v Johnstown v
Conahy v Ballyragget
children from 2nd - 6th class are given the opportunity
to get involved in camógie.
Supervised training sessions take place at lunchtime
in St. James' Park. Children will need their own hurl
and helmet. Hurls and helmets are on sale in the school
at a subsidised rate. The wearing of a helmet is compulsory.
Inter Schools Camógie
the emphasis is on affording all children the chance
to play camógie irrespective of ability, two
teams are entered in the inter schools Roinn D competition.
Matches in this competition will begin in April. Our
A team will play in the north division and our B team
will play in the south division. Perhaps 2004 will witness
the meeting of both our teams in the final in June!!!!!!
Lunchtime Leagues
Lunchtime leagues are regularly organised for all age
groups. These are always great fun and very popular
with the children.