40th Macaoimh > Recent Activities > Cooking Night 
4th February 2001
Dún Tara (Scout Hall)
On Sunday 4th February, we took the train to Cobh.  There we were met by by Brian Nolan who brought us accross to Haulbowline on the ferry.

The first stop on our tour was the martello tower which was turned into a museum, we saw the "dungeons" and went out on the roof to ethe cannon.  Next we saw the communication tower.

We then went on board the LE Eithne and had lunch followed by a tour of the ship. We even saw the big guns and the shells they use! Our investitute was held in the helicopter hanger.

Then we were all treated to spins on dingys (very fast ones) and saw the other ships that were in.

It was probably our best investiture trip ever !


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