All children and babies enjoy playing games. Playing games with your child helps them to learn more about their surroundings and the people around them. Simple games can teach your child about different concepts but, most of all games are just simply great fun.

Babies from the age of six-twelve months like to drop things and get you to pick them up again and again. You should play along with this just to humour them. In addition, babies like to be followed by someone who is saying "I'm gonna get you" and they also like to bang things, so often pots, pans, plastic cups and wooden spoons are better than toys.

Some of the most common games which babies of this age like are:


2-How big is baby? So big

3-Ring-a-round-the Rosy

4-One, two, buckle my shoe


All these games should be played with baby and both of you should enjoy the fun!