Med, & Complementary / Alternative Med (CAVM) - acupuncture (AP), traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), herbal med & homeopathy, etc. IT also is the best way to influence sceptical & uncommitted scientific & academic professionals to take our clinical & research findings seriously.

An earlier paper (3) discussed practical uses of modern IT as aids to research, study & clinical practice in TCM & AP in five areas of IT. These were (a) Distance-Learning; (b) Expert Software Databases, CD-ROMS & Diskettes; (c) Professional email Discussion Groups; (d) A new concept of peer review, & (e) A new concept to assess clinical therapies: the International Therapeutic Forum. Because many important topics discussed there must be omitted here, readers are referred to that paper for background information. However, the past year has brought many new developments. This paper will discuss:


New Meta Engines on the Web


Holistic & General Vet Links on the Web


Other Online Databases [Medline, Acubriefs, VIN, ISI, CAB, DynaMedical, Cornell Consultant]


Developments in holistic & conventional data on the Web


AP Events WebPages


Software for Cookbook AP


Email Discussion Lists [PA-L, AP Jiscmail, PVA-L, Other]


The Law of Change is fundamental in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) & acupuncture (AP). Adaptation to change in the interior & exterior environment is the key to healthy growth; inability to cope with change is a warning sign of extinction.

Communications, information technology (IT) & areas of professional interest (review articles, clinical papers, new research findings, etc) are changing very fast. The list of life-science journals is extensive & growing. Parallel with developments in allopathic medicine, research & clinical publications on holistic medical areas are becoming more numerous. These complementary or alternative medical areas include physiotherapy, homeopathy, biofeedback, meditation techniques, hypnosis, etc. They also include AP, moxibustion & allied methods. The latter include trigger-point therapy, neural-therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), low level laser therapy (LLLT), phytotherapy & TCM.

Medline indexes > 8000 journals. Their abstracts are available online free from the Medline Journal Browser. To remain technically competent, skilled professionals in medical & paramedical areas need to keep up to date with current knowledge in our areas of expertise. We live in an age of Information Overload. No one person could hope to master all these areas. Therefore we must be selective in our reading, & use efficient ways to locate the articles of interest to our expertise.

On July 27th 1999, Medline had indexed 10,120,573 articles. On that date, it had 7031 articles on AP or moxibustion. For such a large database, this is a very low proportion of AP-moxa articles, representing a rate of only 0.695/1000 Medline hits.

Keeping up-to-date, even in narrow areas, is very difficult. If one were to do nothing else but speed-read from morning to night, no one person, no matter how talented, could hope to read a fraction of the annual output in the total medical area. Then, having located & studied the material of interest, the major problem of human memory is accurate recall of the stored information, & making appropriate conceptual linkages between different "packages of memory-stored data". Most people have poor to only partial recall of data; only those with photographic memories can recall (and link) most of what they have read.

In contrast, computer-memories do not "forget", unless there is disk-failure, or power-failure. Digital data on modern media (CD-ROMS, floppy disks, zip disks, etc) usually are retrievable. Modern technology offers fast, easy & total retrieval of stored data. In contrast to human memory, if the data are coded correctly, & if correct search terms are used, every reference to a particular data-string can be recalled.

In the age of "information overload", we need a quick & easy way to filter out the data that we need. For example, the monumental work "A Practical Dictionary of Chinese Medicine" (5) has 945 pages of dense text on all aspects of TCM terminology, classical TCM Syndromes, AP points, herbal formulas etc. Assuming a rapid reading rate of 25 pages/h, & a study time of 2h/d, it would take >18 days to "skim" the book once. To absorb its contents would take dozens of readings. Having absorbed them, what would our recall of specific details be 12 or 18 months later? On the other hand, suppose that a CD-ROM, with a proper index/thesaurus, contained the total detail of this work. If one had access to that via a fast computer, one could query any term at any time & locate every bit of detail about that term in minutes.

The GIGO Law: Note that, in computer jargon, GIGO means "garbage in, garbage out!" Keyboards do not refuse keystrokes. If incorrect, misleading or false data are accepted for publication, the reader is exposed to (and may be misled by) those incorrect data.

1. New Meta Engines on the Web: One must use a Web Search Engine to do a general Web Search, say to locate the Internet Address for the Homepage of Acupuncture Supply Houses. Many people know some of the standard Web Search Engines, such as AltaVista or Excite. There are advanced versions of these - AltaVista Advanced Search & Excite Power Search. These allow users to impose restrictions on the search; this can return more specific hits. However, there are new, more powerful engines that search multiple basic engines simultaneously. These are called Meta Search Engines. Good examples are: AskJeeves, DogPile, Google, Mamma, ProFusion & SavvySearch. See the Biological Search Options Page for the addresses of these & other Web Engines.

