40th Macaoimh > Recent Activities > Investiture 2000
 Cork City Gaol, Sundays Well
January 2000

We met outside the gates of the Old City Gaol at 6.45pm on Monday 31st January 2000 and were greeted by Elizabeth (our tour guide) for our private tour of the Gaol.

We began in the Governors Office and followed the route that prisioners would have taken from the time the Gaol was opened in the 1820's

We were taken into the cells and told stories about some of the people that were actually there  nearly 200 years ago!

The conditions were awful and even with the heating on the the West Wing Cell Block it was still fairly cold !

We then saw some more prisoners upstairs and a Ghost! ... well actually it was a hologram, but is was very realistic.

We then saw where the wardens lived and were shown what prisoners used to eat and what work they had to do.

Then we watched a multimedia show of a judge and saw what harsh sentences he used to give out to the prisoners.

After this we had our investiture in the Cell Block where their used to be assembly, 12 new macaoimh were invested and a number of Macaoimh were given their Gold, Silver & Bronze Arrows and Yellow Service Star.

The investiture ceremony was over at 9pm and were were all released from the gaol to go home !

Photos of the even will be available here soon, so keep watching !

For more infromation on the Old Cork City Gaol - CLICK HERE

Click here for pictures of Investiture