Newclay Air Drying Clay - 12.5kg bag, 4.5 kg bag
Newclay Gloss
Newclay Hardener H1
DAS Clay - White and Terracotta 1kg Block and 500g Block
Plasticine Blocks
Balsa Wood - Sheets, strips, blocks, section pieces, assorted sizes.
Range of craft knives including safety retractable knives, Excel scalpels,etc
Fome Board or Kappa Board used in building model houses (3.5mm thickness)
30" x 40" sheet
Papier mache mix (just add water)
Acrylic Paints 60ml pots - range of over 100 colours
PVA Glue
Scatter material - imitation grass, meadow, moorland, road, pathway,
shrubs, etc.
Large selection of mountboard, card, and papers.(see the Board, Card and
Paper section) |
Plaster of Paris casting powder
Ceramofix powder (high quality casting powder)
Eberhard Faber Range of superb casting Moulds
Supercast Range of Figure Moulds including animals, figurines, clowns,Nativity sets, Chess
sets, etc.
Latex Rubber Mould maker
Casting Resin
Acrylic Paints 60ml pots - range of over 100 colours