The main trouble with Web Surfing, even with a powerful Meta Search Engine, is that one must wade through mounds of hits to find the one Page, or few Pages, of direct interest. Also, most Web Pages have vested commercial interest, & can not be regarded with the same degree of trust as the expert scientific databases.

2. Holistic & General Vet Links on the Web

2a. International TCM, Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture Links Page has Search Options to find HOLISTIC Data as well as CONVENTIONAL Data on Med, Vet Med, Animal Health & Welfare. It also links to IVAD (see 2b). It has extensive Medical, Med & Vet, & Veterinary Links, some of which are:

Medical Links
See also:
Medical & Veterinary Links

"Cookbook Acupuncture" FORMULAS

Lists the "Top Ten" Acupoints to treat common Conditions in Humans, based on a citation frequency score in a large database

by its
Alphanumeric CODE,
or by its
Pinyin NAME

Find the Code, Name, Translation & Location of a Human Acupoint by its Alphanumeric Code (e.g. ST36), or its Pinyin Name (e.g. Zusanli)
Vilberto Voli's Home Page (Brazil) Great Links on AP & related topics 
British Medical Acupuncture Society BMAS Online Journal Search Engine & Great Resources & Links
TCM & AP Internet Resources Many useful Links in AP & TCM
Acupuncture com This commercial site has some Research Links, Resources on AP & TCM at basic & advanced level for Practitioners & Students. It also has useful Herbal Medicine Resources

Veterinary AND Medical Links
See also:
Medical Links | Veterinary Links


Traditional Chinese Medicine & Herbal Medicine in Animals & Humans (Links & online study material for professionals in herbal medicine)
Homeopathic Sites (Links & online study material for professionals in homeopathy)


Tools to find clinical & research data on HOLISTIC MED & VET MED (Conventional, Complementary & Alternative), including traditional Chinese Medicine (herbal medicine & acupuncture) & homeopathy.


links to Basic Theory, Lectures & Online Study Material for human & veterinary acupuncturists; bibliographies, research & reviews on acupuncture-related topics & online journals of TCM, herbal medicine & acupuncture

Medical Acupuncture Web Page

The BEST Web resource for acupuncture, it has extensive Links to Sites on AP & TCM & basic lectures ( Therapeutic Basics, Lectures on AP & TCM). It also hosts the Web Journal of Acupuncture & has Calendars of Upcoming Events in Human Acupuncture & Veterinary Acupuncture

About PA-L:
Professional Acupuncture List

Search New PA-L Archive
Search Old PA-L Archive

PA-L is an international E-mail discussion list restricted to Professional Acupuncturists. See PA-L Application Requirements & the PA-L Online Application Form.

Members Only (need User ID & Password): Keyword search of Old & New PA-L Archives

About Acubriefs

Acubriefs Online Bibliography of Acupuncture
Acubriefs Newsletter

Acubriefs Newsletter is a free mailing list that aims are to provide (1) a central resource to review new citations on AP; (2) annotated abstracts on citations of particular interest to AP clinicians & researchers; access to quoted/reviewed citations (11000+ references).


Links for acupuncture & TCM supplies (instruments, moxa, needles, stimulators, lasers, spares, models, books, charts etc) & software for acupuncture & TCM

TCM & acupuncture: Colleges, Discussion Groups & Societies

In construction

CONVENTIONAL LINKS in Veterinary Science, Animal Health & Welfare, & Medical Sciences
Veterinary & Medical Links Page
(Databases, Engines & Links Options)

The Animal & Human Health, Welfare, Science, Medicine & Veterinary Medicine Search Options Pages have extensive Links to most aspects of veterinary medicine:
Acupuncture Links | Animal & Vet Science Universities, Colleges & Schools | Biotechnology in Agriculture | Commercial Sites - Services, Software & Supplies | Diagnostics | Disease Prevention | Email Lists: Vet & Other | Epidemiology | Forensics | Journals & Periodicals: Vet, Med & Bioscience | Immunolology | Microbiology | Notes for Nutritionists, Advisers & Vets | Parasitology | Pharmacy & Pharmacology | Toxicology | Vet & Animal Health Assocs, Groups, Orgs & Socs | Vet & Animal Research Institutes & Centres | Vet Datasheets | Vet Libraries | Vet Links & other Information Resources | Vet Reference Desk | Vet Textbooks, Manuals, Monographs | Vet Resources: Other | Virology | Vet Conferences, Congresses, Meetings: AGENDAS | REPORTS

Veterinary Links
See also:
Medical & Veterinary Links

Veterinary Acupuncture Page

A useful page with On-Line Study Material & Research Links in Basic & Veterinary Acupuncture.

