latest edition

- Allihies Village Hostel News® -


On the other pages...

Home Page.......................... 2
Special Offers....................... 3
Prices & Booking................. 4
Allihies Area......................... 5
Photo Galleries..................... 6
Directions............................ 7
Links................................... 8
Facilities........................ 9
Visitors comments.................. 10
Feedback............................. 11



<<Index of Galleries

Activities around Allihies
Off on a walk - Allihies village makes a great starting point for local hill walking. Outdoor living! A barbeque in the new Village Hostel courtyard A visiting barber shop group testing the acoustics!
Summer in the village. Pony and horse riding is popular in the area. A walk for charity. Black bull head in the background Sack racing on the Allihies Races day 15th August
Pony club and trecking avalable locally ask in the hostel Guided walk on the area Medal winners at the races