Abbey Theatre,
fire: 5.
Abrahamson, Elizabeth: 20c.
Actors' Equity trade union: 11.
Ada: 5.
Adams, Abigail: 20c.
Adams, Gerry: 20c.
Adbury Park: 20c.
Afghanistan: 1, 20c.
Africa: 2.
Aggie (at Armthorpe): 21.
Ahern, Bertie: 17.
Alaska: 20a.
Aldermaston: 20a, 20c.
Alexandra College, Dublin: 5.
Alexandra Palace: 13, 23.
Aldwych Theatre: 11, 23.
Algeria: 2, 11.
Ali: 5.
Allende, President: 4.
Allison (Greenham Woman): 20a, 20c.
Almond (at Gateshead): 22.
Ambience (Almost-Free) Theatre: 11, 12a, 23.
Amnesty International: 23.
An Phoblacht/Republican News: 14, 20c.
Anarchy: 11.
Anderson, Jimmy: 11.
Anderson, Lindsay: 11.
Andrew (in Belfast): 14.
Andrews, David: 11.
Angela (Doherty): 12b.
Angry Brigade: 23.
Aniko (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Animal Lib. Front: 20c.
Ann (Ward): 12b.
Anthea: 6.
Anouilh, Jean, Ring Round the Moon: 7.
Ant Action: 20a.
Aosdana: Introduction, 18, 19, 20a.
Apartheid & S. Africa: 5, 20c.
Arab Detainees: 22.
Arden, John (J.A.): Introduction, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12a,
13, 16, 17, 18, 20a, 20b, 20c, 21, 22, 23, Epilogue.
Works: --
Armstrong's Last Goodnight: 6.
Don Quixote adaptation: 7.
Left-Handed Liberty: 11, 23.
Live Like Pigs: 5, 11, Epilogue.
Ned Kelly filmscript: 11, 23.
Serjeant Musgrave's Dance: 7, 8, 11, 13, 23.
Soldier Soldier: 7.
Silence Among The Weapons: 18.
Waters Of Babylon, The: 8, 9, 11.
Wet Fish: 11.
Workhouse Donkey, The: 7, 11.
Arden, Adam, 11, 20a.
Arden, Charles (J.A.'s father): 9, 11.
Arden, Finn: 11, 12a, 17, 20a, 22, 23.
Arden, Gwalchmei Francis: 9, 10, 11.
Arden, Jacob: 3, 11, 12a, 20a.
Arden, Karen (nee Stokes): 2, 23.
Arden, Nancy, nee Layland (J.A.'s mother): 9.
Arden, Neuss: 2, 12a, 20a, 21.
Arden family in general: 9, 23.
Armagh: 2.
Armagh Gaol: 2, 14, 20a.
Armthorpe, Yorkshire: Introduction, 21.
Arrowsmith, Pat: 20a, 20c, 23.
Arts Council (Ireland): 12a, 18, 19.
Arts Council (N. Ireland): 14.
Arts Theatre: 8.
Aronson, Jack: 6.
Ard Feis (Provo. Sinn Fein): 12a.
Arthur (husband of M.D'A's aunt Esther): 5.
Asian Immigrants in UK: 2, 23.
Ascot: 20a.
Assam: 11.
Attlee, Clement: 7.
Aukin, David: 13.
Aula Maxima, Uni. Coll,, Galway: 12a.
Austin, Tom: 8, 11.
Australia: 23.
Austria (& Emperor of): 2.
Avoca School, Blackrock: 3.
Avila: 16.
Aylesbury: 20c.
back to top
Bach: 4.
Bacon, Francis: 8.
Baha'i faith: 12b.
Bailiffs: 20a, 20b.
Baka-el-Garbiya, Israel (clinic for Jews & Arabs): 2.
Ballinasloe Mental Hospital: 12b.
Baptism, 1st Communion, Confirmation & Sacraments in general: 4.
Barker, Howard: 17.
Barleycove, Co. Cork: 3.
Barnes, Monica: 20a.
Barnsley: 8, 9.
Barstow, Stan: 11.
Basel: 20c.
"Bathsheba" (in The Waters of Babylon): 8.
Battersea Arts Centre: 23.
Battersea Community Centre: 23.
Battle of the Bogside: 2.
BBC: 11, 15, 20a, 20b, 21.
BBC Northern Ireland: 20c.
BBC World Service: 20c.
Beaford Arts Centre: 11.
Beauvoir, Simone de, 6. Also, The Second Sex: 5
Beck, Julian: 23.
Bee (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Beer, Clem: 11.
Beer, Valerie: 11.
Behan, Brendan, 6. Also, The Twisting of Another Rope aka The Quare
Fellow: 6.
Behan, Dominic: 6.
Beijing: 23.
Beijing, "Forbidden City": 3.
Beckett, John: 6, 8.
Beckett, Samuel: 6, 8, 11. Also, Murphy (novel): 6; Waiting for Godot:
Belfast: Introduction, 14, 23.
Bell, The: 2, 5, 6.
Benn, Tony: 20a.
Bennett, Louie: 2, 3, 4, 6.
Bentley, Eric, The Playwright as Thinker: 5.
Berit Shalom: 2.
Berk, Lotte: 8.
Berman, Ed: 12a.
Berman's (wigs): 7.
Bernhardt, Sarah: 5.
Bertram Mills Circus: 8.
Beverley: 9, 23.
Bible (quotes): 5.
Billig, Arthur (M.D'A's uncle, died aged 13): 2, 3.
Billig, Barnet (M.D'A's grandfather): 2, 3.
Billig, David (M.D'A's uncle): 2, 3, 5.
Billig, Esther (M.D'A's aunt): 2, 5.
Billig, Hannah (M.D'A's aunt): 2, 3, 5.
Billig, Levi (M.D'A's uncle): 2.
Billig, Millie (M.D'A's grandmother): 2.
Billig, Mina (M.D'A's great-aunt): 2.
Billig, Rebecca (M.D'A's aunt): 2, 3.
Billig, Rossi (wife of David Billig): 5.
Birmingham 6: 20a, 22.
Bi-carbonate: 20b.
Bihar, India: 4.
Billington, Michael: 23.
Birrell, Peter: 11.
Birtwhistle, John: 12a.
Bjornson, Bjornsterne: 6.
"Blackmouth", Robert Shaw as (in Live Like Pigs): 11.
Blairites, jelly-kneed: 23.
Blake, George: 4.
Bloody Sunday etc., 1972: 11.
Blossom Time (film): 4.
Boer War: 9, 20c.
Bogarde, Dirk, & Mai Zetterling, in Point of Departure: 5.
Bolt, Robert: 11.
Bolton: 8.
Bond, Edward & The Bundle: 13.
Boot, Mr.: 13.
Bowles, Peter: 23.
Boy Friend, The (musical): 7.
Boycott, Rosie: 20b.
Bradell, Jocelyn: 8.
Brady, Mary: 5.
Bray, co Wicklow: 5, 6.
Bradley, Alfred: 3, 11.
Bramble, Wilfred (in Steptoe & Son): 7.
Brazil: 23.
Brecht, Berthold 5.
Brennan, Maeve (and family): 3.
Breffny, Brian de, Irish Family Names: 2.