About PVA-L:
Professional Vet Acupuncture List

Join PVA-L & IVAD (International Veterinary Acupuncture Directory)

Search New PVA-L Archive
Search Old PVA-L Archive

PVA-L is an international E-mail discussion list restricted to Professional Veterinary Acupuncturists. See Application Requirements for PVA-L & the PVA-L Online Application Form.

On-Line Application Form allows vets proficient in AP to REGISTER with IVAD (International Veterinary Acupuncture Directory) & PVA-L at the same time.

Members Only (need User ID & Password): Keyword search of Old & New PVA-L Archives

IVAD: International Veterinary Acupuncture Directory

Veterinary Acupuncture Societies: Colleagues may use E-mail to contact IVAS (International Veterinary Acupuncture Society) or NVAS (various National Veterinary Acupuncture Societies, such as AAVA, GGTM etc).


Only VETS recognised by their National Vet AP Society may register on this online registration form for IVAD (International Vet Acupuncture Directory). The Directory is useful:
a. to help contact with experienced colleagues; 
b. for referrals to & from colleagues; 
c. to help the public to find suitably qualified vets.


Online DETAIL UPDATE FORM for Members of the National Executive to update the details of their National Vet AP Society with IVAD (International Vet Acupuncture Directory).

Veterinary Acupuncture SOCIETIES

Find details of a Veterinary Acupuncture SOCIETY in >30 countries

Veterinary Acupuncture PRACTITIONERS

Find a qualified Veterinary Acupuncture PRACTITIONER, recognised by his/her National Veterinary Acupuncture Society as competent in animal acupuncture

Veterinary Acupuncture EVENTS

Vet Acupuncture Events
AVAC Homepage (Click on Coming Events)
KomVet Events
IVAS Events

KomVet [in English] This Complementary Vet Med Site in Austria has an Online Journal & good Links to Holistic Vet Med Sites, including Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Neuraltherapy & Herbal Medicine. It also has an Events Calendar & hosts the IVAD: International Veterinary Acupuncture Directory, the IVAD On-Line Self Registration Form for Vets & the IVAD On-Line Self Registration Form for Veterinary Acupuncture Societies
KomVet [Complementary Veterinary Medicine] English Version:Articles:

2a.1. Databases for Holistic Med & Vet Med (Conventional & CAVM): This page accesses powerful databases, such as

SEARCH PubMed Medline This is an awesome FREE resource for researchers in all fields of medicine & veterinary medicine. It has a powerful Boolean search engine, very rapid response time & on-line access to >11 million titles & abstracts. It has a section on Clinical Queries & Clinical Alerts, It allows browsing of abstracts & some full text from the Medical & Veterinary Journals, It has many titles on complementary or alternative medicine.
SEARCH Datadiwan Database on holistic medicine; [English version]
CISCOM Centralised Information Service for Complementary Med List (but not online access to): Bibliographic databases, indexes & journalsLibraries
Complementary & Alternative Medicine Databases British Library Databases
Datadiwan Database on holistic medicine; [English version]
MANTIS CD ROM & Advanced Search Commercial Chiropractic database, once CHIROLARS, USA [Needs Password]
Munchener Modell German database of controlled clinical trials in homeopathy, acupuncture & phytotherapy; methodology & meta-analyses; offline but English full text copies usually are available
NAL-USDA, Search Engine & Databases National Agricultural Library USD
SEARCH Engine of PGF (Postgraduate Foundation), Sydney Vet School Has some hits on acupuncture, homeopathy, trigger point therapy & manipulation therapy.
Search Engine of the British Library Search for titles in the British Library
Study Web >140,000 Research Quality Links for Learning
Veterinary & Medical Dictionaries & Encyclopedias FREE registration
Acubriefs Valuable database, said to have >11,000 English titles & abstracts on AP.
Acupuncture References A bibliography of 2302 TITLES (not Abstracts)- Jan 1970 - Oct 1997 - by LJ Klein & AI Trachtenberg USDH / NIH / NLM / NIDA. 
American Medical Association Full-site Search A great resource to all aspects of medicine, including acupuncture. 
DynamicMedical This has great online technical information for medical doctors. It has tightly edited (distilled) practical data on >2000 human diseases, with presenting signs, differential diagnosis, therapy, prognosis & access to key review articles on the main diseases.

Access requires registration. Applicants receive a User ID & Password . Then, they may use the database without restriction. Vets may register also. This resource is a must for all vet clinicians, especially small-animal vets with medical queries.

