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Arklow Sea Scouts News


More to come..........




Hi All,

Here are the details for the night out as discussed at the last county
meeting.  I have booked the Abbey suite in the Wicklow Grande hotel for
Saturday the 10th Febuary.  Food will be served at 8.30 and followed by a
band.  I hope you are all up for a laugh and are able to attend.

 RSVP as soon as possible via arklowseascouts@eircom.net

 Hoping to see you there,
 Laura Coey

 Please pass this message on to thoses who don't have an email in the
 directory or those who don't read them THANKS




We are happy to say that the hall has reopened on a limited basis after initial

repair of the damage caused by the burst pipe. However construction work

will still be taking place upstairs, in the Ward room, and in the Galley. As a

result, these locations will remain out of bounds until all repairs are complete.




The Scouts and Vents will have their first meeting back after Christmas this Friday.





                                                                                                                        Port of Arklow

                                                                                                                             Sea Scout’s

                                                                                                                              Dock Road




Dear Swimmers


Thank you for your participation in the ‘Sea Scout’s New Years Day Swim’ Please pass

on our thanks to those who sponsored you.


As you are aware the funds you raised go directly to the purchase of equipment, this then

ensures that the youth of Arklow have the facility to enjoy ‘Outdoor Activities’ in a truly

safe manner.


In these days of dangerous distraction especially towards the Drug Culture and of early

Drinking, all clubs and associations directed at teenagers need to be supported fully.


Scouting offers a clean healthy distraction through a system of activity ‘Learning by Doing’

Here in Arklow we have the finest youth facility in the County if not in the Province which

hundreds of children use each week. In the future we hope to expand on this to allow

greater access for the youth of Arklow,


for more information see our website



Thank you once again for your support.


Yours in Scouting

Jimmy Myler




The New Year's Day swim was a great success with 35

swimmers taking part, including quite a few of our own Scouts.

Photos will be available soon on our photos page.




Note to parents.


As you are aware we had as serious water leak, in the loft of the Scout Hall,

whereby the incoming mains burst/parted, and was running for several hours. This

has destroyed the Ceilings of the Kitchen, Ward room and entrance hall, It also

destroyed the upstairs plywood floor, the ward room floor cover, computers


At this time we are awaiting on the insurers damage assessors to arrive


We will have no further troop meeting until the hall has been made safe for use by

young people, most likely early in the new year,




Each Scout has been given their ‘Christmas Bag-pack’ schedule, A special thanks to

the few adults and parents who have volunteered to help us in this vital fundraising.



Our The New Years Day Sponsored swim will take place on the South Beach

@ 12 sharp Please come along and support the event and back to the Hall for

refreshments. Sponsor cards can be handed in on the day




For further updates see our web-site




Please note that adult/parent support in necessary as Scouting

does not come under any reasonable financial grant remit.


Yours in Scouting





To celebrate our 35th Birthday, on Friday the third of August

next year, from 8 till midnight, we will be hosting a BBQ for all past

and present members of Arklow Sea Scout Group in the Scout

grounds. Music will be provided by "Thunderbirds". BBQ will be

available, just bring your own beverage.





Hi all,


 Many thanks to all who participated in the Watch/Patrol training

weekend.It was a great success with 38 young leaders from 7

troops (9th Wicklow-Arklow, 1st Wicklow/2nd Dublin-Greystones,

4th Wicklow-Wicklow town, 11th Wicklow-Delgany,

3rd Wicklow-Newtown-Mt-Kennedy, 16th Wicklow-Newcastle and

6th Wicklow-Rathdrum) getting involved.


The venue (Arklow den) was excellent, weather was good, water

activities great and the food brilliant. A special thanks to those who

gave of their time for the weekend:

Eleanor, Michael, Barry, David, Cian, Lianda, Rory,

Gerry, Jimmy, Iain, Eoin and Darren.

Food prep:
Majella, Pat and Pat.

Patrol Pals:
Lauren, Andrew, Stephen, Andrew and Neil.

The Water safety side:
Pat, Peter, Darren, Terry and Jimmy.


The scouts had a great weekend under canvas and learned quite a

lot, please ensure that the put this learning/training into practice and

complete their leadership badge by planning and executing their 4

week programme along with a hike etc.


Also over the weekend the County Forum (Scouts) were held with 6

Scouts voted in, 3 of which will be participating at the National forum.

They discussed/wrote up motions which they will bring up at the

National forum in Larch hill 21/22 October next.


Each group can also send one delegate per section

as an observer if they so wish.


The County Reps are as follows:


Stephen O'Neill, Rathdrum, DELEGATE
Sophia Casey, Delgany, DELEGATE
Daniel Cooney, Greystones, DELEGATE
Conor Harrington, Rathdrum,
Brendan O'Reilly, Greystones,
Sophie Gallagher, Delgany.


For those who missed out on the weekend, please pass on the

County Reps details to your PL/WL Council.


Our next County event will be the challenge and quiz day in

Newtown-Mt-Kennedy 14/1/07 10.30-4.00, BOOK BY 18/12/06

TO Michael Connaghton, mikieconn@eircom.net


Please remember to book early to Michael Connaghton,

mikieconn@eircom.net for the County Splashdown camp over

the May Bank holiday weekend as places will be limited.


And finally a big thanks to Jimmy, Majella and all the Arklow crew for

their energy and commitment over the weekend.


Anthony Finnegan                                                                                                           
1st Wicklow-2nd Dublin                                                                                                  
Greystones Scouts                                                                                                         




The first batch of photos from our summer camp in

the Gorges du Tarns in France are now available online.

Click here to view them.




The troop has now returned from its summer camp in France.

More details will be posted soon.



Final preparations are now being made for our summer

camp in France next month. We will be meeting at the Scout

Hall in the early hours of the morning on the 4th of August,

and will arrive back on the 13th.




Following recent contact with a group of Explorer

Scouts (ages 14 to 18+) from Bristol, and consultation with

our Sea Ventures, it has been decided to try and twin the

two groups. If all goes well they should be staying here next

summer, with our Sea Ventures travelling the opposite

direction also next summer.




Congratulations to our Sea Scout Leader Darren

who got married 3 weeks ago.




The County Management Meeting is being held in

Greystones Scout Den (opposite the La Touche Hotel)

at 9pm sharp on the 06/June/2006. All leaders are

entitled to attend.




Following the huge success of Splashdown on the May

weekend, we have decided to organise a Splashdown Part 2

camp for this weekend.




The Arklow Scout Group are having an open day today to

show the general public exactly what we do in Beavers,

Cubs, Sea Scouts, and Sea Ventures. For more info click here.




The whole Scout Group marched in the St. Patrick's

Day parade as usual. The Scouts and Ventures who

took part (instead of standing on the Main Street

where we could see them) will be rewarded with

having a camp next weekend. Only Scouts that

marched will be allowed on this camp. This year, we

also entered two floats into the parade showing the

things that we do to the public. One was a sailing boat,

and the other was a tent with several camping items

such as a Trangia, etc.




The Group Awards Night was held tonight

in the Scout Hall. For photos click here.




Trip to the "Great Outdoors" show in the RDS.




The "Bali Hai" was moved to the scout hall.

Photos of this can be seen by clicking here.




The scouts who braved the cold and took part in

the New Year's Day swim were rewarded today with

the chance to do a powerboating course in Dún Laoghaire.




The New Year's Day swim was a great success with

in excess of 30 swimmers taking part. Photos are

available by clicking here. The scouts who braved the

cold to do the swim were rewarded with a day of

powerboating in Dún Laoghaire.




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