Brent Knoll: 11.
Brenton, Howard: 23.
Brick Lane, London: 2, 21.
Bridget: 6.
Bristol: 11.
Brig, The (play): 11.
Brighton, Pam: 13.
British Film Institute: 11.
Broe, Irene: 6.
Brooks, Jeremy: 13.
Brooks, Louise (in Pandora's Box, film): 6.
Brontes, the: 8.
Brophy, Bridget: 13.
Brown, Ivor: 11.
Brown, Wilmette: Introduction, 20a, 20c, 23.
Browne, Dr Noel: 5, 6.
Bruce Castle Museum: 13.
Buchanan, Mr & Mrs George: 2.
Buggs, John: 20b.
Burge, Stuart: 7, 13.
Burgess, Christopher: 7.
Burgess, Commander: 12a, 13.
Burgess Hill: 8.
Burghfield: 20a, 20c.
Burke, Alfie: 7.
Buskers: 5, 19.
Butler, Hubert: 2.
Byatt, George: 13.
Bylaw litigation, Newbury: 20b, 20c.
Byrne, Gay: 12b.
Byrne, Paula: 5.
to top
"C" (M.D'A's friend):
Cabra Convent, Dublin: 3, 4.
Cable Street, London: 2, 5.
Caine, Michael: 11.
Cambridge University: 2.
Camden Council: 20b, 20c.
Camden Women: 20b.
Campbell, Diana: 6.
Campbell, Ken: 23.
Camus: 11.
Canary Wharf: 17.
Canetti: 8. Also, Auto De Fe (novel): 7.
Capon, Eric: 5.
Cardenal, Fr. Ernesto: 19.
Cardiff: 20c.
Carey, May: 6.
Carey, Denis: 6.
Carol (Greenham Woman): 20a.
Carr, Andy: 13.
Carroll, John: 18.
Carshalton (hospital): 10.
Carter, Esta: 20a.
Cartoon Archetypical Slogan Theatre: 11.
Cassandra (novel): 20c.
Cassin, Barry: 6.
Casson, Christopher: 5.
Castlereagh Interrogation Centre, Belfast: 21.
Carraroe, Connemara, Co Galway: 3.
Castle, Barbara: 23.
Catherine (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Catherine of Siena, Saint: 4.
Catholicism: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 23.
Caute, David (John): 23.
Centre 42: 23.
Chapman, The Revenge of Bussy d'Ambois: 8.
Chatto, Tom: 7.
Chelsea Barracks: 13.
Chelsea Cloisters: 8.
Chenevix, Helen: 2, 6.
Cheryl & Mike (Muswell Hill): 23.
Chichester: 8.
Childbirth: 9.
Chris (Greenham): 20c.
Churchill, Caryl: 13, 23.
Cindy (Drew): 12b.
Citizens' Advice Bureau: 9.
City Limits: 20b.
Civil Service, Irish: 2.
Civil War (Irish): 2, 3
Claire (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Clann na Poblachta: 5.
Clarke, Austin: 6.
Clarke, Tom: 14.
"Cleanmaster" company: 20c.
CND: 20a.
CND AGM: 20b.
CND Executive: 20a.
Cnuas (Arts Council grant): 18, 19.
Cobey, Pat: 12a, 13.
Cohen, Barbara: 20c.
Cohen, Mrs: 3.
Cold War: 2, 11.
Colindale newspaper library: 13.
College of Surgeons, Dublin; 4, 6.
Collins, Paddy: 6.
Collis, Dr Robert: 3,
Committee of 100: 4, 11.
Commoners' Rights: 20c.
Communist Party: 11, 17, 20b, 23.
Conditions of Employment Bill (Ireland): 3.
Connacht Tribune: 11.
Connaughton, Shane: 13.
Connemara: 20c.
Connie (at Gateshead): 22.
Connolly Association: 23.
Convention (N. Ireland): 12a.
Convoy (Cruise Missile): 20c.
Cookham: 20c.
Coogan, Tim Pat: 12a.
Corbett, Mrs: 5.
Corbyn, Jeremy: 23.
Corrandulla, Co. Galway: 2, 3, 11, 12a, 12b, 13, 18.
Corrandulla Arts & Entertainment: 11.
Corrib, Loch, Co Galway (& island): 3, 11.
Coughlan, Dorothea: 5.
Coughlan, Maureen: 5.
Country Shop, Dublin: 3.
Coward, Noel: 5. Also, Private Lives: 7.
Coyle, Marion: 12a.
Cracow, Poland: 4.
Craig, Gordon: 8.
Creag, Barbara: 13.
Creep Shadow Creep (play): 8.
Cregg Castle, Co Galway (& Blake family): 12b.
Cribbens, Bernard (in The Railway Children; Don Quxote): 7.
Croatia: 20c.
Cronin, Anthony: 6, 19.
Crown factory strike: 12a.
Cruise O'Brien, Conor, 12a, 13. Also, The Siege: 2.
Cruise Missiles: 20a, 20b, 20c.
Cruisewatch (& men in it): 20a, 20c.
Cuba: 11, 12a.
Cusack, Ralph: 6.
Custom House, Dublin (destruction of): 2, 3.
Cuthbertson, Iain: 6.
Cypriots (Greek, Turkish) in London: 23.
to top
Dace, Tish: 13.
Dad's Army: 12a.
Dalton, Audrey: 5.
Daly, James: 14.
Daly, Mary, Gyn/Ecology, The Metaethics of Radical Feminism: 20a.
Daly, Miriam: 14, 20a, 20c.
Daniel (at Armthorpe): 21.
Dane, Clemence, Granite: 6.
Dara (Greenham Woman): 20a.
D'Arc, Jeanne: 17.
D'Arcy, Cecil: 6.
D'Arcy, Eddie (M.D'A's uncle): 2, 3.
D'Arcy, Joseph Noel (M.D'A's father): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11.
D'Arcy, Margaretta (works): --
Circus Expose of the New Cultural Church (film): 19.
Pinprick of History, A: 2, 11, 13
Tell Them Everything: 2, 14.
Agitprop etc. (D'Arcy + group authorship): --
Galway's Pirate Women, a Global Trawl: 19.
Hunting of the Mongrel Fox, The: 14.
Improvised Rough Theatre: 2.
In-House Experiences: 23.
Little Red Riding Hood & Granny Welfare: 5.
My Old Man's a Tory: 5.
Mary's Name: 14.
Muggins is a Martyr: 11, 23.
One Hundred Years of Labour History: 23.
Unfulfilled Dream, The (film): 11.
D'Arcy/Arden or Arden/D'Arcy (collaborative works): --
Ars Longa Vita Brevis: 11.
Awkward Corners (incl. "Power to the Sisters", article): 20b.
Ballygombeen Bequest, The: 2, 11, 12a, 13, 23.
Business of Good Government, The: 11.
Happy Haven, The: 11.
Hero Rises Up, The: 11, 23.
Island of the Mighty, The: 8, 11.
Manchester Enthusiasts, The, aka The Ralahine Experiment: 11, 15.
Menace Of Ireland, The: 23.
Non-Stop Connolly Show, The: 2, 4, 11, 12a, 13, 23. Also, Play 4: 12a.
Poisoned Stream, The: 23.