2a.2. Holistic Med & Vet Med: Links has Links to other CAVM Sites:

Definitions of Conventional, Complementary-, Alternative- & Holistic- Medicine

Conventional (allopathic) Medicine depends on expensive high-tech diagnostic methods, surgery & synthetic or bioengineered medicinal agents (antimicrobials, analgesics, cytotoxic chemotherapy, mood-altering drugs, tranquillisers, hormones & vaccines, etc.). It is best in emergencies & in cases that have serious infections, metabolic or hormonal conditions. It is esseential in cases that genuinely need surgery, but it tends to overuse surgery - many cases can be treated successfully without that. Conventional medicine has a high rate of adverse side-effects, i.e. causes an unacceptable rate of iatrogenic disease. As its medicaments are largely symptom-suppressive or palliative, it usually fails to help the adaptive / homeostatic mechanisms of the body-mind-spirit & rarely addresses the root causes of disease. Therefore its clinical success in many chronic diseases is poor.

Complementary Medicine includes any forms of physical, nutritional, mental or spiritual therapy that can substitute for, or improve, the clinical outcome of conventional medicine and/or alleviate its adverse side-effects.

Alternative Medicine: The term is a misnomer. Practitioners of "alternative medicine" provide inferior medical care because there is no good alternative to expert holistic medicine. Those who trust "alternative" medical or veterinary therapy at best trust an illusion, & at worst will know the reality of that illusion in time.

Holistic medicine is the best medicine for humans or animals. It embraces the best of conventional medicine, plus the best of "complementary medicine". Where necessary, it includes surgery. It attains optimal clinical results with minimal side effects to the patient & at less cost than high-tech conventional medicine.

Holistic medicine examines all the interactions between the external environment & the body-mind-spirit of the patient. It does not view the Syndrome (the Lesion-Symptom Complex) as the disease per se. The Syndrome is only the clinical manifestation of the disease, i.e. the end-result of the body's defensive reaction, its attempt to try to correct the Energetic Imbalance, which is the root cause of the disease.

Holistic medicine aims to diagnose the predisposing factors (usually energetic and/or genetic) & the precipitating factors (usually external factors, but sometimes internal-emotional factors) that trigger the Syndrome in the weak physical structures, organs or parts of the body or in the psyche / spirit of the patient. It places less importance on the Syndrome & the weak physical structures than on the root causes.

It uses whatever methods are needed to remove, neutralise or alleviate the root causes of disease. Its modalities include acupuncture, herbal (especially oriental) medicine, homeopathy, immunostimulation therapy, osteopathy / chiropractic, nutritional supplements, dietary adjustment, advice on lifestyle, physical / mental exercises, stress control / hypnosis / relaxation therapy, etc. When indicated, it also uses conventional physiotherapy, medicine, surgery, nutrition, counselling, etc. If these approaches do not attain the desired result, & in all syndromes that pose a serious threat to life, it tackles the symptoms & / or lesions directly.

 Holistic-, Complementary- & Alternative- Medicine Links
Databases for Holistic Medicine

AltMed [USA]

  Alt Vet Holistic [Four Winds]

AltVetMed [USA] & its Links to Holistic Vet Med Sites


IBIS [Interactive BodyMind Info System [limited free data]

AltVetMed-GGTM [German]

Sci & Med Network

Comp/Alt Vet treatment for pets

Holistic Health Cutting Edge Catalog page 6

Complementary Medicine

Alt & Comp Vet Centers of New York

Holistic Vet Med & Natural Pet Care

Holistic Health UK | Search Page

Holistic Vet Resources

Alt Med

Links to other Holistic Sites

Holistic Pet Care

Natural Animal Health (UK)

Alt Med Conference Home Page

Animal Chiropractic

Alt Med Healthcare Information Resources

Dowsers: ASD [Amer Soc Dowsers]

Alt Therapy

Virtual Reality in your Head

2a.3. Online Study of AP & TCM (3) is the most important page for those interested in online study of CAM (especially AP, TCM, Herbal Med & laser therapy) in humans & animals. It has volumes of practical material: search options, lectures, acupoint details & charts, manuals, monographs, bibliographies, etc: For example,

