Baby Matters

Preparing For Pregnancy - Labour and Childbirth

"Childbirth has the potential for being one of the greatest emotional experiences in a womans life and indeed of that of her partners too - an experience so emotional and unique."

Baby Matters helps mothers and their partners to understand the process of pregnancy and birth. The sessions are informative, enlightening and empowering, aiming to give you the facts so that you can, in conjunction with the health professionals involved, make the choices which are best for you and your baby.

Baby Matters introduces you to Lamaze Relaxation and Breathing Techniques which help guide you towards a more positive birthing experience.

Introductory Session

Psychological and emotional changes during pregnancy; Pre-natal care and the importance of looking after yourself; Discusses exercise, smoking, alcohol and sexual relationships and effects of same, on pregnancy and foetus; Minor disorders of early pregnancy and methods of relieving them; The importance of posture and muscle control - especially those of the Pelvic Floor - and how to prevent problems; Bloodtest and Foetal movement awareness.

Introduction to Relaxation Techniques.

Class 1

Minor disorders and methods of relieving them, posture, weight gain, exercise and foetal movement awareness in middle and latter pregnancy; Developing a Birthplan; An introduction to labour and what exactly contractions and labour accomplishes; How best to cope and work with your contractions and how your birthing partner can help; Introduction to Lamaze Breathing Techniques and how they can help you during early and established labour and your birthing partners role in Lamaze.

Practice Session through Relaxation Techniques.

Class 2

Interpreting various signs of Labours approach - getting prepared; False labour and true early labour; Eating and drinking during labour and when to go to hospital; First stage of labour and it's phases; How each phase will affect you and your progress in labour; Ways of getting more comfortable and consuming energy whilst not slowing down your labour; Changing positions which will work with your contractions; Your birthing partners role; Lamaze Techniques - Introduction to Focal Point - Slow Paced Breathing - Effleurage and Coaching.

Practice Session through Relaxation and Slow Paced Breathing

Class 3

Keeping active and coping with pain in labour; Back labours and methods of relief; Using Lamaze during early and established labour; Introduction to all Lamaze Techniques and where and when each technique works best with different stages of your labour - and how your birthing partner works with you; Mother and birthing partners role in a natural birthing experience or until other methods of pain relief 'may' be required; Other methods of pain relief available - including; Heat, Massage, Water, Tens, Entonox, Pethidine and Epidural; Alternative forms of pain relief such as Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Hypnotherapy and Reflexology.

Practice Session through Relaxation and Lamaze Breathing Techniques during and with contractions.

Class 4

The second and third stages of labour; Positions for delivery; Postmaturity and contempory and hospital management of same; Instrumental and Caesarean Section deliveries discussed; Foetal monitoring; Introduction to breathing techniques used during second and third stages of labour; Post-natal care of mother and baby.

Practice Session through Relaxation and Lamaze Techniques through 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages of labour.

Video of Normal Vaginal Delivery and Caesarean Section Delivery.

You can contact Baby Matters at 01 - 6232886 or

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