Royal Pardon, The: 11.
State of Shock (filmscript): 15.
Suburban Suicide, A: 21.
Top Deck (filmscript): 11.
Vandaleur's Folly: 2, 11, 13, 14.
Whose Is The Kingdom?: 2, 15, 20a, 20b
D'Arcy, Miriam (aka Marie), nee Billig (M.D'A's mother): 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12a.
D'Arcys (M.D'A's father's family, first names not known): 2.
D'Arcys (aristos, 18th cent): 2.
Death: --
Helen Thomas: 20c.
Mike's wife (Armthorpe): 21.
M.D'A's father: 3
M.D'A's mother: 3.
M.D'A's son Gwalchmei: 10.
Deep Are The Roots (play): 7.
Delaney, Colette: 2, 6.
Delaney, Pauline: 6.
Delors, Jacques: 17.
Demuth, Freddy (son of K. Marx): 17.
Deux Magots, Les: 11.
deValera, Eamon: 3, 5.
Devine, George: 7, 8, 11.
Devizes Court: 20c.
Dewsbury women: 20a.
Dickens, Charles: 2,
Digital (factory): 12a
Dijon: 17.
Dike, Taggart: 13.
Dillon, James: 4.
Dillon, Maeve: 4.
Divorce (Irish attitudes to): 12a.
Dobson, Mrs: 11.
Dodimead, David: 7.
Doherty, Terry: 13.
Dominican Order: 3, 4.
Donna (Greenham Woman): 20a.
Dostoievsky, Crime & Punishment: 4.
Downing Street: 13.
Downpatrick, Co. Down: 4, 11.
Drumm, Maire: 20c.
Dublin: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 23.
Dublin, bars & restaurants (the Bailey, Davy Byrne's, Jammet's,
McDaid's): 5, 6.
Dukes, Ashley, The Man with a Load of Mischief: 6.
Duffy, Maureen: 13.
du Maurier, Trilby: 6.
Duncan, Isidora: 8.
Duncan, Ronald: 11.
Dundy, Elaine: 11.
Duse, Eleanor: 5.
to top
Earls Court: 8.
Easter Rising (1916): 2.
Economic War: 3.
Edgar, David: 13, 23. Also, Destiny: 13.
Edinburgh: 8, 20c.
Edinburgh School of Art: 20c.
Edwards, Hilton: 3, 4, 6.
Edwell, Lynette: 20c.
Egypt: 6.
El Cid (film): 22.
Elizabeth II, Queen: 8, 23.
Ellie (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Emma (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Encore: 11.
"Enemies List" at Yellow Gate: 20c.
English Stage Company: 8.
Envoy: 5, 6.
Erika (Greenham Woman): 20a.
Essex University: 20a.
Esslin, Martin: 11.
European Common Market, aka EEC: 12b, 17, 23.
Evans, Graham: 11.
Extradition Act: 20b.
Eyre Square, Galway: 13.
Ewart Biggs (ambassador): 13.
back to top
Fahy, Brid: 12a.
Fahy eviction: 11.
Fahy, Mrs: 12b
Famine, the Great: 3.
Famine Queen, the (Victoria): 23.
Farrell, Alex: 23.
Farrell, Mairead: 20c.
Feiffer, Jules: 11.
Feminist Theatre, Spanish: 16.
Feydeau, Look After Lulu: 11.
Fianna Fail party: 2, 12a.
FIBUA (Fighting in Built-up Areas) mock village: 20c.
Fine Gael party: 2.
Finland: 20c.
Finnegan, Honor: 20c.
Fitzgerald, Barry (in The Quiet Man): 6.
"Fitzsean, Siobhan" & her father: 4.
Fitzwilliam St., Dublin (flat): 6.
Flame magazine: 20c.
Fleischmann, George: 6.
Flynn, Mrs: 4.
Foco Novo (theatre company): 13.
Foley, Don: 13.
Food Run (Greenham), aka Meals on Wheels, aka the Dinner Ladies: 20a,
Food, vegetarian: 20b.
Forbes-Robertson, Jean: 5.
Forrest Gump (film): 2.
France: Introduction, 17.
Frances (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Franco, Generalissimo: 12a.
Fraser, Ronald: 8.
Fred (at Greenham): 20c.:
Freedom: 11.
Freedom from Unwieldy Bureaucracy: 19.
Freedom of Information: 19.
Freedom of Speech: 14.
Freeman, Hector: 8,
Free Market in USSR: 20c.
"French Pub", the: 8.
Freud, Lucien: 6.
Frier, Michael: 6.
Friel, Brian: 6.
Friends' House, Newbury: 20a, 20c.
Fry, Christopher, The Lady's Not For Burning: 7.
Fuchs, Anneliese (& her father): 5.
Fulham (hospital): 10.
Full Sutton: 11.
Full Sutton Gaol: 22.
to top
Gaitskell, Hugh: 11.
Gallagher, Eddie: 12a.
Galvin, Patrick, Do It For Love: 14.
Galway Arts Festival: 23.
Galway, city & county: 3, 6, 11, 18, Epilogue.
Galway corporation: 12b.
Galway Theatre Workshop: 11, 12a, 14.
Galway Women in Entertainment: 18, 20a.
Gandhi: 11.
Garda Siochana: 1, 3, 5, 6, 11.
Gardner, Ava: 6, 12a.
Garrick, The Seraglio: 8.
"Garry Ard" (house): 3, 5, 6.
Gaskill, William: 11.
Gateshead, Co. Durham: Introduction, 22.
Gate Theatre, Dublin: 3, 5.
Also plays at, Mrs Warren's Profession; The Seagull; The Recruiting
Officer: 5.
Gay Sweatshop theatre conmpany: 23.
GCHQ, Cheltenham: 21.
Gems, Pam: 13.
General Strike, 1926: 21.
Genocide Act: 20c.
George and Margaret (play): 6.
Germany: 20c.
"Gerry Ryan Show" (radio): 12b.
Ghaddafi, Colonel: 20a.
Gibbon, John: 6.
Gibbon, Paul: 20c.
Gielgud, John: 7.
Gifford, Lord: 20c.
Gilbert & Sullivan: 5.
"Gladys" (converted ambulance): 20a, 20c.
Glastonbury: 20c.
Global Resistance: 2.
Global Women's Strike: 23.
Goddess: 20a.
"Gods, The": 5.
Godmother (J.A.'s): 23.
Goertz, Capt. Hermann: 3.
Goldring, Maurice: 17.
Goldsmith, Oliver: 2,
Gompers: 12a.
Gooch, Steve: 13.
Good Friday Agreement (1998): 2, 6.
Goodman Derrick (solicitors): 13.
Gorbachev: 20b, 20c.
Gough, Michael: 7.
Goulding, Cathal: 11.
Graham (at Greenham): 20c.
Graham, Billy: 20c.
Granada TV: 7.
Grandchildren (M.D'A's): 2, 23.
Granny Grogan: 20c.
Graves, Robert, The White Goddess: 8.
Gray, Joe: 20c.
Gray, Lisa: 20c.
Greece: 5, 13.
Greek Writers' Union: 13.
Green Cinema, Dublin (& Kitty's subterfuges): 4.
Greenham Common: 20a.