Main Study Sites | Articles from | Other Study Sites

Main Study Sites

Link Material & Authors
Search Options to find Acupuncture, TCM, or Holistic topics on the IVAD & Other Pages This allows searching of the International Acupuncture & TCM Pages, Medical Acupuncture Web Pages, BMAS & other sites, as well as conventional & general searches. See also: Search for LLLT data
Acubriefs Online Bibliography of Acupuncture A central resource to review new citations on AP & annotated abstracts on citations of particular interest to AP clinicians & researchers. Free access to quoted/reviewed citations (11000+ references).
Acupuncture & Holistic Material Bibliographies, Lectures, Papers & Reviews on AP / Holistic Medicine: Links to Online Texts by Phil Rogers. See examples: AP Bibliography | AP Lectures | Complete LIst of Holistic Material
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture: International Links Extensive Links to the best international sites for acupuncture & TCM
Acupoint Formulas: Top Ten Points for Common Conditions Comprehensive Acupoint "Cookbook" by Phil Rogers, from a database of >55 textbooks & hundreds of clinical articles
Acupoint Names, Translations & Locations Details for >670 acupoints by Phil Rogers
Acupuncture - How Does It Work? Good overview of AP by George Lewith
Anthony Campbell's Homepage Useful material on Acupuncture, Homeopathy & alternative medicine, plus Anthony Campbell's Book Reviews.
See also Acupuncture in Practice: An Online Textbook (2001) - Great Practitioner Material - being updated.
Acupuncture Pages (QiChina) "Godfrey Bartlett" <>
Acupuncture Textbooks - Online Reviews Great book reviews (AP & TCM) by Peter Deadman
Acupuncture Therapy - The Principles Good basic study material by George Lewith [See SELECTED ARTICLES, below] "WebMaster" <>
Chinese Medicine Sampler Table of Contents | Diagnostic Questionnaire | Questions | Comments | AP Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy AP Diagnostic andTreatment Manual | Diagnostic Process_Use of Forms | Assessment Forms | Caretaker's Short  Report & Comments | Diagnostic Tally Form  | Summary Diagnostic Statement | TCM Pathologies Applicable to CP | TCM Signs & Symptoms Key | Treatment Protocols | Record of Treatment ["Joseph Balensi"]
Computer-Assisted Instruction System for Acupuncture Medicine - Jiangsu Education Commission & Nanjing Univ of TCM, PRC [VERY SLOW TO LOAD!] Brief History of Chinese acupuncture & moxibustion | Channels (Meridians) & Collaterals | Qi, Blood & Body Fluid | Yin-yang & the Five Elements | Zang Fu Organs | "WebMaster" <>
Dog Acupoint Charts / Descriptions Summary of IVAS Canine Notes by Janne Potter
Dog Ear-Acupuncture Chart Useful Canine Ear Chart by Uwe Petermann
Giovanni Maciocia's Articles "Giovanni Maciocia" <>
Glem Site (Ear-Acupuncture, France) "André Lentz" <>
Horse Acupoint charts / descriptions Summary of IVAS Equine Notes by Janne Potter
Horse Ear-Acupuncture Chart Useful Equine Ear Chart by Uwe Petermann
Human & Animal Acupuncture Lectures: A Crash-Course for Professionals (Rogers) Lectures, Papers, Bibliographies & Reviews: An Online AP Study Course for Novices & Experts by Phil Rogers
Human Acupoint charts International Academy of Medical AP. See also Interactive AP Model [Qi Journal] with point details
Human Acupoint locations & discussion Channel Point & Extra Point Location: Discussion by Peter Deadman
Human Acupuncture Charts Black & white AP charts by Carole & Cameron Rogers, teaching faculty, University of Technology Sydney
Human Acupuncture Manual - Extras (Free) See also Manual of Acupuncture Indications Index (Peter Deadman)
Human ECIWO Manual & Other Files Yingqing Zhang (Shandong University, China): Manual & Charts on Human ECIWO (Embryo Containing Information on Whole Organism) - a microsystem of acupoints for the main body parts, with the head at the centre of the thumb side of the distal head & the foot at the centre of the thumb side of the proximal head of metacarpal bone 2.
Journals European Journal of Oriental Medicine, Journal of Chinese Medicine ("Peter Deadman" <>), Qi Journal - Traditional Eastern Health & Fitness, Web Journal of Acupuncture
Low Level Laser Therapy - LLLT Internet Guide Low Level Laser Therapy - LLLT Internet Guide
Medical AP Web Page & Veterinary AP Web Page "Charisios Karanikiotes" <>
Miscellaneous Study Sites (See below) See below
TCM Information System (Taiwan) Abstracts of Annual Reports 1992-1997 "WebMaster" <>
TCM Information System (Taiwan) Abstracts of Chinese Medicine Research Projects "WebMaster"<>
TCM Information System Search Engine (Taiwan) "WebMaster" <>
Useful AP Data on The 12 Main Qi Channels [LU | LI | ST | SP | HT | SI | BL | KI | PC | TH | GB | LV] | The 8 Extraordinary Qi Vessels [Dumai (GV) | Renmai (CV) | Chongmai (Thoroughfare, Thrusting, or Penetrating Vessel) | Daimai (Belt or Girdle Vessel) | Yangqiaomai (Yang Heel Vessel) | Yinqiaomai (Yin Heel Vessel) | Yangweimai (Yang Linking Vessel) | Yinweimai (Yin Linking Vessel) ] | Ear Acupuncture Point Charts (Human)
Uwe Petermann's Acupuncture Site (Germany) "Uwe Petermann" <>
Veterinary Acupuncture & related EVENTS Calendars Vet AP / TCM EVENTS & COURSES on the Vet AP Page, on KomVet & on IVAS Events & on AVAC Pages
Veterinary Acupuncture Notes Summary of IVAS Notes by Janne Potter
Veterinary Laser-Acupuncture Page Laser-AP in Practice by Uwe Petermann
Veterinary Links - General The Databases, Engines & Links Options on Animal & Human Health, Welfare, Science, Medicine & Veterinary Medicine have extensive Links to most aspects of veterinary medicine (Phil Rogers)

