38th Macaoimh > Recent Activities > Weekend to Melleray
17th-19th November 2000
Mount Melleray, Co. Waterford
On Friday evening, 17th November we left the scout ahll for our weekend to Mount Melleray.  It was a Unit weekend, so the 38th & 40th macaoimh, as well as the scouts and some venturers were present.

On Friday night we went on a night hike down by the Glenshelane River Walk. It was very dark.

On Saturday morning, we hiked upto the cross for our activities and came back via the farm behind the monestary.  We saw fogs and frog spawn everywhere. In the afternoon we did an obstical course, a clue hike, lit a fire and did some backwoods cooking. Then we watched a video until dinner.After dinner we had a brillaint Who Wants to be A Millionaire activity and afterwards a music quiz.  The campfire was cancelled dur to rain.

On Sunday we went to mass and spent the morning at a Fair Day.  Everybody got some mock money and there were loads of stalls setup such as fortune telling, basketball, jousting, strongman, spear throw, coconut shy etc.

Then we had our lunch, packed up and went home.  It was another great weekend !

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