Greenham Common "Commemorative & Historic Site": 20c.
Greenham Common (Women's Peace Camp): Introduction, 3, 5, 20a, 20b,
20c, 21, 23.
Newsletter: 20c.
Gates: --
Blue: 20a, 20c.
Emerald: 20c.
Green: 20a, 20c.
Jade: 20a.
Indigo: 20a.
Orange: 20a.
Yellow: Introduction, 20a, 20b, 20c.
Greenham, internal politics: 20a, 20b, 20c.
Greenham Missile Base Perimeter Fence taken down: 20c.
Greenham Split, the: 20b.
"Greenham Women Everywhere": 20b, 20c.
Greenville Rd., Blackrock, Dublin: 3.
Griffiths, Mrs: 9.
Grunwick strike: 13.
Guardian, The: 20a.
Gulf War: 22.
Guildford 4: 20a.
Gurkha regiment: 20a
Guy (Bee's partner): 20c.
to top
"Hacking Guide":
Hackney Empire Theatre: 11.
Half Moon theatre: 13, 23.
Hall, Peter: 8.
Halligan, Maureen: 5.
Halliwell, David: 13.
Hamlet (version at Dijon): 17.
Hampstead Garden Suburb: 2,
Hanbury Street, London: 2.
Hares (& Hare House): 20c.
Hare, David: 13.
Hamburg Women's Fair: 20b.
Harold (dancer): 8.
Harold (at Gateshead): 22.
Harringay Irish Association: 23.
Harris, Eoghan: 12a.
Hartley, Isobel: 4.
Hartley, Tom: 14.
Hassan, King: 12a.
Hastings, Michael: 11, 23.
Haughey, Charles J.: 19.
Havel, Vaclav: 14.
Haworth: 8.
Hayman, Joan: 20c.
Hayman, Ronald: 20a.
Hazel (Greenham Woman): 20a, 20c.
H-Blocks (& hunger strike): 14, 15.
H-Block/Armagh prisoners: 21.
Heath, Edward: 11.
Hebrew (language): 2.
Hebrew University, Israel: 2,
Helen: 12a.
Hemingway, The Killers: 5.
Henrietta (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Henrietta St., Dublin: 2.
Henry V (film): 6.
Henry, Paul & Gladys Young: 3.
Henshaw, Michael: 13.
Hepburn, Katherine (in The Millionairess): 7
Herbert, A.P., The Water Gipsies: 5.
Heron, Hilary: 6.
Herrema, Dr.: 12a.
Herrema, Mrs: 12a.
Herzl, Theodor: 2.
Higgins, Aidan: 6, 7. Also, Langrishe Go Down: 6.
Higgins, Jill: 6.
Hinchco, Tamara: 11, 23.
Hipperson, Sarah: Introduction, 20a, 20b, 20c.
Hiroshima: 20c.
Hitler, Adolf: 2, 3, 5.
Hobson, Harold, Theatre; Theatre 2: 5.
Hogan, Des: 12a, 13.
Holden, David: 13.
Holland, Mary: 13.
Holloway Gaol: 20a, 20c, 21, 23.
Holroyd, Stuart: 11.
Homosexuality: 5, 7.
Hone, Evie: 6.
Hooper, David: 20b.
Hope, Peter: 5.
Hopkin, Mary: 23.
Hone, Rosemary (M.D'A's sister): 3, 4, 5.
Hornchurch ( & Repertory Company): 5, 7, 8, 11.
Horovitz, Michael: 2.
Hovenden, Valerie: 5, 8, 23.
Howarth, Bert: 11.
Howarth, Donald: 11.
Howard, Edie: 6.
Howse, Katrina: Introduction, 20a, 20b, 20c, 21.
Hoyland, John: 13.
Hubbard, L. Ron: 20c.
Hull: 8.
Hume, John: 12a.
Hungary: 11.
Husband, Mrs: 11, 22.
Husson, Albert, We're No Angels: 8.
Hutchinson, Jean: Introduction, 20b, 20c.
Huxham, Ken: 6.
Hyndman, Dave: 19.
to top
Ibbs, Ronald: 5.
Ibsen, Hendrik, Hedda Gabler: 5. Little Eyolf: 2.
Illsley, Stanley: 4.
Imber (deserted village): 17, 20c.
Imber church: 17, 20c.
Imison, Richard: 15.
Independent, The (London): 17.
Independent Labour Party (ILP): 20c.
India: 3, 4, 5, 11, 20c, 23.
Indiana: 12a.
Industrial Development Authority: 12b.
Inismaan (Aran Is,): 6.
Intermediate Nuclear Forces agreement (INF): 20b, 20c.
International Anti-Imperialist Conference: 20a.
International Marxist Group: 11.
International Socialists (aka Socialist Workers' Party): 11, 22, 23.
International Tribunal on Britain in Ireland: 13, 23.
International Year of the Peace: 20b.
Internment in Ireland: 11.
Invisible Woman (film): 4.
Ionesco: 8.
IRAs: 2, 3, 6, 11, 12a, 17, 20a, 20c, 23.
Iraq: 1, 22, 23.
Irish Association: 2.
Irish Arts Council: Introduction,
Irish Censorship Board & censorship in general: 3, 4.
Irish Citizen, The: 3,
Irish Congress of Trade Unions: 3, 18.
Irish Constitution: 3.
Irish Dept. of Agriculture: 3.
Irish Dept. of External Affairs: 2.
Irish Dept. of Local Government: 2.
Irish Dept. of the Environment: 2.
Irish Free State (later, Republic): 2.
Irish Housewives' Assoc.: 3.
Irish in London: 23.
Irish Land Commission: 2.
Irish (language): 2.
Irish Post, The: 20a.
Irish Republicanism: 2.
Irish Times, The: 12a, 14, 20b.
Irish Women Workers' Union: 2, 3.
Irish Women Citizens Association: 3.
Irish Women United: 3.
Irving, Henry, Sir: 7, 8.
Isobel (Newbury): 20c.
I Spy a Dark Stranger (film): 6.
Israel: 2, 5, 23.
ITGWU: 12a, 12b.
Itzin, Cathy: 13.
Ivimey, Albert: 12a, 23.
Ivimey, Wilma: 12a, 23.
to top
James (at Greenham): 20c.
James, Selma: Introduction, 20a, 23.
Jane (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Jean (at Armthorpe): 21.
Jellicoe, Ann: 11.
Jenkins, Noel: 13.
Jenny Donkey (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Jenny Silver Moon (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Jeremy Thorpe Trial (play): 23.
Jerry (at Gateshead): 22.
Jerry Springer Show (musical): 23
Jews (in Russia, Austria, England): 2, 5, 9.
Jews (in Ireland): 3, 4.
Joan (Greenham Woman): 20c.
John (at Armthorpe): 21.
Johns, Helen: 20a.
Johnson, Des: 12a.
Johnson, Neville: 6.
Johnson, Rebecca: 20a.
Johnstone, Keith: 11. Also, Brixham Regatta: 11.
Jones, Linda: 20c.
Joyce, James: 4, 18. Also, Dubliners: 2.
Joyce, John: 12a, 13, 23.
Joyce, Tom: 11.
Judy (Dijon): 17.
Junor, Beth: 20a, 20b, 20c.