Study Material on | Research Subject Index

General Study Material History of AP | AP & Herbs for Asthma | Acne | AP Anaesthesia | AP Detoxification (NADA) | Auriculotherapy, with Point Charts for Addictive Behaviours & Drug Detoxification | Bell's Palsy | Blood Disorders | Cancer | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Moxibustion) | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis | Diabetes, Biomedical & TCM Perspectives & Treatments | Drug addiction therapy: a template for successful programs worldwide | Eye Diseases Part 1 | Eye Diseases Part 2 | Meniere's Disease | Obstetrics | Smoking Cessation | Stubborn Paediatric Disorders (Moxibustion) | Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disorders | Treatment of Vaginal Yeast Infection with TCM | Ulcerative Colitis | Vocal Cord Tumours
Theory of Acupoint Selection Therapeutic Explanations: Selection of acupoints [Local Points | Distal Points | Symptomatic Points] | Specific Point Usage [Five Transporting points | Back-Shu | Front-Mu | Yuan-Source | Luo-Connecting | Eight confluent points of extra meridians | Xi-Cleft | Lower He-Sea | Crossing Points] | Points Based on Western Theory | Combining Points [Torso Front + Back | Yang + Yin Channels | Left + Right | Above + Below | Local + Distal] | Points for Common Symptoms | Four Needle Treatments | Local + Distal points |
Clinical Point Selections Index | Headache | Eye, Conjunctivitis | Eye, Myopia | Rhinitis (allergic) | Toothache | Pharyngitis, Sore Throat | Tinnitus / Deafness | Neurosis | Schizophrenia | Amenorrhoea | Pre-menstrual syndrome | Dysmenorrhoea | Ben Lou (flooding or spotting) | Pain, Bi Syndromes | Neck pain, Spasm, Torticollis | Neck Spondylosis, Cervical Spondylopathy | Shoulder Periarthritis | Lumbago, Low Back Pain (chronic) | Lumbago, Lumbar muscle Sprain (acute) | Sciatica | Weight Issues: Body Image & Eating Disorders in Women |
Specific Points in Meridian Therapy Back-Shu & Front Mu Points | Yuan-Source Points | Luo-Connecting Points | Xi-Cleft Points | Eight Influential Points
Practitioner Data Spleen & Stomach's Upbearing & Downbearing | The Root, Branch & Smell of AIDS | The Twelve Primary Meridians, their Functions & Acupoint Charts | The Eight Extraordinary Meridians, their Functions & Acupoint Charts | The Forms of Qi in AP | Zang-Fu differentiations, organised by Symptoms
Articles on Herbal Medicine A Chinese look at Western Pharmaceuticals | Aristolochic Acid, Chinese Medicine, American Food & Drug Administration | Ba Dou (Sm. Croton Tiglii) & its psycho-spiritual applications | Clinical Treatment of Respiratory Disorders | Differential Treatment of Frequent Urination in Elderly Patients | Formula Choices for Menopausal Syndrome | Heart Disease & Chinese Herbal Medicine | How to alter herbal dosages by age or weight | Male Infertility & A Discussion of Spermophlebectasia, or Varicosity of the Spermatic Cord Vein | Menopause, Hormones & Chinese Medicine | Non-Surgical Therapy For Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc | Recognition & Prevention of Herb-Drug Interaction | The Error of Our Ways: What Mismanaged Cases Teach Us About the Practice of Chinese Medicine | The Toxic Effects of Chinese Herbs, & solutions | Treatment of Asthma | Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus

Miscellaneous Study Sites

AP Internet Resources

Holistic Horse Research Hotline

AP Meridian System & Mechanism of AP

Natural Health Education & Research Center

AP Publications (NIH)

PGF (Postgraduate Foundation), Sydney Vet School AP & TCM Resources [Index] 


  Children's AP

 AAMA Journal | AAMA Adverse Effects of AP

2b. IVAD (Intnl Vet AP Directory) allows users to locate the National Executive & some members in many countries. Online Registration Forms allow easy updates of details of a Society, or of individual members who want an IVAD Listing. All IVAD Listees must show either IVAS-Certification, or acceptance by their peers in their National Vet AP Soc. This will ensure that each National Vet AP Soc will police its own members.

