Camp 2000
Camp 2000                                              Camp 1999                                            
This year as you are probably aware from our home page we are going to Kandersteg International Scout Centre in Switzerland as part of the Cork South East Regions "Camp 2000".   The event is takeing place from Saturday 1st to Friday 14th July 2000.    Our most recent Camp was in 1999 to Cappanalea OEC in Co. Kerry.  Cappanalea is situated near Carragh Lake and is about 8 miles outside Killorglan.  This was our troops third camp in this location.

Pictures of Cappanalea - Camp 1999

Click Here for Theme Song for Camp 2000 - Kandersteg  Cappanalea Outdoor Education Centre

The Units participating in Camp 2000 are: Ballinlough,   Blackrock,   Carrigaline, Grange/Frankfield, Mahon & Passage.  The Camp Chief is Kieran Horgan (Macaoimh Leader) from the Blackrock Unit.

Our annual summer camp in 1998 was also to Kandersteg, and this will be some scouts second vist to this great scout centre !

Pictures of Kandersteg - Camp 1998

History Feature                                      
This is a comprehensive list of all the Camps undertaken by the Scout Troops in our Unit since 1963. Initially both the 38th and 40th Troops went on seperate camps however when the two troop were merged only one Camp was undertaken. Group pictures are included where currently available Click Here for the List. 
Kandersteg International Scout Centre

© 2000   38th/40th Cork CSI