"Just Books": 14.
to top
Kahn, Hermann: 11.
Karin (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Karpf, Anne, Surviving the Holocaust: 2,
Katherine (at Gateshead): 22.
Katherine Davenport Award: 20c.
Kavanagh, Patrick: 5, 6.
Kaye, Jackie (& Roland): 13.
Keane, J.B.: 6.
Keaney, Johnny: 12a.
Keeler, Christine: 23.
Kellett's shop, Dublin (& Irene Kellett): 3.
Kelly, Seamus: 6.
Kenya: 11.
Kennedy, J.F.: 11.
Kent, Bruce: 20a, 20c.
Keogh, Finola: 20a, 20c.
Kerrigan, Gene: 18.
Kickham, C.J.: 4.
Kilcroney, Co Wicklow: 2, 6.
Killiney, Co Dublin: 3,
Kilmacanoge, Co Wicklow: 3, 5,
Kilroy, Tom: 12a, 13. Also, Talbot's Box: 13.
King's Cross Women's Centre: Introduction, 20a, 20b, 20c,
Loss of grant: 20b.
as Crossroads Women's Centre: 23.
Kinnock, Neil.: 20a, 20c..
Kirkbymoorside (& Festival): 11.
Kissinger, Henry: 11.
Kyteler, Alice, of Kilkenny: 2,
Koestler, Arthur: 2.
Kops, Bernard: 2, 8.
Kops, Erics: 8.
Kosher regulations, etc.: 5.
Khruschev: 11.
to top
Labour Party (British):
20a, 20c, 21, 22.
Labour Party (Irish): 2, 23.
La Leche: 12b.
Lamburn, Maria: 20a.
Lan, David: 13.
Lancashire: 9.
Lancaster University: 21.
Land League & Ladies' Land League (Anna & Fanny Parnell): 3.
Land League, new: 11.
Lane, John: 11.
Laragh, Co Wicklow: 3.
Larkhill Artillery Range: 20c.
Larry (cousin of Jimmy Timmons): 3.
"Late Late Show" (TV programe): 12a.
Laura & Logan (Greenham Woman & child): 20c.
Laurie (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Laverty, Maura, Tolka Row: 6.
Lawcases at Greenham (as at Sept. '88): --
Greenham Common Bylaws case,
Fence Case,
Restoration Case,
Action to Preserve Commoners' Rights,
Imber Village Church Occupation,
Challenge to Upper Heyford Bylaws: 20c.
Law Courts (in the Strand): 20b, 23.
Lawless, Gerry: 13.
Lawson, Wilfred: 11.
Laze, Rosemary: 20c.
League of Nations: 3.
Le Broquy, Louis: 6.
Lee, Ian: 20b.
Lee, J.J., Ireland 1912 -1985, politics & society: 2.
Leeds: 9.
Leigh, Vivien: 11.
Le Creusot: 17.
Legacy of Cain, The (play): 23.
Lemass, Sean: 12a.
Leonard, Hugh: 5
Lesbian women: 20c, 22.
Lessing, Doris: 11.
Lestrange, Vida: 6, 8.
Lever, Nora: 6.
Levy, Ben: 11.
Lewsen, Charles: 11.
Libel, threats and actions: 20b.
Liberty Hall, Dublin: 11.
Libya: 20a.
Liebowitz, Jo: 20c, 23.
Lilienblum, Moshe Leib: 2.
Limavady, Co Derry: 2.
Lin (at Gateshead): 22.
Lipmans, Eddie & Eva: 2,
Lisa (Greenham Woman, from Canada): 20c.
Little Flower Hall, Bray: 5.
Little Red Book & Maoists: 23.
Littlewood, Joan & Theatre Workshop (Stratford East): 7.
Liverpool women: 20a.
Living Art Exhibition: 6.
Living Theatre, The: 11, 23.
Livings, Henry: 11.
Livingstone, Ken; 13, 23.
Liz (at Gateshead): 22.
Lockwood, Margaret: 5.
Loftus, Paddy: 5.
Loftus, Sean Dublin Bay: 5.
Logue, Christopher: 11.
London: Introduction, 2, 9, 11, 21, 23.
London County Council: 11.
London Hospital, Whitechapel: 2.
London School of Economics: 2, 13.
London Theatre, snapshots, mid-20th cent: 5.
Long barrow (dug up): 20c.
Longfellow, Hiawatha: 4.
Longford Players (and Lord & Lady Longford): 5.
Longley, Edna (& English Dept., QUB): 14.
Longley, Michael: 14.
Longueville House, Mallow, Co Cork: 3.
Loose Theatre: Introduction, 1, 23.
Lorca, Garcia: 7, 11.
Loreto Convent, Bray, Wicklow: 5.
Louie (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Lovell, Alan: 11.
Loyalists (N.Ireland): 20c, 23.
Luxemburg Gardens: 17.
Lynch, Jack: 13.
Lynch, Matty: 12a.
Lynn, Vera: 12a.
Lyric Theatre, Belfast: 14.
to top
"M" & daughter
Sarah (at Gateshead): 22.
Maastricht Treaty & Referendum: 17.
McAliskey, Bernadette: 20c.
McAllister, Claire: 6.
Macarthyism: 19.
McAvin, Josie: 5, 6.
MacBride, Maud Gonne: 3.
MacBride, Sean: 5.
McCabe, Leo: 4.
McCafferty, Nell: 12a, 20c.
McCann, Eamon: 13.
McDonald, Di: 20c.
McGrath, John: 11, 23.
McGough, Roger: 11.
McIntyre, Gilbert: 6.
McKinnon, Judge Neill: 13.
McLaughlin, Gerard: 14, 19.
McLoughlin, Bina: 20c.
McLiammoir, Micheal: 3, 4, 6. Also, All For Hecuba; Ill-met by Moonlight:
McLeod, Alison: 11.
MacManus, John: 12a.
MacMaster, Anew: 5.
Macmillan, Harold: 11.
MacMurrough, Dermot: 2.
McNamara, Angela: 12a.
McQuaid, John Charles, Archbishop of Dublin: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11.
MacWeeney, Leslie: 3.
MacWilliam Dr.: 11.
Madrid: Introduction, 16.
Magill: 18.
Malina, Judith: 23.
Malvinas/Falklands: 20a.
Manahan, Anna: 6, 11.
Manchester: 8.
"Mandatus" (legal terminology): 20b.
Manning, John: 3.
Manning, Susan: 3.
Manning, Mary: 3, 6, 12a.
Marabella, Madrid: 16.
Marowitz, Charles: 13.
Martin, Colbert: 5.
Marx, Eleanor: 2, 17, 21.
Marx, Jenny: 17.
Marx, Karl: 2, 17.
Marivaux: 17.
Mary (Coughlan): 12b.
Mary Cecilia, Sister (nun): 4.
Mary Louis, Sister (nun): 4.
Mary Raymond, Mother (nun): 3, 4.
Mary Scholastica, Mother (nun); 3.
Masefield, John: 11.
Mason, Brewster: 7.
Mason, Ronald: 15, 20b, 21.
Mass: 3, 4, 5.
Mathie, Marion (in Rumpole; The Workhouse Donkey): 7.
Matilda (daughter of Eva, Paris): 17.
