40th Macaoimh > Recent Activities > Cooking Night 
5th March 2001
Dún Tara (Scout Hall)
On Monday 5th March 2001 we a cooking night in Dún Tara.  This took up our whole meeting and we even ran late !  Extra help was provided by Bobby, Richard and Fr James our Chaplain even helped!

Each clann was using camping gas cookers and had their own utensils.  We made homemade burgers with minced beef, onions, flour and eggs. (Buns and Ketchup were supplied!)

For dessert we made Apple Pie & Custard.  Mini apple pie were supplied, but the custard hand to be made. (lump free !!)

Everybody made and cooked their own burgers and dessert and we had some minerals to wash it all down!  A great night was had by all except the leaders who had to do all the washing up !

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