2c. Veterinary & Medical Links Page has many Links to sites on Agriculture, Vet Med & Science, Universities, Institutes, Organisations & Libraries. It is very extensive. It is structured as follows: A list of Databases, Engines & Options | AP in animals & humans: International Links | Animal & Vet Science - Universities, Colleges & Schools | Biotechnology - Agricultural, Animal & Veterinary | Commercial Sites - Services, Software & Supplies | Diagnostics | Disease Prevention | Email Lists: Vet & Other | Epidemiology | Farm Animal Welfare Links | Forensics | Horses & Equine-related Links | Immunolology | Journals & Periodicals: Vet, Med & Bioscience | Microbiology | Notes for Nutritionists, Advisers & Vets | Organic Agriculture & Farming | Parasitology | Pathology Pharmacy & Pharmacology | Toxicology | Vet & Animal Health Assocs, Groups, Orgs & Socs | Vet & Animal Research Institutes & Centres | Vet Conferences (AGENDAS | REPORTS) | Vet Datasheets | Vet Libraries | Vet Links & other Information Resources | Vet Reference Desk | Vet Textbooks, Manuals, Monographs | Virology |

3. Other Online Databases: [Medline, Acubriefs, VIN, ISI, CAB, DynaMedical, Cornell Consultant]

3a. MEDLINE is the most powerful medical database on the WWW. Until last year, it was also the best online source for free abstracts on AP & TCM. [Since then, Acubriefs, with many more titles than Medline, is online]. MEDLINE is invaluable for clinicians & researchers who want to access Med & Vet abstracts. The next table shows the number of "hits" (titles or abstracts) that contained key words commonly used in CAVM:

Search words used in PubMed MEDLINE

Hits on 18/06/98

Hits on 27/06/99


All of Medline

c. 9,200,000


c. 920,573

"osteopathy OR chiropractic"




"acupuncture OR moxibustion"








"herbology OR herbal-medicine"




"homoeopathy OR homeopathy"




"laser & (low-level OR cold OR low-power)"




"transcutaneous & electrical & nerve & stimulation"








Medline is a free service, courtesy of the US Government, via the National Library of Medicine. From 1989-1998, it added >400,000 titles/year. Assuming a mean of 3-5 pages/article, these articles would contain 1.2 to >2.0 million pages of text/year! Of those, papers on AP or moxibustion averaged only 274/year, or only 0.683 AP-Moxa hits/1000 Medline hits.

For those of us who seek to integrate complementary methods into mainstream Med, the data above make grim reading. They show clearly that publications in complementary methods are a very small part of total medical literature. If we are to make any significant impact on the medical sciences, we must publish much more extensively, & we must have a standard of publication that will reach the journals indexed by Medline.

b. Acubriefs Online Bibliography of Acupuncture: This is a great resource; 11000+ titles / abstracts on AP. See 3a, above.

c. Veterinary Information Network (VIN) is a US-based Online Vet service, but with a growing international membership. It costs circa 460 US$/year, but is a powerful resource. It has extensive Speciality Boards, Bulletin Boards on every conceivable aspects of Vet Med (including Complementary Med & AP), access to abstracts of most Vet Journals & a powerful Search Engine to search its entire Site, including its Archived Message Boards.

d. ISI (Inst of Scientific Information) & CAB Abstracts (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau Intnl) are commercial (expensive) Online Databases. They cover the biological sciences, including Agric & Vet Sciences & are essential resources for researchers. However, Vets can get most abstracts of interest to them free from MEDLINE, or from the Medline Journal Browser.

e. DynamicMedical is an online resource for medical doctors, but Vets may register also. Registered users receive a User ID & Password. Then, they may use the database without restriction. It has intensively edited (distilled) practical information on >2000 human diseases, including presenting signs, differential diagnosis, therapy, prognosis & access to key review articles on the main diseases. This is a must for small-animal practitioners, but all Vets with medical queries can get a wealth of technical information here.

 f. Cornell Consultant is a free Online Diagnostic Package for Vets. It is a powerful resource, & an eye-opener to users not familiar with it. It will remove any illusions that casual Vets may have about their diagnostic ability - the ability to recall all the diseases which may present with a given set of clinical signs.