Mau Mau: 11.
Maureen (at Armthorpe): 21.
Mayes, Elizabeth: 6.
Meacher, Michael: 23.
Meaney, Colm: 13.
Measuring/Valuing unwaged work: 20c.
Medici, Lisa: 20c.
Medicine, mainstream v. alternative: 20b.
Meldon, Maurice, Aisling: 6.
Melford, Jill: 7.
Melford, Jock: 7.
Men on the Blanket (play at Derry Festival): 23.
Mercer, David: 13, 14.
Mercouri, Melina: 18.
Mermaid Theatre: 23.
Merrion Square, Dublin: 19.
Methuen, publishers: 13.
Mia (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Michel (Dijon): 17.
Mickiewicz, Adam: 4.
Middleton & Rowley, The Changeling: 7.
Middleton, Colin: 6.
Mike (at Armthorpe): 21.
Miles, Bernard: 23.
Miles, Glenys: 3,
Militants: 22.
Millar, Ronald, Frieda: 5.
Millington, Mary: 20a, 20c.
Miriam (Greenham Woman): 20a.
Millbank Tower: Epilogue.
Millett, Kate: 3.
Miss Merediths' School, Dublin: 3, 4, 5.
Mistral & Domino (Yellow Gate cats): 20c.
Moby Dick (film): 6.
Molesworth: 20a.
Molesworth rape, the: 20b.
Molloy, M.J., The Paddy Pedlar: 2.
Monika: 6.
Montague, John: 5, 6.
Montague, Lee: 7.
Montague, Lord: 7.
Montmartre: 17.
Moore, George, A Drama in Muslin; Sister Teresa: 4.
Morley, Robert (in The Little Hut): 5.
Morning Star, The: 20b, 22.
Morocco: 2.
Morrison, George, Mise Eire; Saoirse (films): 6.
Morrow, Michael: 6, 7.
Morrow, Bridget: 6.
Monroe, Marilyn: 8.
Moscow Peace Conference: 20a, 20b,
Mosley, Oswald: 2.
Mother and Child Bill (Ireland): 5, 6.
Mother Cat: 5.
Mother Levy's (maternity home): 2.
Motley: 3.
Mountjoy Gaol: 2, 23.
Mount Street Club, Dublin: 5.
Mozart: 4.
Mulcahy, General: 4.
Muldoon, Paul: 14.
Muldoon, Roland: 11.
Mulligan, Eileen: 5.
Murphy, Delia: 6.
Murphy, Eileen: 13.
Murphy, Tom: 17.
Muswell Hill, London: 5, 11, 22, 23.
Muswell Hill Murder: 13.
to top
Naden, David: 11.
Naomi (Greenham Woman): 20c.
National Coal Board: 21.
National Farmers' Union offices: Epilogue.
National Front: 13.
National Fuel Distributor (NFD): 21.
"National Heritage" (i.e. Irish artists): 19.
National Theatre: 13, 23.
National Union of Mineworkers: 11, 21.
National Women's Council of Ireland: 3, 23.
Naxalites: 11.
Neal's (guns): 7.
Nellie (Fahy): 12b.
Nenagh, Tipperary: 3.
Nepal: 20a.
Newell, Sean: 12a.
Newbury: 20a, 20c.
Newbury Court: 20c.
Newbury District Council: 20a, 20c.
Newbury Weekly, The: 20c.
Newcastle upon Tyne: 22.
New Liberty (newspaper): 12b.
Newman House, Dublin: 6.
Newry, Co. Down: 11.
Newsline: 21.
New Life Church: 21.
New Statesman, The: 11, 23.
New York: 7, 11.
Nicaragua: 19, 20c.
Nichols, Peter: 13.
ni Fhatharta, Treasa: 13.
Nixon, Brenda: 21.
NVDA (Non-Violent Direct Action): 20a, 20b, 20c.
No Resting Place (film): 6.
Norman Irish: 2.
North of Ireland: Introduction, 2, 11, 13, 14, 17.
N. Ireland Human Rights Assembly: 20c.
Northern Visions: 19.
Nuns, Benedictine: 20c.
Nuttgens, Patrick: 11.
to top
O'Brien, Edna: 13.
O'Brien, Kate: 4, 13.
O'Casey, Sean: 2, 11. Also, The Drums of Father Ned: 6; Cock-a-Doodle-Dandy:
O'Connor, Anne: 13, 14.
O'Connor, Martin: 17.
O'Connor, Sinead: 17.
O'Donnell, Peadar: 2.
O'Donovan, John: 5.
O'Dwyer, Paul: 12a.
O'Faolain, Sean: 2, 4,6.
O'Flaherty, Liam, The Puritan: 4.
O'Grady, Tim: 13, 15.
O'Keefe, Paul: 14.
O'Mahony, John: 13.
O'Mahony, Nora: 5.
O'Malley bros. (Boston): 12a.
O'Malley, Mary, Once a Catholic: 13.
O'Neill, Dan: 6.
O'Neill, Gerry: 13.
O'Nolan Brian (aka Flann O'Brien, aka Myles na gCopaleen): 2, 6, 17.
O'Reilly, Jo-Jo: 6.
O'Shannon, Grania: 6.
O'Shea, Kathleen: 12b.
O'Shea, Milo: 6.
O'Toole, Peter: 11.
Oakley Street, Chelsea: 8, 23.
Observer, The: 8, 11, 13, 20c, 21.
Odessa: 2.
Olive (Newbury): 20c.
Olivier, Laurence: 7, 8.
Orly airport: 17.
Osborne, John: 11.
Otway, Miss: 6.
Oughterard, Co Galway: 11.
Oval Theatre: 23.
to top
Page, Anthony: 11.
Paisleyites: 6.
Palestine: 2.
Paray-le-Monial: 17.
Paris: 17.
Paris Uprising, 1968: 11.
Parker, Evelyn: 20c.
Patten, Brian: 11.
Peace News: 20b, 20c.
Pearse, Patrick: 3.
Pearson, Susan: 7.
Pembroke Rd., Dublin: 3.
Percival, Jane: 11.
Performance magazine: 23.
Persian Gulf: Introduction, 1.
"Peter Pan": 3, 4.
Petertavy: 11.
Phaedra (TV version): 18.
Phelene (Greenham Woman): 20a.
Philip (J.A.'s cousin): 9.
Philippe & Gwyneth (Dijon & Paris): 17.
Phillips, Leslie: 7.
Phoenix Theatre Club: 7.
Picasso, Pablo, Desire Caught by the Tail: 5.
Pike Theatre, Dublin: 6.
Pimlico, my mother's flat: 7, 8, 9.
Pimm's shop, Dublin: 3.
Pinsker, Leon: 2,
Piper, Anne: 11.
Piper, David: 11.
Pirate Jenny (theatre company): 13.
Pirate Radio: 22.
Plowright, Joan: 7.
Poll Tax: 22.
Pollitt, Geoffrey: 12a.
Pompidou Centre: 17.
Porton Down: 20a.
Pinter, Harold: 2, 11.
PLO: 20a.
Polaris Missile: 20a.
Police (Yorkshire): 11.
Police Bill (Westminster Parlt.): 20a.
Police, Metropolitan (& Special Patrol Group); 20a.
