40th Macaoimh > Recent Events > Cub Camp 2000
Friday Night
We arrived at 7pm on Friday night to find that the Venturers we in the middle of pitching the tents.  As soon as the tents were up all the Macaoimh were alloacted their tents.  There were 2 tents for the Ballinlough Macaoimh and 4 for Carrigaline.

The first activity was the obstical course which everybody had a turn at being timed.  The next game was a treasure hunt for matches.  Over 600 macthes were hidden around Kilcully and the person or team with the most matches would win. 

The final game was a mini-scavenger hunt.  Each team of 3 people were given a match box and they had to fit as many different items as possible into the matchbox, but if the box broke their team was out.

After finishing the game, we got reay for out night hike. 6 different team were sent off with a Leader and a map to follow. Along the way their were 3 stops for challenges to be done before you were allowed to continue.  This took about an hour.

When we arrived back at Kilcully we had our supper (Soup & Sausages) and then we went to bed.  3 hours later most people fell asleep !!


Bar-b-que & Campfire
The Mini Buses were waiting at the station for us and brought us back to Kilcully.  Everybody relaxed for a while or had a turn at the obstical course while Mary lit the Bar-b-que.  We all had burgers and sausage and some of the leaders had waffles as well.

After the bar-b-que we had the campfire.  Everyone had a good time though at this stage we were all very tired and as soon as the campfire was over everyone went to bed and slept !


Click Here for Pictures
Cubs Camp 2000 took place in Kilcully Campsite from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th of May.  Only 2 Macaoimh packs took part this year - 40th Cork Ballinlough and 55th Cork Carrigaline.

Next Year we hope to make the event the highlight of the Cork South East Regions, Macaoimh Calendar !

Aqua Dome
We all rose early on Saturday morning at 8.30am to have our breakfast.  As soon as breakfast was over we got our gear ready for the day.  Then we tidied the tents and boarded the 2 mini buses to bring us to the Train Station.

We first took the Cork Dublin Train as far as Mallow and then waited for the Dublin Tralee train to take us teh rest of the way.  We were only waiting about 10 minutes. We had our lunch on the train and then walked to the Aqua Dome

We had over 2 hours in the AquaDome, Great fun was had on the slide and in the whirl pools.

As soon as we were all out of the pool we left for a restaurant in the Square in Tralee.  We booked the whole place out !

We then went back to the Train Station and boarded the trains which took us directly back to Cork.

Adventure Bases
On Sunday morning we went to Murphys Rock for the Adventure Bases, the first bases was the Blind Trail which had a four foot step at the start of it !  The next bases was the River Crossing base using the ropes, only a few people fell into the river !  The next bases was the climbing through the Spiders Web, which involved everybody getting very mucky!  This was appropiatelly followed by the River Walk base, though the river !

After this everybody went back up to the Campsite to change into dry clothes.  The weather was lovely and sunny.  After lunch we tidied the tents and broke camp and went home.