40th Macaoimh > Recent Activities > Fun Day 2001 
29th September 2001
Mount Melleray Scout Centre
On Saturday 29th September we joined some other macoimh caths in our region and headed on buses to Mount Melleray for the National Fun Day.

The theme for the days was Tír na nÓg and all macoimh entered in the spirit by dressing up in costumes.

During the day we did 8 bases which included, making a fish catcher, celt craft, flour bombs, making chocolate banana buttons, and an obstical course with water.

At the end of the day each macoimh got a special woggle to wear and each macaoimh cath got a pennant for taking part.  (This is on our notice board in the hall).  Alos 16 macaoimh got the Athlete Merit Badge for the tests of the Fianna they did during the day. 

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