Police, Ministry of Defence (MoD): 20a, 20b, 20c.
Police (personalities):
Sgt. Moorehouse: 20c.
"Old Bull": 20c.
DC Philips: 20c.
DI Townshend: 20c.
No. 1807: 20a.
Pollock, Jackson: 8.
Potter, Cherry: 13.
Pottle, Pat: 4.
Power, Arthur; Doris; & son: 3.
Powerscourt House (Oliver & John, footmen): 4.
Pre-RADA: 5.
Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA): 20a.
Pride & Prejudice (film): 4.
Priestley, J.B.: 8.
Prince and the Showgirl, The (film): 8.
"Princess" (car): 20c.
Pringle, Pat: 6.
Prison experience: 23.
Purdie, Ian: 23.
Pye, Patrick: 6.
Pylon workers, Scots: 20c.
Pyloric Stenosis: 2, 11.
Queen's Speech (Xmas '91):
Queen's University, Belfast (& Festival): 14.
Quinn, John: 13.
Quinn, Michael: 19.
to top
Rabbi (at Gateshead): 22.
"Rachel", Anna Manahan as (in Live Like Pigs): 11.
Racism: 20b.
Radio Pirate-Woman: Introduction, 19, 20a, 20c, 23.
Rahoon, Galway: 12a, 12b.
Ramayana: 4.
Ramblers' Day: 20c.
Ramsay, Peggy: 15, 23.
Randle, Margaret: 5.
Randle, Michael: 4, 5. 11.
Randle, Terry: 11.
Rank, J. Arthur: 7.
Rapoport, Armand (& friend Eva): 17.
Rattigan, Terence: 5, 7 Also, The Deep Blue Sea: 7.
Rea, Charles: 7.
Rea, Stephen: 13, 23.
Read, Piers Paul: 11.
Reading Crown Court: 20c.
Reagan, David: 7.
Reagan, Ronald: 20a, 20c.
Redcliffe Square: 8.
Redgrave, Michael: 11.
Redgrave, Vanessa: Epilogue.
Redgrove, Peter: 11.
Reece, Roland: 13.
Rees, Merlyn: 12a.
Reeves, Geoffrey: 13.
Reid, Nano: 6.
Reveille: 8.
Rice, Elmer, The Adding Machine: 6.
Richardson, Lorna: 20a, 20c.
Richardson, Tony: 11, 23.
RIP for Irish children, graffiti on FIBUA tombstones: 20c.
Rituals: 20a.
Roberts, Rachel: 11.
Rodway, Norman: 6.
Roberts, Judith (M.D'A's sister): 2, 3, 4, 5.
Ronald Ibbs Players
& plays (Blithe Spirit, French Without Tears; Rookery Nook): 5,
"Rosie", M. D'A. as (in Live Like Pigs): 11.
Rosie (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Rosmuc, Co. Galway: 22.
Roundhouse: 23.
Royal Air Force: 20a.
Royal Artillery: 8.
Royal Court Theatre: Introduction, 6, 7, 8, 11, Epilogue.
Royal Green Jackets: 20c.
Royal Shakespeare Co. (RSC): 23.
RTE: 11, 13.
Ruskin College: 20a.
Russia (& Czars of): 2, 5.
Russian/Irish cultural exchanges: 12b.
Russians (in Greenham base): 20c.
Russian woman, on NVDA: 20c.
Ruth (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Ryan (at Armthorpe): 21.
to top
Saddam Hussein: 20a, 22.
Sahara: 12a.
Salisbury: 20c.
Salisbury Plain: 20a, 20c.
Salomon, Esther: 22.
SALT Treaty: 20a.
"Saltley Gates" play: 13.
Sanctuary, the (at Greenham): 20c.
Sanctuary Trustees: 20c.
Sanders, George (in All About Eve): 6.
Sanity: 20c.
Sartre, J-P: 6, 11.
SAS: 12a, 13, 20c.
Scales, Prunella (in Fawlty Towers): 7.
Scapegoat: 20c.
Scargill, Anne: 21.
Scargill, Arthur: 21.
Schedule of addresses and schools in M.D'A's life, 1935 - 50: 3.
Schlacher & Cinema Action: 23.
Scott, Pam: 6, 8.
"Sculptor, the": 6.
Scully, Paddy: 13.
Scylla (dog): 5.
Secombe, Harry: 12a.
See How They Run (play): 7.
Segovia: 16.
Seka, Johnny: 11.
Seneca women's camp (USA): 20a.
"Seven Days" (TV programme): 12a.
7:84 theatre company: 11, 13.
SDLP: 12a.
Serbia: 20c.
Shackleton, Roger: 6.
Shakespeare, Richard II: 5. Othello: 7.
Shankill Road, Belfast: 14.
Shannon Airport: 1, 7.
Shaw, G.B, In Good King Charles's Golden Days; Pygmalion; Saint Joan:
5. Major Barbara: 11, Epilogue.
Shaw, Robert: 11.
Sheehy, Edward: 6.
Sheehy Skeffington, Andree, Skeff, a life of Owen Sheehy Skeffington:
Sheeran, Pat: 12a.
Sheridan, R.B. : 2.
Short, Claire: 22.
Sian (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Silbury Hill (Womb of the Great Mother): 20a, 20c.
Silkin, Jon: 11.
Simpson, Alan: 6.
Simpson, N.F.: 13.
Sinn Fein (Official): 11, 12a.
Sinn Fein (Provisional): 12a, 17, 20c
Sitwell, Edith: 12a.
Sladen, Verena: 5.
Slattery, Ann: 12a
Slocum, Vera: 6.
Sloman, Roger: 13, 23.
Slow Movement, at Greenham eviction: 20c.
Smith, Georgina: Introduction, 20b, 20c.
Smith, Sir Matthew: 8, 23.
Smith, Roger: 11.
Smolenskin, Peretz: 2,
Smullen, Eamon: 12a.
Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin: 5.
Snazzy dressing (Sarah's): 20c.
"Snowball Action": 20a.
Sniffer Dogs: 20b.
Socialist Feminist Conference: 13.
Socialist Labour League (aka Workers' Revolutionary Party): 11, 23.
Society of Irish Playwrights: 5, 11, 18.
Soho: 7.
Solange (Dijon): 17.
Soldiers: 8, 20a, 20b, 20c, 22, 23.
Somerville-Large family: 3.
South Africa House: 20c.
Spain: 16.
Spain, Kitty: 3, 4.
Spare Rib: 20b.
Spencer, Colin: 13.
Spencer, Stanley: 20c.
Spina-Bifida & Anencephaly: 10.
Spivack, Miss Edith: 2, 5.
Spivack, Mrs: 2.
Splodging: 20c.
Spring, Dick: 23.
Spud (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Spycatcher, attempt to suppress: 20a.
St. Denis, Michel: 7.
St Mary's & St Joseph's College, Belfast: 11.
St Paul's Cathedral: 5.
St Stephen's Green, Dublin (flat): 6.
Stacey family (Laragh): 3.
Stagg, Frank: 12a.
Stanislavsky, My Life in the Theatre: 5.
Star, The: 20b.
Starhawk: 2.
Staunton, Mary Ellen: 12a.
Stein, Gertrude, Two Plays for Children: 5.