4. Web advances in holistic & conventional data: The quality & quantity of online information on AP, TCM & holistic Med has improved greatly. See 2a (which also include Herbal Links & Homeopathic Links), 2b (international Vet AP associations) & 2c. (extensive general Vet links).

5. AP Events WebPages: It is easy for Vets to post & read Web notices of upcoming Vet AP Events. For example, go to the Vet AP Events Page & fill in the details on the Online Form at the bottom of the Page. KomVet has KomVet Calendar; Vets may email details of an event to <>. Alternatively, one may email <> for posting on the IVAS Events Calendar. There is a similar facility for human AP on the AP Events Page.

6. Software for Cookbook AP: Great advances have occurred in Software for AP & TCM. British Med AP Soc Page reviews the software. Some of it is expensive. My homepage has an Acupoint Cookbook [Top Ten Points for Common Conditions].This database has a Fast Find function for experienced users. A new company, ATRAR, has very good software (graphics, TCM data, client accounts, history files etc), but has no points database to enable users to input a variety of signs & extract the acupoints which match that syndrome. I am negotiating with ATRAR to see if they can incorporate my Top Ten Points database into their software.

7. Email Discussion Lists

a. Professional Acupuncture List (PA-L) is a useful discussion list, restricted to OMDs, MDs, Osteopaths, DVMs, & other professionals who use AP routinely. See details at About PA-L.

b. Acupuncture Jiscmail: This is a UK-based open list for physiotherapists, OMDs, MDs, Osteopaths, DVMs, & other professionals who use AP routinely. To join, email the server <> with the message "Join Acupuncture Firstname Lastname" in the Message Field.

c. Professional Vet Acupuncture List (PVA-L) is a useful discussion list, restricted to qualified Vet acupuncturists. See details at About PVA-L.

d. Other E-mail Lists of Vet interest: Email lists for Vets interested in holistic topics are included on the pages relating to AP, Herbal Med & Homeopathy. NetVet [ &] & Clark Consulting Intnl Inc. summarise most of the useful conventional Vet / Agric Lists.

Lists at Veterinary & Biological Links Pages cover topics as diverse as: | agriculture | alpacas | anaesthesia | animal ethology, behaviour | animal rights | animal-related | aquaculture, fish, marine & shellfish | avian (birds, emus, fowl) | bees, insects, spiders | bioscience | biotechnology | bovine, cattle | canines, dogs | cash crops, gardens, herbs, horticulture & vegetables | cats | complementary Med & Vet Med | deer | ecology & environment | education | epidemiology | equine, horses, donkeys | ferrets | food & food safety | forage | general topics | genetics & genomes | goats | immunology | lab diagnosis, lab safety & lab animals | meat specialists | microbiology | ovine, sheep | pathology | pests & pesticides | swine (pigs, hogs) | toxicology | vegetarianism | Vet nuclear Med | Vet informatics, library & web design | veterinary |

Discussion & Conclusions

There are several thousand WWW Sites for holistic & conventional Vet & biological / pharmaceutical topics. Many are commercial sites, advertising books, equipment, software, or training etc. Others are Homepages for private clinics, which offer diagnostic or therapeutic services. Commercial sites & other homepages that advertise for business may have little to offer the serious researcher or clinician in holistic Med. In contrast to strictly commercial sites, there are several hundred good sites with vast amounts of useful data. The Links Pages, discussed above, are useful, fast ways to access the best of these.

IT & multimedia provide rapid answers to specific technical queries, & solve problems that depend on expert information. Given access to a phone & a modern computer, a practitioner in a rural outpost can cheaply communicate by email with colleagues around the globe. Direct access to medical & TCM databases, whether online or on CD-ROMs, etc, allows instant access to the most up-to-date information. Self-study by distance learning is already powerful educational medium. Modern IT also offers a marvellous opportunity to integrate eastern & western medical knowledge in a way never possible before. Vets who fail to keep up with rapidly changing information will be left behind with the "also rans".


  1. Felt B (no date) Paradigm's Computers & Oriental Medicine Forum []
  2. Lin JH, Rogers PAM & Yamada H (1998) Integration of ancient & modern medicine towards a sustainable system of animal production & medical care. Proceedings of 24th IVAS (International Veterinary Acupuncture Society) Annual Congress, Taiwan, August 1998. []
  3. Rogers PAM (1998) Information Technology in AP & TCM. Proc 24th IVAS (Intnl Vet Acupuncture Society) Annual Congress, Taiwan [].
  4. Rogers PAM (1999) Acupuncture Links Pages [] & Study Material on Holistic Medicine [].
  5. Wiseman N & Ye F (1998) A Practical Dictionary of Chinese Medicine. Paradigm Publications, Brookline, Mass, USA, 945 pp.