Free Space
Your questions answered!

Director: Eduardo Castillo
Cel: +353 (0)87 69 255 43
Published: July, 2001
Last Update: JAN, 2011
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Please read below to make sure your questions have been addressed

Where?   -   About Salsa Bands   -    About Salsa Dancers   -    Alternative   -   Other

Where do we perform, transportation and other

01. Where in Ireland are you based?
02. Can you travel?
03. Would I need to cover for transportation, accommodation or other?


01. We are based in Dublin.

02. Yes, we have been performing Nation Wide, including Belfast.

03. Yes, you would need to cover the cost of transportation if we are to play away from Dublin. Accommodation would be optional, depending on the time of the venue.
We have a Salsa Band in Cork and another in Dublin.

About the Salsa band

04. How many members a Salsa Band is made of?
05. For how long a Salsa Band performs?
06. What kind of musical instruments do the bands use?
07. Would I need to book it, and if so what would I need to do?
08. When would I need to complete the payment after booking?
09. What about if I want a bigger or smaller Salsa band?
10. Where are the musicians from?


04. A Salsa Band is normally composed of 5 members.

05. A Salsa Band normally performs for two hours. Playing over two hours is open to negotiation.

06. Basic: Key board, Trumpet, Congas, Timbales, Vocals. Other: Bongoes, clave, acoustic/electric guitar.

07. Booking a Salsa band means covering the 15% of the total amount agreed. You can book it with cash or cheque.

08. You would need to complete the payment immediately after the two hours performance, in cash.

09. According to your budget, you can book a bigger Salsa band, from 6 up to 10 or 11 people, but you can also choose a smaller set composed of a minimum of 3 people.

10. The musicians are from Cuba, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Peru, and Ireland.


About the Salsa dancers

11. How many Salsa dancers could I take?
12. For how long does a Salsa dancer/s perform?
13. Can you create a new choreography for me?
14. What do a salsa dancer normally do at any given party?
15. How do I book (a) salsa dancer/s?


11. You can take from 1 single salsa dancer up to 10 or more. Bear in mind that taking 4 or more salsa dancers would increase the cost, not only due to the number of dancers involved, but also because of the increased number of hours taken for rehearsals.

12. Salsa dancers perform no more than 45/50 minutes. Increasing their dancing time is always open to negotiation.

13. Yes we can. We can create a totally new choreography for you. Whether is for your anniversary, wedding reception or other.

14. Tipically, a salsa dancer would start by giving a short demonstration on salsa dancing, motivating the guests to take active part. He/she would organize "ruedas" or other in order to make your guests have fun.

15. Please refer to answers No. 7 and 8.


Two musicians only & Latin DJ

16. Do you have an alternative music group, besides Salsa bands?
17. What music do they play?
18. Can I get a Latin DJ?
19. For how long does the DJ plays?


16. Yes, we have a Duo called "CubaNica" which is made of two people only. It is formed by a singer and acoustic guitar player, plus a drummer. Ideal for drinks reception.

17. They play hot sensual Latino-American tunes: Boleros, Son, Samba, and other.

18. Yes, we got the perfect Latin DJ for you, with the only -if not the best- Latin music collection in Ireland today. In combination with our top of the range Pro PA system, and our Lighting Effects system you can be sure to experience it as you deserve it.

19. For as long as you need him to entertain your guests.


Other Questions

20. I don't have a Sound System (PA), nor Lighting effects, would you cover that?
21. What other services you offer?


20. Yes, we can offer you our top brand PA and lighting effects system in order to enhance your party. It delivers top quality sound and pro Lighting effects, so that everyone of your guests can have a good time.

21. We also offered photographic and video services, no matter the type of venue you are organizing.


  You can reach us 24/7

Look at the top left of this page where you can see our email and mobile number, get in touch, you will always get an immediate response from us.

What we offer
  • Salsa Bands
  • Salsa Dancers
  • Duos
  • Latin DJ
  • Entertainers
  • Sound System
  • Lighting effects
  • Video
  • Photography

Nation Wide, including NI.
© Copyright 2011, Eduardo Castillo, All Rights Reserved. Ireland