Steinbeck: 5.
Stevenson, Melford (Judge): 2.
Stoddart, Moira: 5.
Stokes, Margaret (Karen Arden's mother): 23.
Stokes family: 23.
Stop the Cuts: 23.
Stop the (Gulf) War Committee: 22.
Strachan, Geoffrey: 13.
Strasbourg Court: 13.
Strongbow & Eva (marriage): 2.
Strindberg, The Father; The Ghost Sonata; Miss Julie: 5.
Strip-searching: 23.
Stuart, Aimee: 5.
Stuart, Francis, Iseult Stuart, & children: 3.
Students' Union (QWUB): 14.
Sugan pub theatre: 13.
Suicides: 6.
Summer of the Seventeenth Doll (play): 3.
Sun, The: 20b.
Sunday Telegraph, The: 13.
Suzanne (d. of Vivien Leigh): 5.
Suzanne (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Swift, Carolyn, Stage by Stage (memoirs); The Millstone (play): 6.
Swift, Patrick: 6.
Switzerland: 2.
Synge, Deirdre of the Sorrows: 5.6. The Tinker's Wedding: 5, 6.
to top
Tallaght Theatre Group:
Tate Gallery: 5.
Taunton (hospital): 11.
Tavner, Janet: 20a, 20c.
Taylor, Coleridge, Hiawatha (cantata): 4.
Taylor, John: 12a.
Tell Me The News (opera): 23.
Tenants' Association: 12b.
Teresa (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Terry, Ellen: 5.
Thatcher, Margaret: 5, 11, 20a, 23.
Thameside Nuclear Free Group: 20c.
Theatre Upstairs (at Royal Court): 13.
Theatre Writers' Union: Introduction, 13, 23.
"Them Wifies": 22.
Thespian Players, Bray: 5.
Therese of Lisieux, Saint: 4.
Thessalonika: 13.
37 Theatre Club, Dublin: 6.
Thomas Aquinas, Saint: 4.
Thomas, Helen: 20c.
Thomas, Janet: 20c.
Thomas, John: 20c.
Thompson, Claire (M.D'A's sister): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Thompson, Paul: 13.
Thorndike, Sybil: 5.
Thorson, Felix & his mother: 2.
"Tiger-eyes": 5, 6.
Tim & Lin (in Cardiff): 20c.
"Time To Go" conference/exhibition: 20c.
"Time To Go" demo: 20c.
Timex factory strike: 21.
Timmons, Jimmy: 3.
Toal, Maureen: 6.
Todd, Mrs: 20c.
Tolstoy, War & Peace: 4.
Toller, Ernst: 5.
Tom (Warden of Friends' Ho.): 20c.
Tommy (at Armthorpe): 21.
Tories: 13.
Tourist Office, Madrid: 16.
Toynbee Hall: 7.
Trade, Irish, with Germany: 3.
Traynor, Oscar: 2.
Treaty of Nice (& EU in general): 2, 6.
Trevor, William: 6.
Trident Missile: 20b, 20c.
"Trident Ploughshares" (resisters): 20b.
Trinity College, Dublin: 3, 5, 6, 14.
Troops Out of Ireland campaign: 13, 20a, 23.
Trudie (at Armthorpe): 21.
TUC: 13, 21.
Turner, Miss: 9.
Tute, Warren: 11.
Tweedy, Hilda: 3.
Tynan, Kenneth: 11.
to top
"Under-5s" playgroup:
United Irishmen: 2.
United Nations: 23.
UN 4th Women's Conference, 1995: 23.
United States of America: 11, 23.
Unity Theatre, London: 5, 7, 11, 23.
University College, Dublin: 5.
University College, Galway: 11.
Unknown Political Prisoner competition: 6.
Ulster Defence Regiment: 14.
Ulster Museum: 14.
U.S. Air Force (and bases): 8, 11, 20a, 20b, 20c.
USAF flag-lowering at Greenham: 20c.
Ute (Greenham Woman): 20c.
Vassal case: 23.
Van Druten, John, I remember Mama: 5.
Vecchi, Laura: 12a.
Victoria Coach Station: Epilogue.
Vietnam War: 23.
Vienna: 2.
Vivien (at Gateshead): 22.
to top
Waddington, Victor: 6.
Wages for Housework: 20a.
Wajda: 4.
Wakefield Gaol: 12a.
Wales: 8, 20a.
Walford, Peggy: 20c.
Walker, Judith: 20c.
Wanamaker, Sam (in The Power & The Glory): 7.
Ward, Ronald (& Partners): Epilogue.
Ward, Stephen: 7.
War of Independence (Irish): 2, 3.
Waters, John: 3.
Watford, Gwen: 7.
Weapons-of-Mass-Destruction: 23.
Webb, Alan: 11.
Weeks, David: 13.
Welfare State (theatre company): 11.
Welford: 20a.
Welsh language movement: 20c.
Wesker, Arnold: 11, 23.
West Berkshire Council: 20c.
West of Ireland: 6, 7.
Westminster Abbey: 5.
Westminster (parliament): 12a.
Wexford women of '98: 23.
Wheathampstead: 8.
White, Tony: 7.
Whiting, John: 11.
Wicca: 20c.
Wicklow families (Parnells, Bartons, Childerses): 3.
Wicklow, Earl of, his belly-button: 6.
Wilcox, Angela: 14.
Wildeblood, Peter: 7.
Wild Oats (play): 13.
Williams, Tennessee, The Glass Menagerie: 4.
Williams, Emlyn: 7.
Wilson, Colin: 11.
Wilson, Fr. Des: 20c.
Wilson, Harold: 11.
Wilton Place, Dublin: 3,
Windsor: 20a.
Winfield, Joan: 20c.
WINGS (Women's International News-gathering Service): 20c.
Winter, Jane (Liberty): 20c.
Witch, the Greenham: 20a
Witches, Scottish: 20c.
Winter of Disocntent: 13.
Wolfit, Donald: 5.
Woolf, nee Billig (M.D'A's great-aunt): 2.
Woffington, Peg: 2, 5, 8.
Women Against Pit Closures: 21.
Women Count Network: 23.
Women Graduates Assoc. (Irish): 3.
Women in Media & Entertainment (WIME): 23.
Women's Global Peace Conference: 20b.
Women's Lib.: 14.
Women's Sceal Radio: 19, 20a.
Wordsworth, William: 2.
Workers' Revolutionary Party: 22.
Workers' Union of Ireland: 12a.
World War One: 20c.
World War Two: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9.
Wright, David: 6.
Writers Against Reaction: 23.
Writers' Guild: 13.
Wyeman, Dickie: 6.
Wymark, Olwen: 13, 20b.
X (magazine):
Yeats, W.B. (& the Abbey):
Yiddish (language): 2, 5.
Yiddish Theatre (London): 5.
Yoko Ono: 20c.
Yom Kippur: 5.
York Rd. Station, Belfast: 14.
York Trades Council: 22.
Young Mums in Muswell Hill: 23.
Young Vic School: 7.
Zelter, Angie: 20b.
Zionism (incl. Balfour Declaration, Lansdowne proposition, etc): 2,
Zoe (d. of Mary Millington): 20c.
Zog, King: 23.
Zone (play): 14.
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